The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 377 Concentrated fire and beating

"Doctor Fang, Doctor Fang, a patient with severe blood loss has just been brought here and needs emergency treatment."

"You go get a blood test and find someone to draw blood."

The white coat turned around and asked Xie Ning, "Do you have an infusion bottle?"

Xie Ning dug out of the space with an expressionless face.

Doctor Fang said the same thing, so she took out the same thing. Small medical instruments needed to be found in the warehouse. After all, she was not familiar with those things.

Soon, the corner of the medical room was filled with things that Xie Ning had taken out.

Boxes of brand new and unassembled medical supplies were a great help to them.

When Gu Chen came to find her, he saw his girlfriend being worshiped by several young nurses like a Buddha. From time to time, someone would come forward and stuff his girlfriend with candies and chocolates.

Gu Chen:......

What did he miss?

"Girlfriend." Gu Chen looked serious, "They said you left the main control room an hour ago. What are you doing here?"

"Xiao Gu." Dr. Fang strode over, took off his mask and smiled at them, "Is this little girl your girlfriend?"

"Uncle Fang." Gu Chen nodded, "My girlfriend Ning Ning."

"You kid, where did you find this treasure?" Dr. Fang patted Gu Chen on the shoulder, "Your little girlfriend has helped us a lot."

"Girlfriend, don't you want to explain?"

Xie Ning glanced at him silently, "I'm a good person."

"Yes, he is a good boy." Dr. Fang nodded with emotion on his face, "We are too busy here today. I will meet you for dinner and chat another day."

"Okay Uncle Fang." Gu Chen took his girlfriend's hand and said, "Then we'll leave first. The front line is a little tight."

"Ning Ning, come and play when you have time." Several young nurses came over and shook hands with Xie Ning, completely ignoring Gu Chen next to them.

Gu Chen:......

After pulling his girlfriend out of the medical room, Gu Chen glanced sideways at her and sighed, "I can't help but look at her for a second."

Xie Ning blinked and said, "It didn't help much either. I had previously searched for a wave of medical supplies at the oasis base, and I just used them now."

"I helped them for my boyfriend's sake," she added.

Gu Chen laughed so hard that he reached out and put his arm around her waist.

What should I do if my girlfriend is a tsundere? She always refuses to admit that she has good intentions.

"You just said that on the front line..."

"The ice-type mutated zombie I've been staring at has moved strangely."

"Go over and have a look."

The two of them rushed towards the west city wall.

The moment Xie Ning appeared on the tower, everyone couldn't help but feel refreshed.

It felt as if I saw a spiritual leader appear, and all the fatigue in my body suddenly disappeared.

"Thank you, captain, for saving my sister this morning." Someone came over and shook her hand cordially.

Some people even squeezed over to greet her one after another, "Thank you, Captain."

"Thank you, Captain, have you rested?"

Xie Ning felt confused, looked at everyone silently, and nodded with a sullen face.

They don't seem to be that familiar with each other. How come these people see her as if they are a relative...

"When did I save his sister in the morning?" Xie Ning asked Gu Chen in a low voice after walking through the crowd.

Gu Chen almost died from laughter from his little girlfriend. He couldn't help but look at her and said, "Someone fell from the building this morning. Didn't you drag him up?"

Xie Ning has long forgotten...

Hearing this, he nodded, "That's right."

Gu Chen couldn't stop laughing and poked her hand, "Ning Ning, you are now the idol of Gyeonggi Province."

"All superpowers admire you."

"What you admire or not, it's just a strong mentality." Xie Ning curled her lips and positioned herself quite accurately.

"If another strong person emerges tomorrow, I will be reduced to what they call a pitiful person because I am outcompeted."

Gu Chen was stunned.

It feels like my girlfriend is always sober when it comes to things.

The only thing that is not sober is probably becoming his girlfriend...

Thinking about this, I shuddered secretly and decided in my heart that I must treat my girlfriend better so that she can't fly.

Bah, I like him very much.

The two of them quickly walked up to the west wall.

Xie Ning took a look from afar and saw that the densely packed zombies under the city tower seemed to have diminished a little.

But this could also be her imagination.

Someone with supernatural powers climbed up the city wall and looked outside with a telescope.

Li Xiang was surrounded by people and walked over, head held high like a peacock.

"Look where that damn thing is?"

Li Xiang glanced at Xie Ning, his eyes and eyebrows twitched, and he suddenly ran to her side in three steps and two steps, "Xie Ning, I have some first-hand information to sell you, do you want it?"


Mori Jing is sick! I want you to see where the ice zombies are hiding. When you come up, you can find Captain Xie to sell information.

Xie Ning glanced at her, "Where are the ice zombies?"

Li Xiang curled his lips, "If you don't buy my news, you will suffer a big loss if I tell you. You will definitely regret it in the future!"

Zhai Ruobai urged unhappily, "Hurry up, what are you doing? Look, where are the ice zombies?"

Li Xiang walked up to a high place and took a look, and suddenly his expression changed, "There, it's approaching the city wall. Let the people in the second team pay attention, it's about to pass."

Everyone turned their heads and saw a thin zombie approaching the edge of the city wall.

Several fire power users on duty in the second team heard the roar and hurriedly threw fireballs in the same direction.

But it's too late.

The thin zombie waved his claws, and an icicle exploded in the crowd.

Several psychics were stabbed by ice picks on the spot and fell to the ground.

"Oh my god, how could it..."

Everyone's eyes widened in surprise and they looked over in disbelief.

How did this zombie climb up the tower? Someone was obviously watching it all the time.

"It's an ice ladder!"

"Damn it made an ice ladder!"

Several ice ladders are hidden under the city wall, making them very hidden, and they go all the way up the city wall.

The ice ladder is almost pure white and colorless, and is very well hidden, so no one noticed it for a while.

Xie Ning waved her hand and a golden thorn landed on the ice zombie with a thunder flash.

The two of them rushed over quickly, one behind the other.

"Evacuate the crowd." Gu Chen said with a cold face.

"Fire and earth superpowers gather fire!" Xie Ning ran to the ice mutant zombie as she spoke.

She didn't kick it off the wall, but instead smiled at it.

"With the help of your zombie crystal core, my mother should be able to reach level five soon."

The ice zombie howled and swung several ice picks at her.

Soon enough, Xie Ning raised her hand to form a golden shield to block the oncoming ice cone.

After a group of superpowers evacuated by the city wall, only a dozen fire-types were left standing behind Xie Ning, while simultaneously sending out clusters of flames towards the opposite side.

"Since you're here, stay." Xie Ning suddenly waved a chain.

Everyone saw the sixth-level gold-type boss, twisting the metal into a chain with a wave of his hand, and wrapped it around the left arm of the ice-type zombie.

"Hit!" Lu Wei ordered.

The supernatural energy in everyone's hands hit the ice zombies' heads like it was free of charge.

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