The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 385 She is actually a third element!

Seeing Lao Chen glaring at him again, Gu Chen curled his lips unhappily, "I'll mention it to my girlfriend later and see what she means."

If you want to see your girlfriend, you can meet her. If you don't want to, let them all get out of Gyeonggi.

Secretary-General Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "Hey, that's how it should be. You can't be more jealous and scold Mr. Li Weide and others from the Academy of Superpowers in front of Miss Xie. Do things more reliably!"

Gu Chen hummed as a reply, but he was already walking out of the office.

"I'm busy. I need to find someone to arrange the transfer of the underground shelter."

"Go." Secretary-General Chen shook his head helplessly, with a smile on his face.

Lu Wei saluted the Secretary-General and hurried out.

Zhai Ruobai saw the two people coming out and hurriedly stepped forward to greet them, "How is it? Did the old man scold you two?"

"Why are you scolding? Xiao Lu didn't do anything wrong." Gu Chen snorted, "It's all about trivial things all day long. How can I have the time to care about these things."

"I knew it would be bad if those grandsons from the Global Academy of Superpowers came over." Zhai Ruobai said angrily.

"Captain, the wind and sand outside seem to be getting bigger and bigger."

Xie Ning was awakened by the sound of birds flapping around three o'clock in the morning. She got up and ran out to take a look. The laser shield above had been closed.

Many people wearing protective armor stood in front of the steps, shooting at the flocks of birds that kept flying down.

"We have to find that psychic mutant bird."

Otherwise, this wave of attacks will inevitably be endless.

"Ning Ning, are you up so early?" Lu Wei was directing everyone to deal with the birds. When he heard the sound, he turned his head and walked quickly towards her.

"Well, I got up when I heard the sound." Xie Ning nodded, "Have you seen Kress?"

"The child insisted on taking a rest until the early hours of the morning. He should still be recovering now."

"How many psychic powers are there in our base?"

These data were all compiled when they first entered the base, so Lu Wei and others should be aware of them.

"The spiritual system is very rare. Not counting the kid Kress, there are only about eight or nine."

"Can you summon them all?"

"This should be no problem." Lu Wei nodded, "Are you going to gather them here to deal with the mutated birds?"

"Well, if my estimate is correct, as long as we can find the mutated mental bird before dawn, we should be able to drive them away."

"The protective shield still needs to be charged for another hour." Lu Wei couldn't help but smile bitterly, "In the meantime, we can only use human power to kill these birds."

Although there are effects, these mutated birds are known for their speed. They can dodge and move extremely quickly and can often avoid bullet attacks time and time again.

So it was very tiring for the people below to shoot.

Coupled with the fact that you have to shoot with your neck raised for a long time, you will feel psychologically anxious and in a very bad mood.

Xie Ning glanced at him and said, "Call the spiritual department over and go to rest later. I'm here to watch."

Look at Xiao Lu's pair of panda eyes. The glasses can barely hide the haggard look on his face.

It is estimated that this guy has not rested for more than thirty hours.

Xie Ning raised her head and looked at the flock of scurrying birds. They were once again forced high into the sky by the sound of bullets and failed to rush into the base as they wished.

Occasionally, a few swooped down through the air and were killed by long-range attack power users.

The situation can be controlled for the time being, but fighting like this requires the shooters and superpowers to be highly concentrated, which requires a lot of physical and superpower consumption.

Everyone couldn't hold on for long, so they could only take turns to fill their positions in order to withstand this wave of impact before the laser shield was rebuilt.

People with mental powers lined up in front of Xie Ning, some of them were still sleepy and confused about the situation.

Xie's gaze swept over them, but Kress was not among them.

There are only ten people with psychic abilities including her.

"We have a very difficult task now. Can you cooperate with me to complete it?"

When the few who were asleep opened their eyes and saw Xie Ning, their whole bodies were agitated, and their sleepiness suddenly disappeared.

"Yes!" Several spiritual power users in the front row roared with excitement.

Xie Ning nodded slightly and said, "Those who are spiritual at level 3 or above, stand forward and follow me closely."

"Our current task is to find an unusual bird. As a spiritual species, we will have a strange resonance with species that are also spiritual species."

"This is what is called the impact resonance of the spiritual world."

"I will build a spiritual network when I go up. What I need you to do is to help me and keep an eye on this network. No matter where there is a slight fluctuation, alert me as soon as possible."

The nearest psychic psychic to Xie Ning was a member of the base's psychic team. Hearing the voice, he couldn't help but weakly said, "Miss Xie, what do you...mean? Are you a spiritual psychic?"

Oh my God, is it so exaggerated? Miss Xie is not only a sixth-level gold master, but she is even a spiritual power user?

No, wait, it is said that Miss Xie is also a space superpower.

Three series?

Everyone looked at each other, looking at each other, and they were all speechless.

"Come on, come up with me!" Xie Ning threw out several space blades, as if building a ladder with bare hands in the void of the night, and led everyone up into the air.

All of you spiritual power users have already seen this scene during yesterday's battle.

At that time, Miss Xie led a group of fire and wood power users and flew to the center of the battlefield out of thin air to deal with the huge mutant plant.

And now, they can follow Ms. Xie and climb the transparent ladder step by step.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited, but I was really panicking if I was panicked.

Because they couldn't see the steps at their feet, several people couldn't help but grab the sleeves of the front row and didn't dare to look down at all.

"Now I am going to build a mental network. You try to concentrate your mental power and move it in my direction. Can you do it?"

Several mental superpower users were excited and worried, nodding their heads frequently and saying, "Yes."

Miss Xie is teaching them how to use their mental power better, right?

Miss Xie is such a selfless person. No wonder she was able to teach live on the tower last time, teaching those dull space power users.

It was also the first time for Xie Ning to use such a difficult spiritual skill, which required a lot of superpowers.

She was also worried that she would be unable to survive, so she called on so many people to help support her.

The level of her spiritual abilities has always been much worse than that of the metal space abilities, and the growth is very slow.

Even for her, the spiritual system is only at the fourth level, which is not as high as Kress.

Xie Ning didn't want to fight an uncertain battle, so she asked Lu Wei to call all the spiritual power users to fight together early in the morning.

In this way, all spiritual superpowers can communicate with each other and promote growth.

The psychic powers of the first team nodded firmly at her, "Miss Xie, please feel free to go to the ground boldly. We will protect you to the death!"

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