Zhai Ruobai couldn't help but sneer, "You have seen Ning Ning's battle video, so you can't wait."

Want to know.

Xie Ning's battle on the city tower was already making waves in the base. It was impossible for these people from Country A not to be able to get the video.

"Sixth-level superpowers have fought twice, don't you need to rest?" Gu Chen smiled slowly, but the look he looked at Li Weide was very cold.

These idiots actually want to trick his girlfriend into going to country A to join the Global Academy for Superpowers.

Absolutely hilarious!

"Besides, the Global Academy of Superpowers Country C Branch has made it clear that it welcomes Ning Ning to join."

"Of course, Ningning herself doesn't know about this yet. We will find an appropriate time to tell her."

Li Weide smiled kindly and stretched out a finger to shake, "NONO, don't you think this is a bit unhuman? In this way, I can tell you another piece of news."

"In addition to our people from Country A Branch, now people from Country R Branch and Country Y Branch also want to come to your Gyeonggi base to have a face-to-face interview with the sixth-level superpower."

Speaking of poaching so bluntly, Li Weide is really not afraid of embarrassment.

Gu Chen looked back at him with a smile, "Mr. Li Weide, you should be single!"


A muscular foreign man next to him became angry and cursed in C Mandarin, which was even worse than his beard, "Are you calling Mr. Li Weide a dog?"

"No, no." Li Weide hurriedly stood up to comfort the stunned young man, and smiled awkwardly but politely, "When people in C country say they are single, they are mostly teasing, not scolding me."

Gu Chen's face was expressionless, "Singles are scolding people, and I am indeed scolding you."


Zhai Ruobai swallowed back his laughter, slapped his hand on the conference table, and choked, "Mr. Li Weide probably doesn't know yet, but the sixth-level superpower you are about to contact is my brother's wife!"

"Do you understand your daughter-in-law? Do you people from country A have a daughter-in-law?"

It's like you have a wife!

Lu Wei was speechless and secretly raised his forehead.

He was really impressed by these old men. It was obviously a normal meeting conversation, but why did it end up talking about a single man and his wife...

"How about it?"

"What's going on?" Bearded Mandarin couldn't understand the profound C Mandarin at all, "What is adsorption?"

He turned to ask Mr. Li Weide.

Li Weide was speechless, "The daughter-in-law that people in country C refer to means wife, your wife."

"Oh! Wife." The bearded man opened his mouth wide with a look of surprise on his face, "The sixth-level superpower is Captain Gu's wife??"

So how to do this?

How can we open up the corner and poach people to our own branch?

Lu Wei took a breath and tried to change the weird topic, "That's right, Mr. Li Weide, you can see everything we are going through now."

"There is an overwhelming wave of zombies outside. Coupled with the sudden change in the weather, our entire Gyeonggi base is now surrounded by sand and dust."

"It is very likely that we will arrange for the survivors of the base to move to the underground passage in the next few days."

"So can you please at least not cause any trouble for us at this time?"

Lu Wei's words were polite and his tone was very gentle. Compared with Erbai's classmate who was messing around, he was many times better at speaking.

Zhai Ruobai nodded frequently. When Lu Wei said something, he would get it right. Afterwards, he didn't even remember how many correct words he said...

"Although saying this is likely to irritate everyone, there is something I feel uncomfortable saying." Li Weide smiled and faced everyone, "Don't you have confidence in the Gyeonggi base?"

"Especially Captain Gu, I'm afraid you have no confidence in your own masculine charm!"

Gu Chen stared at Li Weide in front of him expressionlessly.

If there was a wine bottle at hand, Zhai Ruobai might have slapped it on Li Weide's head...

"What are you talking about, old man!" Classmate Zhai Ruobai was angry, "You actually said that my brother is not good?"


Lu Wei adjusted his glasses and pushed classmate Zhai Ruobai down on the stool!

Li Weide himself really wanted to ask Zhai Ruobai, where did you hear the word "no" from his sentence!

"The base said before that it would allow us to communicate face-to-face with sixth-level superpowers."

"Then he regretted it."

"Now they don't even let us see each other!"

Li Weide stared at Gu Chen, "If Mr. Gu had no confidence in himself, how could he be like this? He is hiding his wife and refuses to show it to us?"

"Brother, can I beat up this old man?" Zhai Ruobai didn't want to talk to the old man anymore, he wanted to beat him up!

Lu Wei held his forehead and pressed him down again with one hand, "Brother."

Gu Chen stood up and grabbed Li Weide by the collar.

Lu Wei's whole body is about to explode!

What kind of evil has he done? He has to comfort his teammates all day long and stop teammates who might go berserk at any time.


"Let me tell you this, sir, you'd better put away those messy thoughts in your heart and don't even think about poaching."

Gu Chen smiled slightly and shook his finger at the old man, "If you dare to fool my Ningning, you must be prepared to die."

"How do you want to die? Roast by electrocution or hang by freezing? Or do you want to do it all?"

This conversation is impossible to have!

Li Weide's face changed color for the first time after they entered the conference room!

"You are committing an act of robbery!" Luo Hu shouted, and Gu Chen and Lu Wei frowned upon hearing their poor Chinese.

"What the hell is a bandit?" Zhai Ruobai didn't understand.

"Robber." Lu Wei rolled his eyes, "Shut up and don't talk from now on."

Erbai is the kind of person who can lead the entire building astray as soon as he opens his mouth.

Talk about peace talks. Within ten minutes of the peace talks, Captain Gu personally took action...

Lu Wei had no choice but to step forward and tug Gu Chen's arm, "Captain, calm down."

"Yes, Captain Gu, calm down." The muscular man also shouted, "You are making it difficult for us to do this! We will report this matter to the superiors and ask your secretary-general to come see us!"

"I promised that I would make arrangements, but now I suddenly stopped seeing you! Why?"

"We will ask the Global Academies of Superpowers to lodge a serious protest with you, Country C!"

Lu Wei slapped the wide-eyed muscular man on the head, "Protest, uncle, what are you protesting for? Do you have the right to protest?"

"What the hell are you? Just stay calm in Gyeonggi Province. You will make trouble by being verbose and annoying me to death!"

Gu Chen and Zhai Ruobai looked at each other and hurried forward to catch Lu Wei who was running wild and beating people.


Isn’t Lu Wei known as the calm master? He was the first one to hit someone!

Don't wait for me in the middle of the night. I mostly need to revise the manuscript...

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