The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 570 Whoever is caught is sprayed

Chapter 570: Whoever is caught will be sprayed...

Seeing the old lady for the first time, all the fear of being dominated by the old lady all those years came to my mind.

To be honest, if it weren't for the mother's awareness of protecting her daughter, she would not dare to approach the old lady...

"Why are you here, old lady?" Song Youai's words were stuttered and a little forced.

Xie Ning really laughed angrily at her mother's cowardice.

I was timid when I was young, but my daughter is still timid at this age!

"Mom, it's none of your business." Xie Ning glanced at her mother, "You go back to eat first."

It's so embarrassing, it looks both funny and ridiculous.

Song Youai nodded timidly, received his daughter's imperial edict, and wanted to sneak back.

How could the old lady let her slip away like this? She was so angry that she scolded her, "Song Youai, is this how you raise your daughter? Do you want her to see me as someone who is superior or inferior?"

"At that time, I said that the child should live with us, but I came to help you take care of it, but you refused. Look what kind of thing you have raised now?"

When Song Youai, who wanted to run away, heard this, she couldn't help but blush and defend herself, "Old lady, you can just talk about me, why are you getting involved with my daughter? My Ningning is well-behaved and filial, so don't talk nonsense."

"She's the only one? She's so good and filial! Your ability to tell lies with open eyes has improved!"

"Mom, Mom!" Xie Xueli hurriedly tried to smooth things over, "Mom, we haven't seen each other for so long, how about we find a quiet place to chat? Let's stop arguing, okay?"

"Who wants to argue with her! I am teaching her how to be a good person." Zhou Xuefen was furious, "Look what kind of person she has taught her. She is disrespectful to her father and grandmother. This is all due to her faulty teaching."

"You keep teaching me nothing, how can you teach me? The Xie Mei you taught follows the bandit gang everywhere and harasses ordinary survivors. The mother of Xie Mei, whom you admire so much, abandoned Xie Xuezhi before getting married and ran away with a wild man. Got it!"

"Ms. Zhou, according to you, a shameless woman like this would have been dipped in a pig cage in ancient times, right?"

"Why, this kind of behavior has been infinitely reduced to you? Xie Mei's mother had a bastard relationship with a wild man, and you put her in Xie Xuezhi's name. You teach well, you are a complete person and do things well. All principles are understood Your Xie family has taken over everything! My mother just picked up a cheap item that no one wants, and she has to be taught how to be a good person by you, right? "

"Xie Mei's mother is good at everything, everything is to your liking. She is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, but she lacks a little bit of virtue! She lacks such a shameful face! This is the well-educated and sensible daughter-in-law that you like, Ms. Zhou. , a good woman who had a secret pregnancy with a wild man before marriage and raised an illegitimate daughter in the wrong name of Xie Xuezhi!"

After saying these words, he was struck down mercilessly with a gun and a stick, which made the old lady so angry that her chest heaved and she fell backwards.

Xie Xueli and Xie Xuexin quickly reached out to support their mother, looking at Xie Ning in shock and disbelief.

The old lady covered her heart, gasped for air, and said tremblingly, "Who, who, who told you these gossips? Is it this woman? Song Youai, you have such a poisonous mind! Look at you. How has the girl become?"

Song Youai looked confused and completely out of sorts.

What? what's going on?

What's that about Xie Mei? Ning Ning said something. She felt that she could understand everything her daughter said, but she couldn't understand it at all.

No wonder Xie Xueli asked her about Xie Mei in a probing tone earlier.

Relationships are really illegitimate, oh, adopted daughter?

The adopted daughter is in the name of Xuezhi and has nothing to do with Xuezhi. It sounds like Xuezhi's childhood sweetheart had a child with someone else...

Uh, what kind of confusion operation is this?

"How did you know, how did you know about this?" the old lady asked sharply and angrily, "Did Xuezhi tell you? Isn't that right?"

"He told you, you tell your girl! Ah? You tell your girl this kind of thing?? Are you a human! Do you still want to show some respect?"

"You are a human being! Just do all the things that are not human affairs!" Xie Ning sneered, "You want face? Whatever you like, you don't do anything to be ashamed of."

Xie Xueli was shocked for a while, then slowly closed his eyes and sighed softly, "No wonder you hate Xie Mei so much."

So Xie Ning knew about this from beginning to end?

But where did the child learn about this? It seemed that even the sister-in-law was kept in the dark, so how did Xie Ning learn about it?

"What do I hate about her? What is there about her that I should hate? Don't put yourself in such a pretentious position. I don't even want to take another look at her pretentiousness and the mold of her mother. Still hate her? It’s really funny.” Xie Ning laughed out loud.

At this moment, the little girl is covered in thorns. Basically, she will prick whoever comes, tear whoever comes, and squirt whoever she catches without giving anyone any face.

Gu Chen was very angry when he saw this, and shook the little girl's cold hand distressedly.

Well, the good mood that I just had after drinking soy milk and having a full stomach will be broken by these uninvited guests.

Why don't these people stay in a corner silently, but they want to mess with his little girl?

Song Youai waited for her daughter to finish squirting and when the whole place was silent, she couldn't help but asked weakly, "Xueli, tell me the truth, is Xie Mei really not Xie Xuezhi's illegitimate daughter?"

Why does she sound so weird?

If it doesn't matter, why do they have to be fostered under Xie Xuezhi's name?

"No! No, sister-in-law." Xie Xueli's pupils tightened and he hurriedly defended, "I didn't tell you about this, because I definitely didn't want you to think too much."

"Xie Mei is just an adopted daughter in the name of eldest brother, but in fact Xie Mei has always been taken care of by my mother, and she has little contact with eldest brother."

"Stop pretending, how could she not know something that Xie Ning already knows??" Zhou Xuefen was furious, "How else do you think Xie Ning would know about this?? It wasn't her long-tongued woman who said it."

What a shameless thing. The things of the previous generation are actually mentioned in front of my daughter. She is shameful and shameful. She is really a vulgar country woman!

"You're the one with the tongue..." Xie Ning was furious and wanted to take out the knife. When Song Youai saw this, he quickly pressed his daughter's hand and dragged her behind Gu Chen.

"Xiao Gu, take Ning Ning back to the small room first to eat some ice to reduce the fire."

The two brothers, Song Youzhi and Song Youyi, who came after hearing the news, stared at the old lady eagerly, turned to wave to Gu Chen, "Take Ning Ning back, leave the affairs here to us."

Song Youai looked back at her daughter who was dragged away, then turned to the old lady, "As you wish, your son and I are divorced, and we probably won't have anything to do with her in the future."

"I just want to say one thing, I have never heard of what Ning Ning said today before. What is this Xie Mei... Since you always like her so much, just raise her as Xie Xuezhi's daughter."

"Our Xie Ning will change her surname to Song from now on, and it will have nothing to do with your old Xie family."

Classmate Xie Ning, who was dragged away, was full of righteousness and could not help but blink after hearing this...

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