The tall and fat man sobbed, "Good brother Shijun, when I earn the crystal core, I will pay you back all the food money I owe you these days."

The long-haired female classmate's eyes were red, "Can we really save the sandworms in our bodies?"

Song Shijun nodded heavily, "Even if you don't believe me, you still have to believe in Dr. Yu's ability. If he says it will work, it will definitely work."

Several classmates suddenly showed happy faces.

Seeing that their moods had improved, Song Shijun couldn't help but smile happily, "Eat quickly. Only when you are full can you have the strength to take the next step."


Over here, Song Shijun and several classmates were eating lively and chatting about some experiences after the apocalypse.

Chen Jiajia, who was being guarded on the side and had not had a drop of water so far, was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Chen Chong was also very hungry and uncomfortable, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was immediately slapped back by the members of Group A around him. This happened several times, which caused Chen Chong to have a psychological shadow.

Now they are watching Song Shijun give things to his classmates and teachers, and they are very unwilling to do so.

Why are the rescuers divided into three levels when they are all people from the base, some can be eaten and some cannot be eaten?

"Dad!" Chen Jiajia urged angrily.

Chen Chong braced himself and raised his voice, "Even if he is a prisoner of war, there is no reason to let him starve to death, right?"

"We need water and food! We haven't had any real food in almost three to five days."

"Captain Gu, since you are here to carry out rescue operations at Gushang Base, you shouldn't favor one over the other!"

His voice was so loud that Gu Chen could naturally hear him.

But so what if I heard it, I just glanced at it briefly, then turned around and went about other things.

Chen was so inflated that he felt dizzy and turned to look at the two members of Team A who were responsible for guarding them.

"What? Do you want to starve us to death?"

"I'm so thirsty!" Chen Jiajia shouted, "I want to drink water! Give me water, give me water!"

"Jia Jia, my poor child." Chen Chong, an excellent singer and songwriter, shouted, "Xie Ning, Gu Chen, what do you want?"

Xie Ning, who was named, was watching the fun behind Hu Jianfeng, the captain of the second team.

Look at them nervously organizing one temporary team after another.

Look at the ordinary people who came out of the shelters and protested loudly.

Hu Jianfeng was so distressed by these uncles, aunts and grandmothers that he could only organize people to line up over and over again.

Xie Ning was watching with great interest when she heard Chen Chong calling him through the crowd.

Xie Ning turned her head and rewarded him with a metal thorn with a smile.

Because she was standing next to Hu Jianfeng, the captain of the second team, the ordinary people opposite Hu Jianfeng could all see clearly.

The little girl, whose face was covered, turned her head and pierced Chen Chong's shoulder with an eighteen-meter-long metal thorn.

Hu Jianfeng suddenly noticed that a bunch of messy sounds in front of him suddenly stopped.

Hu Jianfeng and the members of the second team glanced at his sister-in-law silently, but secretly did not dare to look more. They immediately withdrew their gaze and continued to stand guard solemnly.

"You can continue to argue." Xie Ning's voice was not high, but it was clear and crisp, pouring directly into the depths of everyone's minds.

"I must regretfully tell you something. A large wave of zombies has gathered in the north of your base, including mutated zombies of level four or above."

"When the noise you make here attracts zombies from the north of the base..." the little girl looked at everyone with a smile.

"I can tell you very responsibly. Ordinary people like you here will probably...not save one out of ten."

Xie Ning pointed out a finger and shook it at them.

"Now you have about an hour to retreat."

Xie Ning turned to look at Hu Jianfeng, who looked stunned, "Go and report."

"Take what you can take with you, and keep what you can't. Why bother? Have you counted all the people in your team?"

Hu Jianfeng nodded vigorously, "Everyone in our team has been counted. In addition to Zhuang Lei and the others, nine teammates unfortunately died."

"People from the X world are not among them. We can't find them, and we don't know where they are at the moment."

"That's enough." Xie Ning nodded, "Go and report."


After Hu Jianfeng turned around and left, there was once again a rustling voice of opposition from the group of ordinary people opposite.

"Isn't it possible?"

"It's so mysterious, as if you can predict when the zombies will come."

"It's just, what an hour? My mother-in-law hasn't packed her luggage in an hour."

"Why are we asking you to bring your luggage now? Is this too much?"

The little warrior from the superpower team replied expressionlessly, "I have just explained to you that too many things will slow down the trip."

"The situation is critical now. We can only take you away first while ensuring the safety of everyone. As for the large luggage, you can haul it later."

There is an aunt who actually carries the gas stove in her house...

Now at this time, where does the gas come from? What is the use of carrying this thing? I keep talking and don't listen.

I have to have my sister-in-law come, and if I am shocked, everyone will act like a little chicken and not dare to speak loudly.

When the aunts saw the little warriors, they dared to raise their voices, and they all kept talking.

Xie Ning smiled warmly and said, "Whether we can go here or not is entirely up to everyone. It doesn't mean that you have to go with us."

"Ah, little girl, what you said is a bit too much. The Gushang base is like this. There are sand bugs everywhere. What else can we do if we don't leave?"

Xie Ning blinked, with a gentle and harmless smile, but her voice was extremely cold and ruthless, "Just die, what's the use of not dying?"

"You are idiots who talk nonsense when someone comes to save you, asking for this and that. No one wants you even if it's for performance reasons."

"Don't talk so much nonsense to them, give them time."

"Everyone will be lined up within ten minutes."

"Those outside the team are those who voluntarily give up their right to life."

"Whether you want to live or not, whether you want to go together, it all depends on your freedom. How can there be so much nonsense."

"Start counting the clock now."

The members of Team A held back their laughter and looked at the confused members of the Superpower Team and winked at them.

The latter quickly came to his senses and quickly carried out his sister-in-law's order.

"Aren't you starting to count the clock now? Isn't it too sudden?"

"Damn it, don't step on me! I'm in the team too, why are you dragging me down? Don't take my position."

"Ten minutes is so fast, I can't even wait in line!"

A group of people are complaining, but in fact the queue speed is really not slow...

Ten minutes later, the square in front of the shelter, which was originally a desert, now had many long and short queues lined up.

There was an aunt holding a stainless steel basin. Seeing that she couldn't join the long queue, she took the old man and formed a short queue of two...

Gu Chen came over and glanced at him expressionlessly.

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