The photos of aquatic mutant plants provided by Min Shaolun are very useful.

Although the person taking the photo was a little shaken, they could see the general outline clearly.

Min Shaolun also took the initiative to explain to them the process of fighting the mutated aquatic plant. He bluntly said that the thing was very dangerous. If it hadn't chased him, he would have had to explain everything on the spot.

The photo was handed into the hands of Yu Tianfeng. Comrade Xiaoyu studied it for a long time and then said, "Prepare some fire-type supernatural guns. Five rafts should be equipped with one. Fire attack is the most suitable."


"How are Gu Chen and the others going to go? The raft is likely to hit underwater buildings on the way."

Because it is a city itself, who knows what is under the water, and it is very likely that it will rub against various things buried under the water, such as some vehicles, piles and poles.

Xie Ning was also a little worried, after all, she was still dragging so many oil bottles!

"According to what Min Shaolun said, this aquatic mutant plant is probably unable to surface." Yu Tianfeng analyzed, "It cannot be ruled out that it is some kind of tree mutation on the street. Its vines have a trace of water power."

"But Min Shaolun also said before that the aquatic mutant plant only chased them for a short distance and then disappeared."

"I'm afraid its attack range is not large, so there's no need to worry too much.'

Yu Tianfeng looked at the huge flesh-colored tentacles of the mutated aquatic plants in the photo and marveled, "This is really mutated. It would be great if we could get some rhizome juice."

Xie Ning took the photo on her phone away from his hand and looked at him expressionlessly, "Speak nicely."

Yu Tianfeng raised his head in confusion, a tuft of white hair floating in front of his forehead, "I always speak seriously."

"Didn't you notice?" Xie Ning glanced at him, "The way you look at beautiful women is not as intense as when you look at mutated plants."

A perverted and wretched little look!

Yu Tianfeng couldn't help laughing and trotted after Xie Ning, "Xiao Ning, don't worry, you are much more beautiful than them. I will definitely see you more in the future!"

Everyone turned their attention to them.

Sure enough, Comrade Gu arrived at the battlefield in three seconds, pushed Dr. Yu aside, and led his girlfriend away.

When everyone went down the stairs to the second floor, water began to flow by.

Xie Ning's entire team was fully armed, wrapped in raincoats and boots from head to toe, and all wore scarves and masks.

A group of people put their backpacks on their backs and filed down.

Zhu Yong, Song Youzhi, and Song Youyi held poles in their hands.

The members of the Spark Team are quite diligent. They have made a total of seven wooden rafts in the past few days. Now they have taken out three of them, and the remaining four are still stored in Ji Taixian's space for later use.

Xie Ning is actually very happy because her family makes her worry so much.

In fact, she has told everyone that there is a boat in her space, but everyone still worked diligently to make seven rafts without slacking off.

Everyone is doing their best to contribute to the team and the family, and they are not too dependent on her, which makes Xie Ning feel relieved.

At least the family members are working hard every day to learn more apocalyptic survival skills.

After all, it is good to have the ability on your own. It is better to rely on oneself than relying on mountains and trees.

The Spark Team, a group of more than ten people, boarded three rafts in one swift movement and floated out through the large split glass window.

Su Xiyue was sitting among her family members holding her backpack, with a rather excited little face, looking around but not making a sound.

The rafts floated out one after another, and the ones behind began to urge the ones in front to move faster.

The weaklings at the Gu base finally learned a lot. This time they didn't scramble for any trivial matters, and got on the wooden raft one by one in an orderly manner.

Drifting on the water, everyone was not feeling relaxed at all.

The water is as far as the eye can see.

The original office building was covered in mist and rain, with a bit more water vapor.

Such a beautiful city is now completely soaked and submerged by rain. At a glance, it really looks endlessly desolate and cold.

Some female comrades at Gushang Base even covered their faces with their hands and sobbed softly.

This may be the city where they have lived for a long time, or it may be the place where they have worked for many years.

but now……

In the distance, dilapidated street lamps hang dejectedly, and withered signboards are visible.

The square that was bustling and prosperous before the end of the world was now flooded and no trace of it was left.

The trees on the street were withered, and only half of the bakery window was flooded.

The finely crafted bread in the window had long been robbed, leaving only half of a bloody zombie face pressed against the glass, baring its gnarly white teeth at them.

Xie Ning closed her eyes, feeling extremely heavy.

Anyone who sees this devastated scene will probably not be able to bear it.

A group of people held poles and floated slowly on the water. They did not dare to float too fast to prevent them from hitting some underwater buildings.

The wooden raft of Song Youzhi and others almost collided with a shared bicycle standing on the road.

There is half a zombie hanging under the wheel of this bicycle, its head has been chopped off, and its eyes are still glaring fiercely at the passers-by.

"Everyone, be careful and try to move as slowly as possible." Zhai Ruobai and others led the way, giving everyone guidance from time to time.

It's still raining.

It's just that the rain is much lighter, but the continuous drizzle makes people very upset.

It just felt like it was going on and on, as if the light rain was going on endlessly.

Everyone holding the raft was afraid of falling behind, so they followed closely one after another.

At this time, Xie Mei couldn't help but envy the people of the Liaoyuan team who got on the sightseeing boat.

If that woman Xie Ning hadn't been too talkative and exposed her in front of the team, she would be on that ship now.

Although the current is not bumpy, the feeling of standing on a raft is much worse than sitting comfortably in a boat.

Xie Xueli and Xie Xuexin got my mother a square wooden bench and asked her to sit in the middle.

The person holding the raft for them was called Xiao Ding. Xiao Ding was probably a power user. He could hold the raft easily by himself.

Min Shaolun continued to win over and sent two superpowers to Xie Xueli and the others.

Apart from this Xiao Ding, the other one is the wind power user that the old lady praised.

An hour later, everyone on the raft crossed the street corner without any danger and continued to float towards the old city gate.

Fortunately, each raft is equipped with at least one person who can support the raft, and the current is not fast, otherwise the journey will be quite choked.

“The main road is right in front of you after exiting the old city gate, so it’s a bit easier.”

"Tell me, when will this rain stop?"

"This weather is not normal. It has never rained so many days before when we came here."

"Hey, the weather will be normal after the end of the world. It's already cold, but this rain has made it even more wet, cold, and freezing to death."

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" someone shouted from the raft behind.

Song Youai and others turned around to look. Everyone was crowded on the wooden raft, but they couldn't see clearly who was calling.

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