The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 530 Drawing a Clear Boundary

"Ten Zhuang Xinyi bundled together can't even compare to one of my team members."

Zhuang Xinyi couldn't help but burst into tears when she heard Zheng Heng's straightforward words. She couldn't control herself at all.

"Things have reached this point, and now everyone in the team is extremely dissatisfied with her."

"You know everything about the situation. It's not that we want to abandon Zhuang Xinyi cruelly, but it's been more than a year since the end of the world. Instead of making any progress, she has been holding us back. If this continues, can you still Do you want me to lose more powerful teammates?"

"I am the team leader, and I am responsible for every team member. Zhuang Xinyi is our classmate, but the others who join our Zheng Heng team are our teammates."

"Ask yourself, how much have we helped Zhuang Xinyi in the last days? Haven't I helped her enough?"

"Because of her various mistakes before, we have lost enough people and materials. On this mission, I frankly explained the risk situation to her before, as well as the dangers that will occur this time, and advised her not to follow."

"She said she could do it, but how did she do it in the end?"

"Because of her screams, the mutant zombies in the building next door also came to attack us! When we retreated hastily, she started to delay again."

"But Zheng Heng, we have to say it back. Did the three of them voluntarily protect Xinyi, or did Xinyi risk her life to beg them? In the end, they didn't have time to completely retreat. It can only be said that it was their life." Zha Peng argued with a cold face.

"They protect Xinyi because they feel that Xinyi is their teammate and a member who must be protected. It does not mean that they have the obligation to protect!"

Zheng Heng's face also turned cold, "Zha Peng, you really disappoint me when you say such things. I didn't expect that love can make a person blind like this. Don't forget that those three teammates were just to help Zhuang Xinyi He was bitten and torn to pieces only after resisting mutated zombies."

"You should at least be grateful, right?"

"Zhuang Xinyi, I have one last thing to say to you. I hope you can listen."

Zheng Heng looked serious, "I know you are making trouble this time because you really hope to find an opportunity of your own and obtain superpowers. But for people nowadays, the probability of getting superpowers is basically negligible."

"Ordinary people actually have an ordinary way of living. It doesn't mean that if you don't have superpowers, you will lose everything. If you still can't get out of this corner, I think your future will be in danger."

"Zha Peng, if you are not afraid of being dragged down by Zhuang Xinyi, then you can continue to protect her by her side. As for our team, we will draw a clear line with Zhuang Xinyi from today on! From now on, Zhuang Xinyi will not be a part of our team ”

Zhuang Xinyi's tears fell down and she turned to look at Zheng Feina with pleading eyes.

Zheng Feina turned her head and was too lazy to meet her self-pitying eyes.

Zhuang Xinyi was helpless, her eyes finally fell on He Zhi, and she cried sadly, "He Zhi."

"He Zhi, will you help me? We have been good sisters for so many years. You can't just ignore me. If you kick me away and don't want me, what will happen if I leave the team? You are better than anyone else. It’s all clear.”

"I was wrong and I know I was wrong. I will definitely not drag you down again in the future. I hope you can forgive me for the last time, okay?"

"I will definitely never make a mistake like today again! In all future tasks, as long as you decide to let me stay at home, I will never go against you and will definitely follow you out."

"I will stay here, please don't drive me away."

Seeing his beloved being forced like this, Zha Peng's veins popped out on his head, "Zheng Heng! Zheng Feina He Zhi! Xinyi has already said this and cried into tears. Please forgive her once."

"Why are you so cruel? We are all old classmates. Is it necessary to take such a drastic step?"

Zheng Feina said impatiently, "It's not that we are cruel, it's that we have really had enough of Zhuang Xinyi!"

"Since you love her so much and treat her like a jewel, take her with you and stop staying here to harm the rest of us, okay? Wouldn't it be better for you two to love each other and harm each other?"

Zha Peng turned his head sharply and glared at Zheng Feina with an angry face, "You are really getting more and more cruel now."

"He Zhilian, do you think so, Zhuang Xinyi should leave?"

He Zhi sighed and remained silent.

In fact, she knows Zhuang Xinyi's abilities better than anyone else.

If she were kicked out of the team, she might not survive for three days...

But this incident also allowed her to see clearly the true colors of Zhuang Xinyi and Zha Peng.

When the danger came, the three teammates tried their best to save her, but Zhuang Xinyi turned around and left them inside. Zha Peng even said that those three people were unlucky and they would have survived if they could escape earlier. .

There is no such thing!

Others risked their lives to save others, but the person being saved was so indifferent that he did not even say an apology or even shed two tears for others.

Such teammates make people shudder. Since Zheng Heng and his sister have made such a decision, He Zhi doesn't want to refute them face to face.

The team is still led by Zheng Heng, and she is unwilling to start an internal conflict with her teammates for the sake of a cold-blooded person like Zhuang Xinyi and Cha Peng.

Now that Zheng Heng and Zheng Feina have decided, let's do it.

Zha Peng was very angry, pointed at Zheng Heng, Zheng Feina, and He Zhi and said with a sneer: "I don't believe it. Without you, Zhuang Xinyi and I can still survive in this apocalypse."

"And I swear that I will take Zhuang Xinyi with me and live longer than each of you. Just wait and see who lives longer and who can have the last laugh!"

"Cha Peng." Zhuang Xinyi burst into tears.

But because he tortured his teammates with tears every time, his teammates were really used to it.

So Zhuang Xinyi's tears were really worthless now. Everyone just looked at her silently and then looked away.

"Zha Peng." Zhuang Xinyi cried again to Cha Peng.

Feeling distressed and angry, Zha Peng put his arm around Zhuang Xinyi's shoulders and led her towards the team.

When they came into contact with the curious looks cast by Xie Ning and others, they said angrily, "What are you looking at?"

Xie Ning silently withdrew her gaze.

Zhuang Xinyi and Zha Peng were kicked out of the team by Zheng Heng, and they must have been extremely angry.

But Zheng Heng made a good decision, which is good for other teammates in his team.

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