The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 390 Everything is for profit

Like a hen in battle, Xu Yu glared at Xie Ning fiercely, "Xie Ning! Apologize!"

"Xie Ning, the person with mental powers who tortured Yan Zhong and the others outside the Pu'an cotton workshop at the Jinshi base earlier, and also wanted to kill Lin Yiyi, was not the little boy in your team, but you!" Zhuang! Lei said in a deep voice as if he was enlightened for a moment.

Zhuang Jia wanted to grab his brother and tell him to stay out of trouble, but it was too late.

Zhuang Lei had already asked, and his voice was extremely loud, focusing the attention of everyone present.

Zhuang Jia almost went crazy.

Ever since her brother got involved with the Holy Mother Xu Yu, his IQ has been lowered a lot.

Why should he care about this kind of thing?

Does Yan Zhong's team have anything to do with their Xunbao team?


What are you trying to do by forcing yourself to stand out at a time like this?

If you want to attract attention and qualify, you don't have to do it in this eye-catching way.

What's more, they all saw what kind of people Yan Zhong and the others were.

For the sake of profit, he did not hesitate to frame other team members, and eventually the entire team rebelled. Isn't this just reaping the consequences?

Xie Ning raised her eyes and glanced at Zhuang Lei, neither admitting nor denying, her eyes swept past, and finally landed on the crying Lin Yiyi.

It’s really a headache. If you love acting so much at a young age, your skills will be unmatched when you grow up.

"You want this broken parrot?" Xie Ning shook the parrot she was holding by its neck.

The latter was fluttering in her hands, and the little mouth could not stop for a moment, "You bold thief, put me down quickly, put it down!"

Everyone twitched their lips.

This is a mutated parrot who loves to watch palace fighting dramas.

Xie Ning flicked its head, "Are you convinced?"

"Submit it! Just lower your head and close your eyes. It's not like I can't accept it, young master." The little parrot screamed, holding its head high, and its yellow and green fur fluttered in the wind.

Xie Ning knocked on its head and said, "It seems that your speech is quite coherent. You usually imitate parrots."

"Sir, can I be an ordinary parrot? It's terrible to be uneducated. Don't you know the difference between our mutant birds and ordinary birds?"

"I know." Xie Ning nodded and smiled, "You can beep better than ordinary birds."

"You're only right about one thing!" The parrot actually nodded and admitted. Everyone looked at the scene in front of them and felt it was indescribably weird and funny.

Lin Yiyi bit her lip and nuzzled into Xu Yu's arms, like a frightened little rabbit, "Sister Xu Yu, that mutant bird is really suitable for me."

It was a high-level spiritual mutated animal. If she could tame it, her strength would definitely increase a lot.

Lin Yiyi's eyes flashed, and she secretly thought about how to make Xie Ning give up the bird voluntarily.

"Xie Ning." Xu Yu raised his eyes and glared at the other party, "Don't try to change the subject. Why didn't you answer what Captain Zhuang asked you earlier?"

"You have red lips and white teeth, but you accuse an underage child like this. Are you honest?"

"And it's been more than a year since many things happened. Is it necessary for you to keep it in mind for such a long time? How wrong can a child be? She was also deceived by others at the time. We have all forgiven you, so you can't let her go. What?"

"Child?" Xie Ning smiled at her, "You didn't get your throat bitten by the zombie cat that the child attracted. What right do you have to say whether you forgive me or not?"

"Have you ever asked those people who were bitten to death by zombie cats, if you forgive them? I'm surprised. Could it be that you, Xu Yu, are their spokesperson?"

"You." Xu Yu clenched his fists in anger and held back a trembling sentence for a long time, "Even...even if Yiyi was wrong at the time, she has done her best to make amends these days. "

"You have to keep talking about other people's past? She is still a child."

Xie Ning nodded, "Well, just because she is a child, I can't let her go."


As he said this, no one else could continue the conversation, and all the avenues for chatting were immediately blocked.

Looking at Xu Yu's pale face, he seemed to be about to faint.

Zhuang Lei stepped forward to protect his girlfriend, frowning tightly, "Captain Xie, can you stop being so unreasonable?"

"People like Yan Zhong and Zhao Jian were dealt with by you at that time. This matter has long since passed. Isn't it a bit too much to talk about what happened a year ago now?"

As soon as he spoke, he showed his leadership style, and his speech was sonorous and powerful. "This mutant parrot is very useful to Lin Yiyi, the animal tamer in our team. Please thank the captain for allowing Lin Yiyi to try to tame it." …”

Zhai Ruobai couldn't bear it and interrupted the man's official tone, "Brother, are you sick? You can't even see whether it's tame or not, right? Does this broken bird need other people to tame it? We Ning Ning have already tamed it. ah!"

Are these people crazy? Their eyes immediately turn red when they see something good?

How is this style of jumping out to block the road different from that of a robber?

Why is Lin Yiyi allowed to try to tame and tame the parrot? Wasn't this parrot already tamed by Ning Ning's violence?

They are selectively and intermittently blind!

Xie Ning was not very angry.

She has long been accustomed to this kind of scene. Whenever there is a profit, there will always be some shameless people doing inappropriate things.

What's more, the ones who jumped out were Xu Yu and her boyfriend. She had already come into contact with these two people many times in her previous life, so she didn't find it strange that they were such an excellent breed.

The leader Zhuang Lei, who was interrupted, felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Since the end of the world, he has always been in the habit of saying the same thing in the team. This time, someone suddenly came out to interrupt him without fear of death, which was quite unpleasant.

Xu Yu couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, "You must have never been exposed to taming animals, right? Isn't it just taming on the surface?"

"If you said you were tamed today, this mutant bird would be able to run away without a trace."

Lin Yiyi gently pulled Xu Yu's wrist and spoke softly, "Sister Xu Yu, don't say that. Big brother and the others are not beast tamers. It is normal not to know the key point."

"The so-called animal taming ability is actually to establish a spiritual bridge to achieve a state of spiritual connection. From the body to the spirit, it belongs to the master and obeys the master's instructions. This is the true sense of taming!"

Xu Yu flat-mouthed and chuckled, "So, just a beating to make it appear to surrender is useless, okay? If you let go of it now, it will be able to escape without a trace in a matter of minutes."

Xie Ning was too lazy to talk to them, and with a wave of her hand, she directly took the finished metal basket back to the terrace space.

Then he let go of his hand slightly.

The broken parrot got a chance to breathe, and shouted with his small mouth, "Bold maid, let me go quickly!"

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