"Do you still need to say such a thing?"

"You think I'm stupid!"

"Don't you just want to take advantage of the chaos to harvest a wave of stupid fools?"

The mutated parrot fluttered its wings, opened its small mouth and began to chatter endlessly.

Xie Ning was hurt by its roaring head, so she raised her hand and hit it, "Shut up."

The parrot was a little angry, shut up and said nothing, but raised its head unconvincingly.

Xie stared at the mutant birds, under the command of the parrot, each taking a few golden beads and flying to the battlefield in the distance, and his eyes kept moving.

If this trick works, it can solve the current urgent needs of the Gyeonggi base.

"You stay here." Xie Ning said nothing, then turned around with Gu Chen and ran towards the top of the tower.

The two of them ran while covering themselves with scarves and masks.

As soon as I ran outside, I immediately felt a rush of wild sand hitting my face.

Even though I was wearing a scarf and a mask, I still felt very uncomfortable.

Xie Ning quickly took out two pairs of sunglasses and gave one pair to Gu Chen.

He put on his sunglasses, raised his hand to press the scarf hard, and said vaguely, "What did the meteorological expert you hired say? This expert is a bit unreliable. Ahem."

The two of them were just holding hands, but they still had to shout when talking.

Gu Chen raised his voice and said, "The wind and sand are so strong, it seems that if you go up, you have to move to an underground shelter."

"Yes, the sand and dust have entered the base. Will the house be blown away if it blows all night?"

This is what I said...

Gu Chen, young man, if you don't know how to pick it up.

The two of them climbed up the tower against the wind with great difficulty.

At a glance, Xie Ning saw the half-dead Li Xiang huddled on the side of the wall, fully armed and wrapped like a bear.

"How is it?" Xie Ning covered her scarf and yelled at Li Xiang.

"You're blind. Why don't you know how to see?" Li Xiang said angrily, "The zombies didn't move much, but I was almost blown away."

"I think you still have the energy to fight me, you're in good condition!" Xie Ning covered her scarf and yelled, "Come on, what's the point of staying here? Go and have a look over the railing."

Li Xiang got up weakly and followed her a dozen steps forward.

In just a dozen steps, the three of them walked awkwardly...

"Isn't this wind too strong?" Li Xiang shouted with a broken gong voice, "When all the wind and sand enter the base, ordinary doors and windows may not be able to block the wind."

"This must be a typhoon with level 88, right?"

Xie Ning almost choked with laughter, "I've never heard of a typhoon with level 88, but there are strong typhoons with level 17."

"What's your definition of a typhoon? Level eighty-eight. Why didn't you say level one hundred?"

"You have to contribute more to me later, and you have to reward me with a million or eight thousand. How long have I been blowing the wind? Let me tell you Xie Ning, it's not me who blows it. It's such a strong wind, I can't Being blown away to facial paralysis is all due to my excellent psychological quality."

"Does this have something to do with your psychological quality? Isn't it because you are thick-skinned that you didn't get blown away?"

Li Xiang:? ? ?

It felt like Xie Ning was caring about her, but Li Xiang couldn't tell...

She obediently changed the subject, "What are you doing here?"

At this time, the three of them had moved to the edge of the tower with difficulty.

Xie Ning glanced down and suddenly saw a black line.

She didn't see anything clearly, all she saw was a mist and a cloud of wild sand...

The row of boys attracted by the parrots had no idea where they were hanging out.

"Li wants you to come over and take a look. Can you clearly see the mutant bird in the sky?"

"Yes, there are hundreds of them, and they are scattered in all directions. Oh, where did these birds come from?" The strong wind and sand were still running into the wind.

Seeing their feathers fluttering in the wind, Li Xiang felt a hundred times worse than himself, which comforted Li Xiang a lot.

Xie Ning took the parrot out of the farmhouse.

It howled, then took a mouthful of dust and coughed anthropomorphically...

"Where did this bald bird come from?" Li Xiang asked, covering his mouth and nose with one hand.

"You are the only one who is bald, and your whole family is bald." The parrot howled, then choked on the wind and sand.

"It's not bald." Xie Ning also nodded and smoothly smoothed the hair that was flying all over the parrot's head. "Look, it has a lot of hair on its head."

Gu Chen:......

From the beginning to the present, he was unable to say a word between the two beautiful girls.

The two of them quarreled as if there was no one around, and everything they said was funny...

"Little Master, what a weird thing! Send me back quickly, send me back." It had just found a favorite tree to rest on, so why did this woman have to bring her here.

It breaks the environment and makes you eat a mouthful of sand every time you talk. It's so annoying.

Li Xiang covered his mouth and nose and laughed wildly, "Little master, return it to my little master? Where did this strange bird come from? Where did you pick it up?"

"Ignorant, this is a spiritually mutated bird, have you never seen it before?" Xie Ning choked it, raised her hand and patted the bird's head, "Ask your subordinates how things went."

"I've almost thrown it all away. Just wait and watch the show. Put me back quickly, little master, I don't want to stay in this place for a second longer. It's dirty and outrageous!"

Li Xiang's laughter suddenly stopped, and he covered his mouth and nose and said with a surprised look, "It can still say so many words? Is it really a spiritually mutated bird? How can it follow you?"

"What's your relationship with it?"

"What does it have to do with it? Are you deaf? Didn't you hear it call me little master?" Xie Ning glanced at her and said rudely, "Who would call someone else little master?"

"Eunuch? Palace maid? Dog slave?"

"That's it!"

Xie Ning stuffed the parrot inside with one hand and caught a glimpse of its stunned expression.

"Who? Who is the eunuch? Who is the eunuch? Master, tell me clearly."

Xie Ning didn't bother to explain it clearly to it, so she just stuffed it into the farmhouse space and lowered her head to look down the tower.

"I can't see anything."

Gu Chen: "Me too..."

Li wanted to take a look at them and suddenly covered his mouth and nose and laughed.

"Xie Ning, there are times when you say you can't see."

This sense of superiority arises spontaneously!

Things that Xie Ning couldn't see clearly, she, Li Xiang, could see clearly, hahahahaha.

"You are crazy." Xie Ning was speechless, "Tell me about it."

"Those mutated birds in the sky were flying awkwardly and with great difficulty. They dropped a few small golden beads."

"Why didn't I hear the sound?"

"What sound can you hear in such a strong wind and sand?" Li Xiang glanced at Xie Ning with disdain.

"Did it explode?"

"Haha." Li Xiang said proudly, "Please beg me, beg me to tell you."

Xie Ning reached out and hit her on the head.

Gu Chen:......

My girlfriend hit me whenever she asked, and punches rained down on me.

Li Xiang, who was still fussy just now, quickly ran away with his head in his arms.

Unfortunately, Xie Ning held her back before she even took two steps, "Speak!"

"You are a violent maniac. Why did you hit me? Oh."

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