"I don't want you!" Yu Tianfeng shouted in a low voice.

Xie Ning couldn't help but laugh and cry and said, "Stop making trouble and tell me about your new discovery."

"Hey, let me tell you, I really found a strange mutant plant."

"Ning Ning, do you still remember that we seized a pot of inhibitor raw material grass at the oasis base before?"

Xie Ning nodded, "After your research, haven't you already produced a more advanced inhibitor?"

Yu Tianfeng is indeed a genius, and has now developed an inhibitor to deal with fourth-level superpowers.

It has been distributed to ordinary teammates of the Spark Team earlier, and there are more than a dozen copies on hand, so even if you are alone, you should be able to protect yourself.

Yu Tianfeng pursed her lips and smiled mysteriously, "The mutated plant I discovered is similar to the grass that is the raw material of the inhibitor."

"Inhibitors can allow people with superpowers to temporarily lose their superpowers, right?"

"This kind of mutated creature can inhibit the growth of superpowers."

Gu Chen was listening and couldn't help but become a little interested, "You mean, the reason why those beggars with superpowers are so miserable is because the mutant plants that inhibit the development of superpowers are planted here at the Gushang base?"

Yu Tianfeng nodded with certainty, "I wonder if you have noticed, but I found that these mutated plants can be found everywhere around the base."

"It looks more like a weed, but it is indeed a mutated grass."

"And you see, only a small part of it has been eaten. So I have reason to suspect that this mutant plant is probably the natural food of the mutant sandworm."

Lu Wei and others couldn't help but shudder when they heard what he said.

"You think, we just had a strong wind and sand at the beginning, right? Only later did we find a few fainted and poisoned team members in the base."

Xie Ning nodded, "So, the environment is continuing to deteriorate, and the sandstorm is also escalating."

"That's what I mean." Yu Tianfeng calmed down, "The reason why the sandstorm here at Gushang Base is worse than ours is probably because this mutant plant promotes the growth of mutant sandworms, which eventually causes the sandworms to become rampant. signs."

"Then, we've been walking for so long, why haven't we seen a single little sandworm?"

"You are stupid!" Song Kexin rolled her eyes at Song Shijun who asked the question, "Don't these little sandworms like energy sources? They are all attached to them and don't want to come out."

Song Kexin pointed at the pale-looking Lang Xiaoye and the others behind her, and suddenly felt that they were also very pitiful, and quickly comforted them, "Don't worry, we will definitely cure you."

"Then this situation must be reported to the Gyeonggi base as soon as possible." Xie Ning glanced at Gu Chen, who nodded solemnly and turned to look at Lu Wei.

"I'll give you feedback right away." Lu Wei said with a frown.

If Yu Tianfeng's analysis is correct, then after the sandstorm escalates, once the number of sandworms increases, there will also be danger in Gyeonggi.

"Send this message to the group as well, inform everyone, and take full precautions. If there is any situation, send a message immediately, and don't act blindly."

Yu Tianfeng packed up the sample box, stood up and said, "It's almost done here. Let's go to the medical center now to see what we can pack."

Xie Ning nodded.

Xia Yuanyi took people to the medical center. They had been gone for about ten minutes. It was time for them to follow and take a look.

Xie Ning sent a mental message to Kress, "Isolate those people."

"It's ready."

Xie Ning informed Xinghuo and all members of Group A on the mental network, "Let me educate you first. I just received news that the source of parasitism is a disgusting thing similar to tentacles. Please be mentally prepared."

"Those three alien species must be locked and dealt with at the same time, and no one of them can be allowed to escape."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in the spiritual network.

"In addition, this kind of thing is very offensive. Ordinary team members should pay attention to protection and stand back."

"I will trap them with barriers as soon as possible."

"When the time comes, you will follow my instructions."

"Song Kexin, when the time comes, we will have to rely on your blue fire and You En's assistance. There must be no fish slipping through the net."

"I have consulted the little spider here. The source of parasites must be burned cleanly. As long as a trace of ashes is left, it may be resurrected."

Everyone looked suffocated, and then responded "received" in the spiritual network.

"What about the other people in the first team? If they don't know the truth, will they interfere in this matter?" Gao Youxing, a member of Team A, asked.

"So we need Uncle Yong and Brother Qiang to control them first. Mainly Nanxing. Nanxing, you release the quicksand first. Uncle Yong and Brother Qiang then operate the earth wall. In short, they must be controlled first to prevent them from causing chaos."

The children of Zhu Nanxing screamed "Okay, sister, don't worry, I will definitely trap them" in the spirit network.

Zhu Yong and Group A member Huang Guoqiang also responded "received" on the spirit network.

After discussing this, everyone packed up their things and walked towards the nearby medical center.

The door of the medical center is ajar.

Kress did a mental scan and informed everyone that there was no problem, so everyone filed in.

Tables and chairs were overturned in the lobby, and there were many broken corpse skeletons nearby.

Xie Ning used her mental power to unilaterally communicate with Kress, "Have you blocked those alien species?"

"Definitely." Kress's arrogant and dissatisfied voice came, "Do you think I'm stupid? Don't worry, I make the decision on my own spiritual network. Whoever I don't let in will be completely unable to enter. "

Xie Ning couldn't help but praised, "Yeah, you are the best. Look at your little mental map. Where are they now?"

Kress looked strange and paused.

Xie Ning met his little eyes, "What? Can't you see?"

"It's not that I can't see it, it's that there are a lot of people on the second floor."

Yu Tianfeng had already gone to the side to check some useful instruments, and Xie Ning quickly asked Gu Chen to follow him to escort him.

He turned around and asked Kress, "Are they the elementary superpowers that Huang Genmei and the others mentioned?"

"I can see more than just those people." Kress counted on the small map, "There are thirty or forty people in the workshop upstairs."

Xie Ning was stunned, "Oh? Are all the alien species up there too?"

"Well, it should be. Let's go up quickly." Kress glanced casually, "There seems to be a breeding room for mutant plants up there. This is not a simple medical clinic."

"It should be a laboratory."

Xie Ning turned to greet Yu Tianfeng and the others, "Come here quickly, we found something. Let's go upstairs."

The group of people walked quickly upstairs. They could see some dried blood along the way, but other than that, there were only skeletons left.

Xie Ning took three steps at a time and ran up to the second floor platform. From the corner of her eye, she saw a ball of bright green light flying towards her.

Gu Chen was anxious and threw out a ball of thunder and lightning, "Come here quickly."

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