Lin Yiyi's heart skipped a beat for no reason, and she yelled almost subconsciously, "Come on."

Two mutated wild dogs with fangs bared rushed towards the top of the ladder. Unfortunately, before they even climbed half a step up the ladder, they were hit in the brain by two supernatural bullets from above and fell down silently. .

Xu Yu screamed out in fright, turned around unconsciously and wanted to run away.

Several rounds of supernatural bullets whizzed towards her.

Xu Yu was so frightened that he didn't dare to move at all, and even forgot about the fact that he had special powers.

Although Zhuang Lei had some suspicion towards Xu Yu, he instinctively built a wall in front of her at the critical moment.

What's surprising is that the supernatural bullets are quite powerful, but they disintegrate the few earth walls he created in just a moment.

But fortunately, after being blocked by the earth wall for several times, the power of the supernatural explosion was also weakened a lot.

Although it finally hit Xu Yu, it did not cause much harm to her.

After all, at the last moment, Xu Yu suddenly remembered that he was a water superpower, and hurriedly wrapped himself in water, which offset many of the impact of superpower bullets.

Even so, Xu Yu was also frightened a lot, and he screamed in panic again.

"Shut up!" Zhuang Lei reprimanded angrily, "Do you want the people above to immediately notice where we are standing so that they can accurately aim and attack us?"

Xu Yu grabbed Zhuang Lei's sleeve and shouted nervously: "It's her, they're here! It's Xie Ning and the others! It's over, it's over, what is Brother Lei going to do now?"

Only now can Zhuang Lei feel the despair of his former teammates. They are really going to be dragged down to death by these pig teammates.

Ask him what to do at this time!

Of course, we are trying to find a reasonable solution to the current dilemma, but what else can we do?

"Lin Yiyi, let your mutant dog and mutant cat cover us up. Hurry!"

Lin Yiyi felt very angry.

It also takes time and energy for her to tame these mutated animals, and it is not easy to tame each one of them.

And these mutated dogs and mutated cats have now died tragic deaths, and there are only three or five left around her.

Looking at this situation, everything will be explained here today.

Zhuang Lei spoke so lightly, as if she didn't need to use her powers to tame these cats and dogs.

"Hurry up, Lin Yiyi, what are you still writing on?"

Seeing that Lin Yiyi had not moved for a long time, Zhuang Lei couldn't help but get angry at her.

How long has this guy, who has failed to achieve anything but failed, still feels sorry for those cats and dogs? Are the lives of these little beasts more valuable than their lives?

Xu Yu was so frightened that he also urged him, "Yiyi, hurry up. Hurry up and let your cats and dogs come up to cover us."

It would be better for mutated dogs and mutated cats to die than for themselves to die.

You don't even have to think about it, you know what to choose.

Lin Yiyi was unwilling to do so, but in the end she had no other choice but to scold the few kittens and puppies around her as they rushed up the wooden stairs without fear of death.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang." The supernatural bullets from above were shot at several mutated dogs and mutated cats without mercy.

In a moment, they all fell to the ground, whimpering.

The blood flowing all over the floor irritated Lin Yiyi's eyes, and she was so angry that she yelled,

At the same time, Zhuang Lei, who was trying to break out against a large earth shield, was forced to dodge backwards.

The opponent has a lot of super bullets!

It seemed that they could never be used up, and they were attacked one after another, completely suffocating them.

It's impossible to break out of the encirclement like this. As long as the opponent shoots at them, they won't be able to get out.

Zhuang Lei had no other choice and glanced at Xu Yu.

The latter was reluctant and shouted in a soft voice, "Who is up there? We are partners in the same brigade, please stop shooting."

A human face flashed past above the earth cave. Within a moment, a person jumped down with strong arms.

Zhuang Lei's expression turned cold and without hesitation, he threw one after another sand, gravel and soil particles at the opponent.

He acted very decisively, with a trace of anger in his eyes, but the other party was obviously on guard.

Zhuang Lei couldn't tell what the opponent was using to block his attack.

Because in the blink of an eye, all the sand, gravel and soil particles were bounced back with a bright force, and the energy was very large.

The rebounded sand and gravel fell to the ground one after another.

Zhuang Lei's pupils shrank and he looked forward in disbelief. He saw a slender young man standing there with short golden hair.

There was a faint cold light reflected in the brown eyes, filled with a damp and cold air.

"It's you who are causing trouble, where is Yueyue?" Kress asked with a cold face.

At the same time, figures continued to climb down from the top of the earthen stairs. Zhuang Lei was so panicked that he was like a trapped animal fighting, and once again launched earth and stone attacks on the opposite side.

Sure enough, this time he saw clearly that the attack was blocked again and bounced in front of him, without even touching a corner of the other boy's clothes.

This is embarrassing.

Xu Yu also realized at this time, isn't this foreign boy the spiritual superpower in the Spark Team?

It turns out that this young boy's spiritual powers are so powerful.

Even Zhuang Lei... had no room to perform in front of him.

Xu Yu's pupils narrowed slightly as he looked at the figures jumping down one by one from above the earth hole.

It's Song Kexin, Song Shijun!

Are all the members of Team Spark here?

Does that mean that Xie Ning is on top and is about to come down?

Thinking of this, Xu Yu couldn't help but tremble all over.

I have an inexplicable feeling...that my death is approaching.

She hoped this was an illusion, but the reality in front of her kept telling her again and again that it was almost too soon, she had to run, run!

If you don't run, you really won't have a chance to run.

However, there were enemy camps at the front, back, left and right, all of them staring at him eagerly.

Where can I run? Xu Yu was desperate.

For the first time in my life, I felt such a sense of powerlessness.

Maybe it would be nice if I could stop Lin Yiyi, a stupid kid, from the beginning.

At this time, the old generator room inside made a sound of "chila, chila" and a short circuit in the wires.

The raging fire filled the air, burning the wooden vines in the room, causing a series of "cracking" sounds.

A burning smell began to spread from the inside out.

It's hard not to notice such a strong burning smell.

"Are you in there?" Song Kexin shouted angrily, "What did you do to Yueyue?"

"Yes." Kress's mental power spread over, and he had detected abnormalities, his face was deep and terrifying.

"Control them all, don't let any of them go. All of them must be alive." Kress dropped a sentence in anger.

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