The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 484 Look at the opportunity

"Yes, since the doctor can cure us, we will definitely continue to live a good life."

Huang Genmei glanced at the young girl who had spoken, and gave her a smack, "Hey, now, you're saying that again. Just now I said I didn't want to die, and you scolded me for going back on my word, saying I shouldn't have agreed to die but refused to die! "


The young girl Lang Xiaoye was speechless by this idiot. After a long while, she calmly said, "I was wrong. I apologize to you, Sister Huang."

Song Youai and others were a bit dumbfounded.

"There are several mutated animals hiding in room 401 on your fourth floor. Why don't you clean them up?" Xie Ningzhuruo asked accidentally.

Lang Xiaoye showed an embarrassed expression, "We thought we were going to die, and we didn't have two days to live anyway..."

"Besides you, who are the supernatural beings who have been kicked out of the shelter? Where are they?"

Lang Xiaoye's eyes lit up, "In addition to the dozen of us, some of them went to the breeding greenhouse yesterday."

"Oh, yes, yes, it was Zhu Chuanfa who brought them there, there must be about a dozen of them. They didn't want to live intoxicated with us, saying they wanted to find a way to survive."

"They want to go to the medical clinic next to the breeding farm to find some medicine that can stabilize their condition. There are also a few cultural people among them, and there is also a doctor named... What is Xie? What does Xie want to learn?"

Xie Ning's eyelids jumped.

Song Youai's eyes widened suddenly, "What do you want to learn from me?"

"Xie, Xie Xueli, seems to be called Xie Xueli!"

Song Youai was startled and quickly looked at her daughter, whose face was covered and her expression was completely invisible, "My daughter."

"The world is so big and there are many people with the same name, it may not necessarily be him."

"But your second uncle is a doctor. He did work at Gushang People's Hospital before the end of the world..."


Song Youai couldn't answer her daughter's "Oh".

Xie Ning's expression was cold and not much moved.

As she grew up, she was not close to the relatives in the Xie family at all. She was almost a relative who never moved around, and was not much different from a stranger.

To be honest, she didn't quite remember what this second uncle looked like.

When Song Youai saw his daughter's reaction, he knew that she didn't have much emotions about Xie Xueli's life or death.

I couldn't help but sigh.

"Go to their breeding farm first." Xie Ning ordered coldly.

Their goal for this trip is actually to sell the breeding farm at the base.

After all, it is more important to investigate the origin of sandworms and collect some things that can be used in the farm.

As for Xie Xueli and the others, it depends on the opportunity.

It has been at least more than sixteen hours since yesterday, and there is no rush for this moment.

If he had died, he would have died a long time ago. If he was alive, he would probably have the means to survive until they passed.

No one else had any opinions. The bosses had spoken and they just obeyed.

While speaking, Yu Tianfeng gave all the remaining people a preliminary full-body examination without stopping.

According to each of their conditions, blood was drawn and special medicine was given.

The most troublesome thing was the two dying women lying in the corner. Their condition was a bit not good, and they also lost the ability to walk at this time.

How to bring them along? Everyone unanimously turned their attention to Xie Ning.

Xie Ning showed no expression and silently took out a corpse lying board from the space...

The metal plate is quite strong, and there are four wheels installed on the bottom. It is no problem for two people to lie on it, as long as they are tied up.

There was a chain in front of him, which made everyone laugh...

Xie Ning dragged the corpse board and walked directly out the door.

The board is not very wide, just enough to pass through the empty doorway.

Gu Chen watched his little girlfriend go out and quickly followed her with a smile on his face, "Ningning, did you make this metal plate just now?"

"That's not it?" Xie Ning glanced at the two female superpowers lying on the corpses with disgust.

The rookie teammates had no choice but to let her take them flying.

At the same time, several gold-type superpowers all followed him out, chasing the corpse board and watching around, making exclamations of admiration.

"This is?"

"Is this a tool made with metal powers?"

This is too awesome!

Not only did I make a metal plate, I also made four wheels!

Dragging the corpse board around was effortless.

What's even more amazing is that the wheels don't bump at all when going down the stairs.

It's as if there is a transparent landslide on the stairs, and the wheels slide down very smoothly, neither fast nor slow, and will not knock people off at all.

Several metal superpower users looked at this terrifying metal control ability with dull expressions.

A gold-type superpower who was about the same age as Song Kexin hurried over and asked in a low voice, "Sister, sister, are you also a gold-type superpower?"

Xie Ning turned to look at her and smiled, "Yes, just like you, I am also a metal superpower who picks up trash."


The girl with the golden power shrank her neck, and suddenly felt a chill in the air.

The three words "trash picking up" are completely unworthy of the person in front of me.

Xie Ning dragged the corpse board downstairs, waved an electric tricycle and threw the two women into the car.

She climbed onto the tricycle and threw a second-hand sheet over them to protect them from the wind and sand.

Everyone chased him out and took a look, and they all couldn't laugh or cry.

Song Youai hurriedly took out some masks and goggles from his bag and gave them to Huang Genmei, Lang Xiaoye and others, "Although you have been invaded by sandworms, it is best to protect yourself to avoid secondary harm."

Huang Genmei and the others nodded gratefully, put on their masks and goggles with both hands, and then the group came out of the building.

Gu Chen ran over sourly, "Ning Ning, you're riding a tricycle without me."

Lu Wei simply couldn't bear to look at this coquettish friend.

The picture of the weak Gu Xiaobaihua and his thigh-high girlfriend is so beautiful.

Xie Ning glanced at them and said, "It's not too close from here to the breeding farm in front. Let's drive a battery car there."

While talking, twenty brand new battery cars were released.

Yu Tianfeng sat on it without saying anything, "This is good, it saves time. Let's all turn on the car lights to prevent getting lost. In addition, we can talk in the spiritual network."

So, everyone crowded into the battery car in twos and threes and followed Captain Xie's small electric three-wheeler all the way forward.

Xie Ning drives an electric tricycle and it almost feels like a supercar.

The two dying female superpowers, who had just taken the potion, were feeling a little better now, and half of their heads emerged from under the sheets.

He glanced at the back of classmate Xie Ning.

Why does the young lady’s back look so heroic?

Everyone felt that this was much faster. Although the wind and sand hit their faces a little painful, fortunately they were fully protected.

"It's just ahead." Liang Zhongping shouted to the crowd despite the strong wind.

From a distance, I saw several lopsided vegetable greenhouses and fragments of bamboo fences on the ground.

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