The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 479 Drunken Life and Dreams

"It's not bad. As long as we continue to stay within a hundred meters, the consumption won't be too great."

"If it exceeds the limit, the power consumption may increase exponentially."

"Count!" Xie Ning shouted in the mental network.

With a black line on their heads, everyone followed her to finish counting, and then walked forward for about five minutes.

Kress suddenly shouted, "There is a small group of zombies ahead. Fifty meters away, to the left."

The zombies were approaching quickly. They were about a dozen level three zombies. They could be dealt with very easily and quickly with a supernatural gun.

Xie Ning and Gu Chen didn't need to take action. A small wave of zombies were shot in the head by several teammates behind them and fell to the ground.

The two members of Group A rushed forward very quickly, skillfully cut open the zombie's head and took out the crystal core.

"There is a residential area ahead. There are people on the fifth floor. Do you want to go in and check?" Xie Ning looked at the map in the spiritual world.

At the same time, the spiritual power spreads out and can basically cover all nearby buildings.

Therefore, it is basically clear at a glance which buildings are occupied and which are empty.

Gu Chen nodded, "Okay, let's go in and have a look."

They are divided into seventeen teams, each team is only responsible for a small area and can be searched more carefully.

If nothing unexpected happens, we should be able to search the entire put base within three hours.

A six-hour round trip is more than enough.

Xie Ning took the lead and led everyone to run towards the residential building diagonally opposite.

"This is the only building in this row with people." I don't know the specific situation.

Logically speaking, the base should organize everyone to go to underground shelters to take shelter. Xie Ning scanned the people above the fifth floor and found that there were quite a few people there.

"There are more than a dozen people gathered up there."

"There are people on the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth floors."

It's strange, why don't the people in this building move to underground shelters?

Everyone was suspicious and rushed directly to the residential building following Xie Ning.

The main goal of their trip is to sell the breeding greenhouses at the base. They also need to check out the places they pass along the way.

"Stop!" Kress's voice suddenly came from the mental network, "Be careful if there is a foreign object falling in front of you."

At this time, Xie Ning had also pulled Gu Chen to stop and reached out to stop everyone.

"Bang!" A sudden loud noise appeared directly in front of them, less than three meters away.

"Hahaha." Waves of ecstatic and crazy laughter came from upstairs.

Several men and women yelled like crazy, "Die, die! Die early and be reborn!"

Across the thick wind and sand.

Under the darkness of night, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Xie Ning and Gu Chen looked at each other with incomprehensible expressions.

"Okay, you can continue walking." Kress said again.

Xie Ning led a group of people into the building quickly and passed through the blood-stained stairwell.

What caught the eye was a half-zombie face, hanging at the door of the stairwell. It was already dead and could no longer die.

The appearance was a bit scary, Xie Ning glanced at it and immediately looked away.

"Be careful." Gu Chen reminded everyone, "Those people upstairs look crazy. They probably have some mental problems."


Finally, there was no annoying wind and sand. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and nodded solemnly.

Xie Ning and Gu Chen took the lead, with Zhu Yong and Song Youzhi behind them. A group of forty people climbed up the stairs.

Although there were many people, they all walked deliberately slowly and quietly, so the sound was not loud.

"There are zombies at the corner." Kress directed everyone in the mental network. "There are seven or eight on the third floor. There is a dark red dot among them, which should be a mutated zombie or something like that."

In Kress's current mental map, humans and zombies can be described as distinct.

Teammates are all green dots, and zombies are classified according to their levels. They are automatically marked in red. The darker the red, the higher the level of the zombies and the greater the coefficient of variation.

"Everyone should be careful." Xie Ning warned, "Don't take off the mask or eye shield casually."

After all, the biggest crisis here is still the unknown creatures mixed in the wind and sand.

Everyone went up the stairs without letting down their guard for a moment.

The ordinary team members were protected in the middle and moved forward silently.

As soon as we reached the corner on the third floor, we immediately saw several zombies coming towards us smelling the smell of meat.

It is not difficult to deal with them. Hit these zombies with a silenced superpower gun on their heads and they will be dealt with quickly.

But the mutant zombie Kress mentioned was more difficult to deal with.

It was a very rare invisible zombie that moved very fast.

In order to prevent it from hurting others, Xie Ning and Kress locked each other with spiritual powers.

Kress used a mental barrier to trap the zombie in the corner staircase. Under Kress's command, the members of Group A fired several shots in the direction of the zombie's head, but they failed to kill him.

"It seems that this is a zombie of level four or above." Xie Ning smiled, gave Kress a look, and quickly moved forward.

Zombie crystal cores of level 4 and above are very useful and must be collected.

Everyone saw her dodge to the corner of the stairs at an extremely fast speed. Several long spikes appeared between her fingers, as if her nails suddenly grew longer.

Plunging into the air ahead with a sense of power.

A shrill zombie howl ended abruptly.

A transparent crystal core appeared in the suspended air, and the original appearance of the zombie was also revealed.

Xie Ning drew out a stream of water from the space and directed it at the zombie crystal core with an expressionless face. At the same time, the miserable zombie behind him also slowly hit the ground.

Is this the speed and strength of a sixth-level metal superpower?

Everyone was deeply shocked.

A fourth-level invisible zombie was like nothing in front of her, and died with just a pinch.

So strong! These two words popped up in everyone's mind at the same time.

Xie Ning put away the crystal core and turned around, gesturing towards Kress.


Kress ordered in the mental network, "Let's go up to the fifth floor. There are no zombies in front of us, but we need to pay attention. The animals raised by the residents on the fourth floor should have mutated."

Everyone carefully lowered their voices and followed all the way to the fourth floor.

Through the door panel of 401, you can hear the sound of the security door being pulled open.

"Creak, crunch, crunch", the people who heard it felt very uncomfortable.

Kress glanced at it and said calmly, "There are four or five small red dots, which should be feline mutations."

"This family actually has so many cats." Song Kexin shook her head.

Since there were no vital signs except for the mutated animals in the house, it was naturally impossible for everyone to break into the house in a hurry.

Xie Ning took a casual glance and found that the door panel of 402 next door had been removed. There were two zombies lying at the door, and their crystal cores had been dug out.

It seems that people upstairs have also come down to look for food.

When the group of people arrived at the corner of the fifth floor, they heard bursts of heavy metal music coming from a certain resident's house.

It was just faint at first, but once you walked up to the floor, you could hear the rumbling sound.

Everyone looked at each other with inexplicable expressions, and all looked in the direction of Kress.

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