The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 498: Catching a turtle in a urn?

Xiao Cong put his hand outside the car window, flicked the ashes from his cigarette, and joked with a smile, "Oh, it's still a dual system."

"What dual-lineage? He is a three-lineage superpower, and no one in the entire Gyeonggi Province knows it. You people, don't be too arrogant. Don't always think that because you have evolved for a long time, you are better than others."

"Look, a small wood-type psychic was able to control Qian Rongtian before."

Qian Rongtian felt a little dissatisfied when old things were brought up again.

Everyone said that he was pretending to be weak on purpose, why is Captain Li doing this? The words struck him in the heart.

The gloomy young man lowered his head and remained silent.

Li Zongyuan was angry that he wouldn't argue, so he slapped him hard and said, "Speak."

The gloomy young man slowly raised his head and said casually, "What, what? Use it?"

"Not yet, make a wedding dress for me."

Li Zongyuan opened his eyebrows and showed a rare smile, "Are you so confident?"

The gloomy young man remained silent again.

Li Zongyuan couldn't help but feel angry and funny when he saw him like this.

Forget it, this kid has always been like this. If you get angry with him, he has no idea what you are angry about.

Xiao Cong flicked the ashes from his cigarette and said with a smile, "What's the use of making a wedding dress? It won't be good in your hands. You'll just be a stinky fish farm. Everything will be soaked in water."

"I'm talking about the smelly fish basket, can you take out the things in the other person's space first and then melt them? This way we can also eat some other useful food."

"For example, those precious vegetables and so on. Maybe there are rare tobacco and drinks in the women's space, right?" Xiao Cong became more and more enthusiastic as he spoke, turning to look at the gloomy young man, "Pushing them all into the water at once, wouldn't it be too bad? Wasted? You can think of a way."

The gloomy young man ignored him and slowly lowered his head.

"Okay, okay, you're the only one talking nonsense." Li Zongyuan glared at Xiao Cong angrily, "Stop smoking this stuff, it will make the car smell like smoke."

After scolding Xiao Cong, Li Zongyuan turned around and looked at Qian Rongtian sitting next to him, "How about Rongtian, where is that woman now?"

"Looking at it, turn left." Qian Rongtian looked confident, "Captain Li, how are we going to deal with it later?"

"Try to use mental powers to control her first."

"Is that okay?" Xiao Cong shouted again with a smile in the front row, "Is it too much to ask Rongtian to deal with a three-series superpower?"

Qian Rongtian didn't say anything, but his sister Qian Rongye jumped out dissatisfied, "Speak more honestly!"

"Okay, I won't argue with you women." The man flicked the cigarette butt with a smile, "I was originally thinking about testing that woman's background."

"It seems there's no need to try now." Xiao Cong spread his hands, "Deputy Captain Qian, I'll leave this woman to you."

Qian Rongtian was too lazy to pay attention to him.

This Xiao Cong is a rebellious person, and everything he says is not up to par. Arguing with him is simply asking for trouble.

The best way is to ignore this person and let him calm down and shut up.

"Stop chirping." Li Zongyuan frowned and glared, "Don't be so arrogant all the time, for a woman, there's no telling whether you are that woman's opponent."

Xiao Cong shrugged.

What Captain Li said was too small of himself.

Forget it, don't argue with them, facts will speak louder than words anyway.

When Qian Rongtian is unable to deal with the woman and he takes her down in one fell swoop, Team Li will clearly realize what a wrong decision it was not to reuse him.

Li Zongyuan secretly rolled his eyes several times. He had always disliked arrogant and arrogant people like Xiao Cong.

In contrast, although the Qian Rongtian brothers and sisters are not as good at fighting as Xiao Cong, at least they have the brains to do things.

"She is going all the way north." Qian Rongtian frowned slightly, "Continue to turn left. It feels like she is heading towards some destination."

"Huh?" Che Kai turned the steering wheel, slightly surprised, "Didn't you say that she has never been to Gushang Base before?"

"It's true based on the information." Li Zongyuan nodded.

There is actually very little information about Xie Ning, only two pages.

It is only said that after the end of the world, she fled with her family all the way from Xishi, from Lanshan Tower Lake to Jinshi Base, and finally came to Gyeonggi. Indeed, she had never set foot in Gushang.

But how much can be covered in two pages?

Most of them are information that everyone knows. Is there any guarantee that Xie Ning has been to Gu before the end of the world?

"It seems like the wind and sand are getting stronger in front?" Che Kai used the windshield wiper all the way to no avail.

There was so much sand stuck to the windshield that it blurred my vision.

"I just saw an @all urgent message sent from the large group. It was sent by Lu Wei from Gyeonggi Province."

"It's said that there are quite a lot of poisonous insects in the wind and sand here on Gushang. You should pay attention to protection when you get off the car. Especially you, Xiao Cong, don't take advantage of your status as an evolved person to ignore the harsh environment here. "

"Cheerleader, I will listen to whatever you say." Xiao Cong responded with a smile.

Li Zongyuan frowned, "You just tried to smoke with the window open just now."

"It's so funny, I'm a sixth-level gold-type superpower, how can I be killed by some little poison-breaking insect?"

Che Kai smiled and said, "Don't be too confident. Captain Li is also considering your safety. This is not our familiar territory, so we must be careful in everything."

Xiao Cong waved his hand nonchalantly, "It's okay. I'll notice the poisonous insect before it even gets close to me."

"People who can be bitten by poisonous insects are usually low-level evolved people."

Xiao Cong shrugged and smiled confidently, "My metal-based body can't even be penetrated by bullets, let alone those little bugs."

Qian Rongye sneered and rolled his eyes at him.

Qian Rongtian patted his sister's hand and suddenly said, "She stopped."

"Huh?" Che Kai stepped on the brakes lightly, "How far away is she from us now?"

"It's only two kilometers away. You can see her when you turn the corner." Qian Rongtian looked surprised, "She has entered the building."

"Hey, that's a good way to catch a turtle in a jar."

Li Zongyuan looked delighted, "This is really a great opportunity."

He had been worried before, not knowing how to separate the girl from the large group.

After all, that little Gu from Gyeonggi is like a piece of dog-skin plaster. He sticks around the little girl all day long, and he annoys her to death!

Unexpectedly, the little girl couldn't think about it so much that she actually left the group and ran away.

Doesn't this just give them a good opportunity to catch a turtle in a urn, haha.

"Park the car on the side of the road." Li Zongyuan instructed, "Let's follow quietly. Which floor has she gone to now?"

"I haven't moved in the hall, maybe I'm collecting some supplies."

"Very good." Li Zongyuan nodded with satisfaction and turned to look at the gloomy young man beside him, "Xiaoyu, are you sure?"

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