Unprovoked provocation...

Feng Lijian took a deep breath.

People who provoke people for no reason almost have their hair cut off by them. Who can I talk to to reason with them?

But the person who caused the trouble was really my sister.

Although Song Kexin was the first to take action, what could he do to Song Kexin?

If his sister hadn't started the trouble first, Song Kexin's team would have quietly gone back to rest.

How could something like this happen?

Feng Lijian took a deep breath, turned around and glared at Feng Jiamin, "Apologise to Miss Song and the others."

Feng Jiamin thought for a moment that she was hearing something, and opened her eyes wide with an expression of disbelief, "Brother, what did you say?"

Make her apologize?

Why should she, Feng Jiamin, apologize?

Is she the one being beaten and having her hair pulled out now?

Xie Ning, her sister, was really ruthless when he started. He didn't give her a chance to breathe at all. He pulled her hair out when he started. I hated her to death.

Now, brother is still asking her to apologize indiscriminately? She apologized.

Feng Lijian was almost mad at his sister.

He keeps causing trouble for him day by day. The little friendship he had with Young Master Gu will soon be shattered bit by bit by this troublemaker sister.

"If you hadn't stopped others from looking for trouble, how could so many things have happened?" Feng Lijian reprimanded, "You still haven't apologized to Miss Song and the others?"

What should I do after apologizing? This sister has no brain at all and can't understand what she said.

"Brother!" Feng Jiamin glared at her brother angrily, "Why should I apologize? They were the first to make a move just now. See for yourself, see, see!"

She smoothly pulled a teammate next to her in front of her brother, pointing to the funny handprints on his teammate's face and her bald scalp, "Look how ruthless they are!"

Her female teammate looked bitter and resentful, and she had long regretted it.

If she had known that the other party was so desperate to fight, she wouldn't have been able to coax him and come forward to ask for trouble.

Feng Lijian glanced at the people from the second women's supernatural team.

Indeed, they all look miserable.

But who can blame it?

It's their fault that they can't recognize the reality of the situation and have to join in to torture!

Feng Jiamin was so angry when she saw that her brother didn't make the decision for them at all. She stamped her feet and said angrily, "Anyway, I'm not wrong about this. If I want to apologize, it's them who apologize to us."

"How have we been beaten by them? And you're still apologizing! There's no reason for this!" Feng Jiamin snorted angrily and turned around to leave.

Song Kexin looked at it expressionlessly, and when everyone was caught off guard, she suddenly rushed forward and kicked Feng Jiamin hard on the butt.

Feng Jiamin, who was not checking for a moment, suddenly fell forward and rushed out a few steps, almost hitting the wall in front of her.

"What are you doing, you crazy woman!!" Feng Jiamin screamed and turned around, piercing Song Kexin's forehead with two long golden thorns.

"Feng Jiamin!" Ji Taixian was furious, and with a wave of his hand, a shaped space blade quickly cut off Feng Jiamin's golden thorn.

The space blade shot through the air with shocking speed.

Before Feng Jiamin could react, she felt her arm being cut severely by something, and a exclamation of "Ah" came out of her mouth.

Everyone turned around and saw a cut on Feng Jiamin's arm, with blood pouring down.

"Jiamin." Feng Lijian became anxious. He rushed to his sister in three steps and then turned to yell at the person behind him, "Treatment? Let the treatment come!"

He turned his head and glared at Ji Taehyun, with a serious face, "Taehyun, are you too cruel now? Why do you, a man, interfere in the disputes between girls?"

"Feng Lijian, are you lame?" Ji Taixian glanced over coldly, "Didn't you see that your sister made the killing move first? She was determined to kill Xinxin, she is so cruel."

Feng Lijian pulled his sister behind him and took a deep breath, "It's all a misunderstanding. You guys grew up with Jiamin. You know Jiamin's temperament, don't you?"

"How could Jia Min harm others? She has always been such an outspoken and cheerful person since she was a child. If she offends someone, she still hopes to forgive her."

"Look at what you said." Ji Taixian smiled and taunted, "It seems that if you don't forgive your sister, it means that we are not as self-restrained as Haihan? What if we have to suffer the loss of Haihan? What if we, Team Spark, don't want Haihan?"

"You!" Feng Lijian took a deep breath again, "My sister did something wrong in this matter. I apologize to everyone in your Spark Team on her behalf."

"In addition, I am willing to pay two hundred second-order crystal cores as a gift of apology. Are you satisfied with this?"

"Not satisfied." Song Kexin simply shook her head, "Why, I have to accept your apology? Your sister rushed up indiscriminately and made my sister angry, but I can't be angry or hit her? What's the logic of your family? Ah. Is this base’s surname Feng?”

Feng Lijian suppressed his emotions and nodded calmly, "Tell me, Miss Song."

"Five hundred! The third-order crystal core, the price is the same. I can reluctantly forgive your sister, and I can guarantee that this matter will not reach my sister's ears today."

"Of course, if you spill the beans, you can't blame us." Song Kexin shook her head and glanced over with a cool look, "How?"

"What the hell, why don't you go right away..." Feng Jiamin didn't even finish her words when Feng Lijian covered her mouth and pushed her behind her.

"I promise you." Feng Lijian nodded coldly, beckoned someone to bring him a small black leather bag, took out a bag of crystal nuclei and handed it over.

Standing next to Song Kexin, Li Xiang and others looked at Song Kexin with admiration... as they received the crystal core bag in their hands.

Oh my god, I just earned five hundred and three-level crystal cores for nothing. She is worthy of being the sister of that black-hearted guy Xie Ning. It’s not like she doesn’t belong to the same family.

Learned, learned! Li Xiang's eyes rolled rapidly, and he exchanged a knowing look with his eldest brother.

Oh my god, they were too kind before...

Sister Xie Ning, like her, will never be merciful when she should be ruthless. Isn't that where the income will come from?

"Are you satisfied?" Feng Lijian glanced at Song Kexin lightly.

"Refreshing." Song Kexin nodded, "Let's go."

"Wait a minute." Feng Lijian's sharp gaze was directed towards Ji Taixian, "I have another question for Taixian. Are you? A space superpower?"

The moves made by space superpowers are weird. I have never heard of space superpowers being able to attack people out of thin air before.

It seemed like I had only seen people from Team Spark do this.

No other space superpower is as powerful as them.

"What's your trick?"

What moves are of course the ones given to him by his sister Ning.

He remembered that Sister Ning had mentioned to him a long time ago that space superpowers could not only store space.

Space superpowers, like mental superpowers, belong to the ranks of special superpowers. Attack methods can be endless.

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