The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 481 A world of difference

"You mean, I can still be saved?" the middle-aged man asked excitedly.

Just kidding, it's better to die than live.

Who, if given a chance in life, would not seize it?

It seems that these people who came to the rescue really have some skills, but I don't know if they are bragging.

Xie Ning shook her head and replied expressionlessly, "Not necessarily. I see that your face looks shabby, which doesn't seem to be a good sign. It's very likely that after checking, I'll still bring you bad news."

"So before that, you should consider whether you want to get tested. We can't guarantee that everything will be fine after the test. It's possible that the problem is bigger!"

"This is not good. You have extremely poor psychological endurance. If you are stimulated by Dr. Jade again, you may even lose the courage to die."


What a beautiful girl, why do you open your mouth...

Look at the middle-aged man's face. It has developed from partially black to completely pitch black.

If they weren't outnumbered, they would probably rush forward and strangle Captain Xie to death.

Lu Wei coughed lightly, stepped forward and said to the middle-aged man, "You can make your own decision whether to give it a try or not."

At this time, Yu Tianfeng had taken out the tool kit from the space and put on a fully enclosed raincoat over his original protective clothing.

This protection was considered to be in place, so Xie Ning took two steps back to the side.

The middle-aged man held back his anger, gritted his teeth and said "I'll try!".

"Go and lie down there." Yu Tianfeng pointed to the sofa beside him.

The middle-aged man desperately suppressed the urge to hit someone and lay down on the sofa with a dark face.

Yu Tianfeng took out a small instrument and scanned the middle-aged man from top to bottom, "Brother, your situation is not very good."

The middle-aged man's heart almost rose to his throat when Yu Tianfeng said next, "But it's still within control."

"The mutant bugs you breathed in can be removed with special insecticides."

The middle-aged man suddenly looked happy, "Are you serious?"

"But brother, you have to tell us the truth. Where did you get these mutant bugs from?"

As they walked in, although they were always vigilant, they didn't notice a single mutant insect.

Is it possible that these mutated little bugs also know how to bully the weak and fear the strong, and know that Ning Ning is coming, so they quickly run away?

Yu Tianfeng thought of this and turned to look at Xie.

Xie Ning, who was being stared at for no apparent reason, had no idea what it meant and looked back with a blank look on her face.

Life was at stake, so of course the middle-aged man replied honestly: "Our wind and sand started blowing half a month ago."

“Everyone didn’t pay much attention to it at first, thinking it was just a change in weather after the apocalypse.”

"Who would have thought that the wind and sand would get stronger and stronger. The first person to experience abnormal changes was a breeder at the breeding farm."

"The breeders usually cultivate some mutant plants and flowers that appeared after the apocalypse. Occasionally, they will hunt down a few mutant animals that are dying and keep them there as well."

"The keeper was inexplicably glowing green that day. At first, he only said he had a headache, feet, and pain everywhere. Three days later, he turned into a skeleton in the wind and sand."

"The flesh on his body seemed to be eaten away in minutes."

"Later we discovered that his skeleton was covered with dense green light spots."

"That thing can fly! It's a mutant sandworm!"

"They fly everywhere and attach themselves to the human body."

After Xie Ning heard what he said, she silently took out two bottles of special insecticide from the space and sprayed it on the confused teammates behind her.

In fact, they had already sprayed it once before setting off, but they didn't know if it was useful or not. It felt like it was just for their captain's own psychological comfort...

Xie Ning finished spraying at Gu Chen and Lu Wei, then sprayed some more on herself, and then said lightly, "How to solve it."

This is the question that leaders will ask. They don’t ask about the process, only the results...

"It's okay. Let him take a special insect repellent first to stabilize his internal condition."

"You still have residents upstairs, do you have contact information? Let the people upstairs come down together." As soon as Yu Tianfeng took out a medicine from the medical bag, Sister Huang rushed over to grab it.

With so many people present, how could she be jumped on?

Before Sister Huang could reach the corner of Yu Tianfeng's clothes, she was pulled by a winding rattan and thrown directly to the window.

At this time, everyone noticed that a few faint green lights were dancing in Sister Huang's hair.

It looks like a firefly, but no one dares to slack off.

"This is the mutated insect!" Someone shouted, "Fire element, fire element!"

"Stop the fire element!" Song You fell in love and waved his hand, and a few ice needles quickly passed through the body of the firefly-like mutant insect.

The green light lingering around the insects suddenly disappeared, and they fell to the ground one by one.

"Aunt Song, you are so awesome!" The team members couldn't help but look surprised.

As expected of Captain Xie's mother, she was able to control the ice element to such a precise level.

Song Youai was quite proud of himself.

Don't mention it, I'm afraid I won't be able to find many amazing old aunts like her even if I search all over the world...

Hehe, I usually secretly practice my powers, and amaze everyone at critical moments. As expected, my daughter is right, only one's own strength is the last word.

"Aunt Song's ice needle must have been taught by Ning Ning." Gu Chen nodded with approval, "It's really powerful."

"I've been practicing for a long time." Song Youai said modestly, "I'm still not very good at accuracy! Ning Ning said that you have to practice until you can shoot through the wings of a fly, then you can be considered a little bit successful."


It feels like mother and daughter are in high-class Versailles, but they also really want to earn some skills in Versailles.

Song Kexin squeezed beside them and saw several more green mutant bugs flying out of Sister Huang's body. She quickly shouted, "Look at me!"

A stream of blue light passed through the air with a snap of his fingers, and suddenly landed on a few green insects.

The poor little bug just flew out of Sister Huang's body, and before it had time to find another host, it was burned to ashes by the bright blue flames.

No, not even ashes existed, they were completely evaporated from the air by the flames.

A group of young players in Group A all opened their eyes curiously.

So awesome, so awesome, wow, the boss’s girlfriend’s family members are all so awesome.

Sure enough, following their brother's lead was the right decision.

Thank you, boss, and brother, for leading their team onto a smooth road...

Xie Ning glanced at it and nodded, "Xinxin, you still need to practice your accuracy. If you want to imitate your aunt and only burn off the fly wings, then you will have some success."

"Okay sister, I'll practice again."


Sister Huang and others across from me were stunned and couldn't even make a sound.

They are all superpowers, so why do these people seem to be so awesome?

His powers can be unleashed as he pleases, and he still listens to their commands.

People with powers of this level are completely different from them.

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