The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 381 This is a poison!

Feng Lijian was terrified.

He has known Gu Chen for many years, and he knows Gu Chen's temperament better than his sister.

Even though this kid is in a group of old men and old ladies, he seems to be like a duck in water, but he is actually quite cold-tempered.

It was the first time that he saw him being so interested in a girl. Feng Lijian felt that something was not right about today's situation.

In Gu Chen's words, his status has been reduced from a brother to an ordinary colleague. If he continues to talk about it, he feels that the status of an ordinary colleague may be difficult to maintain...

This girl is so successful that she fails more than she succeeds. I don’t know what to say!

"Brother Chen, Jiamin is ignorant and didn't mean to offend Miss Xie." Feng Lijian could only apologize again for taking the blame for his sister.

However, Feng Jiamin couldn't accept his elder brother's apology again at all, and looked at him with wide eyes, "Apologise. What did I say wrong? Brother Chen, I'm afraid he was poisoned, right? Yes, he must have been poisoned, otherwise why would his whole body be like this?" Completely changed... Uh-huh!"

Before Feng Jiamin could finish speaking, Feng Lijian covered her mouth and dragged her out.

"Brother, I'll take her out first. Later I'll arrange for people to take turns guarding the city wall." Feng Lijian spoke carefully, paying attention to Gu Chen's dark expression from time to time.

"Hey, don't run away, let her speak clearly? What kind of poison did she get? Just let her continue." Xie Ning stepped forward and followed towards the door, with a face full of banter, "Miss Feng, do you want to check your ID card?" ?Eighteen generations of my ancestors are Han. What does this have to do with Miao Gu magic?"

Feng Lijian had a fake smile on his face, "Ms. Xie was joking. My sister just said something in anger. I hope you can forgive me for saying something in anger."

Xie Ning sneered, "Feng Jiamin, don't you want to challenge me? I accept."

Feng Lijian panicked and his pupils suddenly shrank, "No, no, Captain Xie, are you kidding me? My sister is only at the third level..."

"I'm going to level four soon!" Feng Jiamin forcefully opened Feng Lijian's hand and exhaled, "Okay, let's go to the training room to practice now!"

Feng Jiamin was determined after eating the weight, and she had to try Xie Ning to swallow the sigh in her heart.

"Jiamin!" Feng Lijian pinched her arm angrily, "What are you kidding about? I am a sixth-level gold-type person, but you are only a third-level one."

"I'm almost at level four!"

"So what about the fourth level? The fourth level is still two different levels!" Feng Lijian hated Tie Buchengang and dragged his sister, "Are you born with a lack of beatings or are you itchy? You have to get a good beating to stop??"

The fourth level versus the sixth level is just like playing!

Xie Ning is resentful towards his sister now, and it will definitely be nothing serious when he starts to act.

If this continues, his sister will be disabled or even dead!

"Brother, can you have some confidence in me?" Feng Jiamin angrily waved away Feng Lijian's hand.

"Am I weak?"

"I've been practicing since I was a kid!" Feng Jiamin glanced at Xie Ning, raised her eyebrows and snorted, "So what if you have strong powers? The teachers at the academy have taught us how to jump to higher levels and challenge, can't I try it?"

Feng Lijian laughed angrily.

"Your college teachers are only at level three and level four. Have they ever challenged level six?"

That makes no sense!

Are the teachers at the School of Superpowers so cheating?

"So what if I haven't challenged before!" Feng Jiamin was full of confidence, "Am I not the first person to cross the level to challenge? As long as I succeed, I believe..."

"Stop dreaming about Spring and Autumn Big Head!" Feng Lijian poured a basin of cold water down and turned his sister around. "You come with me and leave now!"

"Brother, I don't want you to meddle in my affairs!" Feng Jiamin slammed Feng Lijian's hand away, turned to look at Xie Ning, with a condescending look on her face, "Let's go! Go to the training room!"

Xie Ning looked at the two brothers and sisters with an expressionless face as they continued to fight, and said impatiently, "Have you finished fighting? If you don't want to fight, go back to sleep."

"Fight, why don't you fight?" Feng Jiamin folded her arms and nodded her chin toward the stairs, "Don't back down before the battle."

"You are quite confident." Xie Ning smiled faintly, "It's not just a training room, it's right here! Dad will beat you until you kneel down and beg for mercy!"

As soon as she finished speaking, people rushed to Feng Jiamin.

This speed scared Feng Lijian so much that he subconsciously took a small step back.

Xie Ning had already stepped forward, and the long metal thorn passed through Feng Jiamin's ear.

It almost pierced her ear.

Although she was leaning in the wrong direction, Feng Jiamin felt a twinge in her ear.

She raised her hand and touched it, and there was blood all over her ear.

"You attacked again!!!" Feng Jiamin was furious.

This Xie Ning is definitely sick. He suddenly attacks people even though he is talking. He has no moral ethics at all!

Xie Ning turned around and threw out dozens of golden needles, stepped forward, and turned her fingers into ten golden needles, pricking Feng Jiamin's neck directly.

Feng Jiamin was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat. While stumbling back, she quickly used her metal shield to resist the opponent's heavy blows.

"Boom!" The metal shield was shattered by Xie Ning in minutes.

That is, Feng Jiamin could only unconsciously condense the metal shield, one after another, while retreating step by step, using the shield to resist the opponent's claws, stabs, and beatings!

The onlookers all ran out and crowded on both sides of the corridor to watch with dazzled eyes.

They just felt that Captain Xie moved too fast.

Often in just the blink of an eye, she would bully Feng Jiamin. Feng Jiamin had no way to retreat. The last metal shield in her hand was instantly broken into two pieces under the opponent's claws.


Feng Jiamin was anxious and angry, feeling that Xie Ning was just playing a trick on her!

So, is there really a huge gap between level 4 and level 6 that is insurmountable?

Damn it, damn it!

Feng Lijian kept shouting from the side, "Thank you, captain, for showing mercy. Thank you, captain, for showing mercy. Thank you, captain!"

"Stop shouting." Lu Wei couldn't bear to look at him, "If Ning Ning wants to kill your sister, just make the first move."

Feng Lijian shut up, the corners of his mouth drooped, and he couldn't tell what his emotion was.

But I guess I wasn't in a good mood.

It's really enough to have such a trouble-making sister in the stall, like the captain of the fire brigade, following behind all day long to wipe my butt and beg grandpa and grandma to apologize.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Xie Ning used her claws to bend the metal knife that Feng Jiamin had struck. She glanced at the pale opponent and raised her eyebrows, "You have no energy?"

what happened? Her supernatural energy barely moved at all, so the other party had no energy?

Isn't this the same as PKing with someone in the game, if you can't beat three moves, the opponent will have no mana?

What else is there to fight for?


Xie Ning punched Feng Jiamin in the face, "Are you convinced? Call daddy!"

Everyone twitched their lips.

Just when Feng Lijian was about to beg for mercy, Feng Jiamin's foot slipped...

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