Wang Zongxuan stood beside him and couldn't bear to look at his brother's stupidity.

"Xinxin, pull, pull me." Ji Taixian stretched out a hand and shouted.

Song Kexin completely ignored him and glanced at him, giving him a heavy "hum".

"Brother." Zhu Nanxing's child shouted, "How do you feel now?"

"Me!" Ji Taixian looked at the cheating kid with a frown, "How do I feel? I feel like I'm stuck in the mud now. No, no, please take your quicksand back quickly. It's almost piled up on my chest. I'm going to suffocate. Cough cough cough cough.”

He pretended to cough, and the child Zhu Nanxing was so frightened that he quickly took the quicksand back.

Xie Ning stared at the child with bright eyes, ran to him and looked down at his hands.

After a long while, he exclaimed, "Nan Xing, you have great potential. This is your mutated earth skill! You can also control it as freely as my sister and I. It's very, very powerful."

"Awesome, awesome, awesome!" Su Xiyue nodded repeatedly along with her sister, "Nan Xing, just call me, a person who is better than a person who is better than a person!"

Zhu Nanxing, a kid, looked up at his old father who was looking silly and cheerful, "Dad, sister said I'm better than you!"

"Hahaha." Zhu Yong smiled and patted his son on the head, "Good boy! Every meal of meat is not in vain hahahaha."

"Nan Xing, practice your skills well, and our team will cooperate like this in the future." Xie Ning led a group of people with special abilities, large and small, to happily discuss skills.

Everyone crowded into the small room of Zhu Yong and his son, sitting in a circle beside the sofa and bed.

Song Kexin looked happy, "From now on our team can attack and defend. Nanxing releases quicksand to trap people, I release Shijun on fire to release the wind, and my sister uses some kind of space barrier to surround the enemies inside, burning them, hahahaha !”


Song Shijun's mother, Ms. He Shuping, said weakly, "Are we going to rob somewhere?"

Song Shijun almost burst out laughing and put his arm around his mother's shoulders, "Mom, don't listen to Song Kexin's nonsense. She is playing games."

"This small cubicle is not even ten square meters. How can we live here?" Xu Yu walked to the side and pushed the window, but did not push it.

"Don't push, there must be someone else's room next to it." Zhuang Lei sat down on the bed and pushed the wrinkles on his forehead tiredly.

"Yiyi hasn't woken up yet? What did they say just now? They said they should come in first and then find a doctor for us. What now? They just threw us into this small isolation room and they left."

"Can you stop nagging?" Zhuang Lei glared angrily at Xu Yu, who kept talking, "Didn't you have eyes to see when you came all the way?"

"As people with special abilities, our treatment is much better than that of ordinary people outside who gather in Datong bungalows!"

"It's so good. There's not even a separate bathroom. To use the bathroom in the middle of the night, you have to run hundreds of meters outside." Xu Yu frowned in dissatisfaction.

"Well, when we assigned cubicles just now, there were cubicles that were close to the toilets but you didn't want them because they smelled bad." Zhuang Lei had a headache and pressed his head, feeling out of energy.

"Hey, what's going on with you? Why are you always quarreling with me?" Xu Yu was angry and pushed the man, "Didn't you see it just now? That leader Gu took Xie Ning and the others away. He must have arranged for them Team Spark is off to a better place to stay.”

"What does going to a better place have to do with you?" Zhuang Lei couldn't help but said angrily, "Why are you staring at Captain Xie all day long? Are you sick?"

"You still think we don't have enough troubles, don't you? Why are you going to provoke Xie Ning when you have nothing to do all day? Can you afford to provoke her?"

"Why did I provoke her!" Xu Yu angrily smashed his handbag on the bed and shouted angrily, "Hey, now it's your girlfriend who is being pointed at, scolded, and bullied! Why are you still there? You're the one who sent me the other way around, aren't you? You're still not a man, can you bear this tone?"

Zhuang Lei couldn't bear it anymore and slapped Xu Yu hard on the face.

He roared angrily, "What can you do if you can't bear it? You can go up and fight her! You have a superpower that can't even kill second-level zombies. What can you do against a sixth-level superpower?" Give food? Give heads? Give experience points to the enemy???"

This big slap, plus a series of blows, made Xu Yu's head buzz.

She burst into tears and cried so hard that she couldn't breathe, as if she was even more unjust than Dou E.

"Are you blaming me now?"

"It's all my fault, right? I provoked that amazing sixth-level superpower, did I cause the team to fall apart? It's all my fault!"

Zhuang Lei was furious, "Isn't it your fault? Is it my fault? I asked you to hold Lin Yiyi and rush up to the bar to offend people?"

"Should I ask you to stimulate sixth-level superpowers again and again?"

"If you hadn't asked Xie Ning to speak harshly to the entire Thunder Leopard team, would so many brothers have escaped and gone to Zhuang Jialuo Yanan?"

"Incompetent bungler!"

Xu Yu covered his face and whimpered in pain.

"Crying, crying, crying, why are you crying!" Zhuang Lei said angrily, "Crying will do the trick? Is crying useful?"

"Then what do you want?" Xu Yu cried until his eyes were swollen like walnuts, sobbing and shouting, "Then do you want me to kneel in front of the sixth-level superpower, kowtow and beg for mercy, shout for help, and say that we will come back again in the future?" Don’t you dare anymore?”

Zhuang Lei seemed to be stimulated by the woman's words, the tight heartstring called self-esteem.

He was furious and shouted angrily, "You want to go and embarrass someone, but I can't afford to embarrass that person!"

Xu Yu lay down on the bed and cried, covering his lips with his hands. Tears couldn't stop sliding down the sides of his cheeks, soaking the pillow towel with tears.

"Why are you crying! I'm not fucking dead yet. Cry, cry, cry. All I can do is cry all day long. It's bad luck!" Zhuang Lei roared, stepped forward and kicked the bed hard.

Unexpectedly, the bed is completely unable to withstand the ruthless kick of a third-level earth-type superpower, and it will fall apart with a "snap".

Xu Yu slammed the mattress onto the floor, his whole body in a sluggish state.

The angry Zhuang Lei roared again, "What are you still doing? Clean up."

Xu Yu was anxious and angry, wiping tears and stood up from the mattress, "What are you doing?"

"What do you think!" Zhuang Lei shook his face at her and continued to roar, "Now your brain has been lost along with your soul, right? Now everyone has followed Zhuang Jia and the others and ran away! Run away!"

"But our supplies are still in Xiao Zhang's hands, what do you think?"

Xu Yu stood up suddenly and said with a panic look on his face, "Yes, yes, yes, Xiao Zhang, we have to find Xiao Zhang! That damn guy actually took all the resources of the team and ran away like this!"

Zhuang Lei gritted his teeth, "I'm warning you, don't say anything when you meet Zhuang Jia and the others later."

Xu Yu was so angry that he went crazy, "You won't let me say anything, why are you dragging me along?"

"Are you going then? It won't be your share then, so don't blame me!"

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