The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 402 Communication for Progress

Lin Yiyi knows where the A-1 area is.

It's the slum in front, with a bunch of people crowded into the brightly lit Datong Shop, like a concentration camp management.

Lin Yiyi took a deep breath and saw that it was impossible to follow the soldiers, so she silently took a few steps back, thinking about how to see Su Xiyue.

I don’t know where Xie Ning and his team were taken.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and Lin Yiyi was holding a pink mobile phone tightly.

It's already so late, so I'd better come here tomorrow to see if there's any way to contact Su Xiyue.

Lin Yiyi clenched her phone, turned and walked towards Zhuang Lei and Xu Yu's room, secretly doing some mental construction for herself.

When he opened the cubicle door, an innocent smiling face appeared.

Xie Ning slept until nine o'clock the next morning, then slowly got up.

She finished washing up in the mobile villa and when she emerged from the space refreshed, Song Kexin pulled Su Xiyue through the door.

As soon as they saw her, they rushed towards her.

"Look, my sister is a little lazy. She didn't get up until now."

"Sister, we brought you vegetable buns. They were distributed uniformly at the base this morning."

Xie Ning reached out and took the small plastic bag they handed over, paused slightly, "Everyone has one?"

"It seems so. The base now provides all survivors with a simple meal every day, but it needs to be exchanged for twenty contribution points."

Xie Ning touched her little sister's head, took out three boxes of milk from the space, and distributed them to the two sisters in turn.

The three of them inserted the straws in unison and took a sip.

"Mom said that since it is a unified exchange at the base, it seems a bit unconventional for us not to accept it."

Xie Ning nodded slightly.

Although they had a lot of food in their own backpacks, since it was a unified arrangement at the base, they just abided by it and there was no need to stand out.

"Sister, they said that the areas A-1 to A-9 above are very cold and require fire power users to help stoke the fire. Can I go with Sister Kexin later?"

"Okay." Xie Ning nodded with a smile and touched her little sister's face, "Follow Kexin and don't run around."


After the three sisters finished sucking the milk and threw the empty carton into the trash can, they happened to hear someone knocking on the door gently outside.

Song Kexin walked over and opened the door, "Sister, Brother Gu Chen is here."

Xie Ning walked out of the room and looked into Gu Chen's slightly tired eyes, "Why did you stay up all night last night?"

Gu Chen sighed and nodded, "Have you had breakfast?"

"Have eaten." Xie Ning threw him a carton of milk, "Take some refreshment. Men often stay up late."

Gu Chen:......

My girlfriend is worried about her body, right? right?

He poked the milk and took a sip, then pulled his girlfriend aside and whispered, "Ning Ning, let me tell you, people from the Global Superpower Country A branch will come to see you today."

"What are you looking for me for?"

"That's it." Gu Chen told Xie Ning about the previous conflict with the branch of Country A. "I wanted to stop them before and prevent these people from bothering you. But now the superiors have said that since they promised before, Country A branch will have friendly exchanges with them, so it shouldn’t stop them from coming to see you."

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "But I don't want to see them."

Gu Chen rolled his eyes and nodded vigorously, "I'm just telling you! Xiao Lu fought against them last time! Those guys even went to Secretary-General Chen to complain about us!"

"What?" Xie Ning's eyes widened, "How dare you complain to you!"

Gu Chen's head was spinning, "No, their attitude is very arrogant. What else can you say, I deliberately stopped them from seeing you. They also said that this time they were just complaining to Secretary Chen, and next time they would have to go to Global Superpower The college then complained."

"Haha." Xie Ning couldn't help but sneer, "I'm afraid the Global Academy of Superpowers has nothing to do."

Because of what happened in her previous life, she has never had a good impression of the Academy of Superpowers.

Fortunately, this time I am trying my best. I don't need to go to a school for superpowers, but I can still develop my own skills.

To be honest, Xie Ning didn't need such an afterthought olive branch.

When she had nothing, everyone wanted to step on her one more time.


Now she has everything, so what's the point of having them? ?

"The Global Academy for Superpowers you are talking about is probably a new thing created by the X world."

"At that time, Realm

"Up to now, the Global Academy of Superpowers has developed quite well. It can be said that it includes many high-level superpowers from around the world. It is a good place for superpowers to learn and communicate."

Xie Ning smiled a little coldly, "What do they want to do with me? Pinch the corner?"

There was a smile in Gu Chen's eyes.

He finally figured it out. His girlfriend seemed to have a bad opinion of the Academy for Superpowers!

So their worries were in vain.

"Lao Du, Du Zhongqiang, the branch director of the Gyeonggi branch, will accompany Mr. Li Weide."

"Li Weide?"

"Li Weide is the person in charge of the Global Superpowers Branch of Country A, who was appointed to communicate with us about superpowers this time."

Gu Chen squeezed his girlfriend's hand and said, "They have been communicating for more than a month."

"Originally, I wanted to communicate with you, the world's first fourth-level gold-type superpower..." A meaningful smile appeared on the corner of Gu Chen's lips.

"Of course, this so-called exchange is to let the fourth-level gold-type superpowers from their branch compete with you."

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows.


Gu Chen smiled gently, "Of course it's impossible now. When they knew that the fourth-level superpowers had stepped onto the sixth-level in more than a year, they completely lost the confidence to compete with you and instead tried to win over you. ”

"It's good to compete for the top!" Xie Ning automatically filtered out the word "win over" from Gu Chen, nodded and said, "Wait a minute and I'll see what the level of the fourth-level gold-type superpowers they sent over is like."

"People with special abilities like us are different from ordinary people. They are a new force after the end of the world. What about Mr. Li Weide? You are right. You have to fight and communicate frequently in order to make progress and improve your skills. Right? You can have a better grasp!"

Gu Chen almost couldn't hold back his laughter. He pretended to be calm and nodded, "Girlfriend, everything you said is right."

"When will they come?"

"Let me send a message and ask." Gu Chen said, holding back a smile, pointing at the satellite bracelet.

"By the way, since it is an exchange, then some of the capable members of our Spark Team can participate in this exchange activity, right?"

"Of course." Gu Chen nodded seriously.

"Exchange is for the sake of progress, which is a good thing for both parties."

Xie Ning was satisfied and turned around to call her teammates, "Anyone who has nothing to do, come here."

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