The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 387 A pitiful little one

This is the power of a sixth-level gold-type boss. He can destroy galaxies with just a wave of his hand. It’s simply awesome!

In the sky above, chaotic flocks of birds were flying in bursts of electricity, their feathers falling down like falling snow.

Xie Ning grabbed one end of the chain and pulled it down hard.

A squawking bird flew randomly among the birds, going up and down and refusing to come down.

"Come over and chat, friends." Xie Ning put a little more energy into her hands, still with a smile on her face, "Come down and chat."

"I'm sorry." Xie Ning glanced at her boyfriend standing next to her.

Gu Chen understood, and raised his hand, several thunder flashes flew out, hitting the unlucky mutant bird hard.

"Chi la chi la" several times, everyone looked at the bird surrounded by lightning and thunder, but it itself was unharmed.

"Wow, this bird is really amazing!"

"He is a god. He can also use his mental power to block it." Xie Ning narrowed her eyes and grabbed the chain and dragged it down. "Come down, my friend, I promise to give you a simple and clear way to die!"

"No steaming, no braising, and no deep-frying!" Xie Ning said the word "fried" and suddenly exerted force on her hands.

The chains clattered in mid-air, and the bird's wings flapped and hit hard.

With such an operation, the poor little ones around it were miserable. They howled and were knocked to the ground by their boss, and they all became the target of beatings by everyone in the base.

"You are very strong." Xie Ning smiled and raised her head, and with a strong force on her wrist, the chain gained a little more weight.

"This thing seems to be able to protect against lightning??" Gu Chen was shocked.

This was the first time he saw a creature immune to lightning.

"It's not lightning protection, it's..." Xie Ning pulled the chain and circled it around the burly man Wang Binwu a few times, "It's a psychic bird with psychic powers. It used its mental power to block your attacks!"

"So powerful!" Wang Bingwu followed Xie Ning and dragged hard.

The chain in Xie Ning's hand spread and stretched, and the lengthened chain allowed other team members to pull it together.

"More than powerful." A glint appeared in Xie Ning's eyes, "He is also very... intelligent! He can use his spiritual power to increase the growth... of every part of his body."

"Does mental power still have such a function?"

"Yes! But it's not common!" Xie Ning also had accumulated experience in her previous life and was well-informed, otherwise she would have been fooled by this little guy with mental power above.

The level of this spiritual mutant bird is estimated to be level five.

It can use mental power to act on itself and increase the weight of the body, so she dragged it for a long time, but couldn't get it to the ground.

"Work harder! It's almost time!"

Gu Chen quickly followed suit and started to pull the chain.

Everyone worked together and heard a scream and scream coming from above.

A round thing hit them like a cannonball.

"Quite a temper!" Xie Ning waved her hand and hundreds of chains jumped up at the same time, wrapping the round thing into a metal cocoon, completely enveloping it.

She held one end of the metal chain, raised her arms in the air, and danced wildly.

Wang Bingwu and others couldn't help but twitch their lips, inexplicably feeling that the mutant bird seemed a bit miserable...

"Boom!" The spiritual mutant bird was sealed in the big metal cocoon and slammed to the ground.

Suddenly, there was silence all around.

But soon, the terrifying sound of fighting here alerted almost all the superpowers who were resting in the simple rest area.

No one dared to get too close, they only gathered around from a distance to see what was going on.

"Let's go down and see this friend." Xie Ning glanced at Gu Chen and others, led them to run down the transparent steps, and jumped down to the ground with great skill one after another.

"Come and see our little friend who has come from afar." Xie Ning narrowed her eyes and took a few steps forward.

Gu Chen quickly stopped her, "Be careful of its counterattack."

"It's okay." Xie Ning pointed a sharp golden thorn forward, "Kill it if you counterattack."

Gu Chen:......

It was almost early five o'clock at this time.

The battle with the psychic mutant bird actually lasted nearly two hours.

Lin Yiyi rubbed her sleepy eyes and leaned next to Xu Yu, and whispered, "What happened to sister Xu Yu?"

Xu Yu frowned tightly, and his eyes followed Xie Ning.

To be honest, it was hard for her to believe that the little girl she met for the first time at the Su City competition venue had now grown to such an unattainable position.

She can still remember the cold eyes the little girl gave them.

It's like looking at a swarm of ants, arrogant and arrogant.

Why did God allow such a person with unhealthy thoughts and morals to develop into the situation she is in today?

Xu Yu's scrutinizing eyes fell on Xie Ning, as if staring at her like this could reveal the secret of this person's success.

How did she develop like this?

Xie Ning didn't pay any attention to the eyes of Holy Mother Xu Yu. She was concentrating on controlling the big metal cocoon on the ground, stretching out her legs to kick the thing back and forth several times.

"Don't kick me, you monster! You monster!"

Xie Ning felt her mental strength pause, and a strange and unclear voice suddenly exploded in her mind.

The little girl subconsciously took a step back, then rushed forward and kicked the cocoon on the ground hard, "Who is the monster? You are such a damn monster that you can still speak."

"A monster, a monster, a monster! You are a monster, a monster!"

Xie Ning kicked it a few more times, "Let the birds above disperse."

"I don't, please beg me!"

Xie Ning:......

"I'm begging you! I'm begging you, I'm begging you!" Xie Ning stepped forward angrily, kicking the big metal cocoon and rolling around on the ground.

Seeing his girlfriend like this, Gu Chen felt a little cute for no reason. He wanted to reach out and pull her, but later he kicked Cocoon instead.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, this stinky man is here to kick me, I'm going to destroy you! I'm going to destroy you!"

Xie Ning couldn't bear it anymore, "Xiao Gu! Shock it!"

"I'll remove its mental barrier. You're responsible for the electricity!"

"Okay!" Gu Chen nodded, stretched out a finger inhumanely, and clicked out.

The sizzling current suddenly converged down, with a crackling sound, directly covering the entire metal cocoon, quickly spreading inwards.

In Xie Ning's spiritual world, the dead bird screamed "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch," and "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, Ouch," making a very strange rhythm.

Xie Ning was so angry that she stabbed it with a metal thorn, "Stop screaming!"

You are so squealing that her head hurts!

"I'm surrendering, I'm surrendering, don't beat up the stinky man, I'm single, stay alone!"

"What is it howling?" Gu Chen didn't understand what the bird was making.

Xie Ning almost laughed out loud, "It says you are single and alone."

"What?" Gu Chen's dark eyes flashed with electricity and sparks, and his gloomy eyes fell on the cocoon.

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