The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 579 It’s useless even if you scream.

"Wow, you are stealing money!" The uncle angrily threw his hands away, "Where can we old people get crystal nuclei?"

"That's right!"

"Young man, you are here to rescue us. You don't look kind at all."

"That's right, it's your duty to protect us."

Song Shijun couldn't listen at all and quickly interrupted, "Wake up, sir, aunts, it's been more than a year since the end of the world, stop having those unrealistic dreams."

"It's good enough that the official can send people to rescue you now. Don't ask for too much."

"Wood-type superpowers consume their superpowers to spawn fruits and vegetables! That little cabbage and Chinese cabbage are not things that can be produced just by spitting! The recovery of superpower consumption is very slow, sir, if you encounter dangers like tentacles again along the way, you What should the superpowers do on their own?"

"Don't just think about yourself every day. It is your bounden duty to protect you before the end of the world. Do you have to continue to protect you after the end of the world? Why can't you stand up and gain some energy to protect yourselves?"

Su Xiyue nodded heavily and said crisply, "You can't rely on mountains and trees. In the end, you have to rely on yourself! My sister said it."

Song Youai and others couldn't help but laugh. Everything her sister said now was an imperial edict, and the whole family wanted to get a small notebook and excerpt it.

"Do you still need compensation for two liters of fuel??" Zhai Ruobai asked angrily.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Several uncles and aunties nodded repeatedly, and their voices became lower.

Song Kexin, Gu Chen and the others didn't know about this little episode. Comrade Youai thought well. If Gu Chen was here, he would definitely not spoil them, and they would definitely be speechless.

A group of three people had now approached the space wall area created by Xie Ning.

The assault boat paused in front of the space wall for a few seconds until Xie Ning opened a gap in the barrier.

Only then did the three of them enter in the assault boat.

Soon, the missing barrier was once again covered and completed.

A thin beam of light is reflected on the transparent wall where the light flows.

Xie Ning saw three people rushing over from a distance, but before she had time to speak, Ma Yu's chest exploded in front of her, and like Xia Yuanyi, black tentacles emerged from it.

Seeing this scene again, Xie Ning still felt uncomfortable in her eyes and was disgusted by this parasite.

"Burn it."

With these two short and powerful words, Song Kexin sent the parasite three super fireballs without saying a word.

Blue fire fell on the raft, and the flames swayed slowly.

Song Kexin controlled the fire and only burned the source of the parasite, not the raft below.

Ma Yu howled miserably in the fire.

Xie Ning stabbed her whole body with long metal thorns. While stabbing her, she scolded her expressionlessly, "Shut up, you scream so unpleasant."

After a few seconds, she sneered angrily again, "Keep shouting, keep shouting! It's best to call all the aquatic mutant plants around so that I can deal with them all at once."

A cold woman, Ma Yu shuddered from the bottom of her heart.

The moment her consciousness slowly faded, she began to regret it.

Why come to this woman when you have nothing to do?

If he didn't take the initiative to find her, but returned to the base with peace of mind, and then contacted Li Zongyuan and the others, would he be able to save his life?

"Don't kill me, Xie Ning." Ma Yu gave a vague defense, "I, I really didn't mean it, Xie Ning. We are good friends, good, best friends! We have been friends for more than ten years. "

"Can you bear it? Ah!"

"Be patient!" Xie Ning nodded and pointed at Ma Yu, who was fixed to the raft by metal thorns, "Concentrate on burning the source of the parasite! We can't let it escape even half!"

With the previous experience of burning Xia Yuanyi and others, classmate Song Kexin is now very comfortable with the operation.

Damn Ma Yu actually dared to sneak behind and ambush her sister when all of them were out of the attack range of the aquatic mutant plants.

Now it’s really hard to steal the chicken but lose the rice!

Deserve it!

Ma Yu was fixed on the raft.

In order to prevent the parasite from escaping, Xie Ning also very carefully arranged a small space wall near the raft.

Now, she, Song Kexin, Gu Chen, and Ji Taixian are all staying in the small space wall with the parasite source.

The upper and lower sides are all sealed, and the parasite cannot escape even if it wants to, because it cannot escape from her enclosed space wall.

Ji Taixian was helping Xinxin replenish energy well water. When he looked at Ma Yu, he almost felt nauseated.

It's so disgusting.

Ma Yu didn't look human at all now. Her entire body was wrapped in black tentacles.

In such an ugly situation, she actually wanted to bargain with Sister Ning and live?

Song Kexin burned for half an hour.

Xie Ning's eyebrows furrowed again. She had been reflecting on how to deal with the alien species faster during this period.

It would be too time consuming if we had to spend so much effort every time to deal with alien species.

These monsters created by the X world...perhaps we should look for internal information from the X world to more quickly understand the fatal weaknesses of the alien species.

Xie Ning thought of her good friend Little Spider.

As if sensing her thoughts, the little spider said weakly, "Master Zhu Zhu, yes, it is like this. Alien species are not that easy to create for the X world. Especially people like Ma Yu Such high-end finished products! Actually, the quantity is very rare.”

"Although it's a bit hard to kill, but... I will find time to help Lord Juche hack into the large system and investigate to see if I can find a way to quickly eliminate the alien species."

In fact, it was originally intended to persuade the subject not to care too much. This thing is actually not common! But ahem, feeling the main body's emotional ups and downs, the little spider made a 180-degree turn in an instant and answered the next sentence.

"Very good!" This is what Xie Ning was waiting for.

She is indeed her lifelong best friend! She didn't even say anything, and Little Spider understood what she meant first.

The little spider is currently lying on the leaves in the farmhouse space, rubbing against the leaves next to it, as if wiping sweat...

It feels like it has been enslaved by the subject and has no temper.

Well, the subject is very beautiful and smart. She is actually good at everything, but her temper is a bit bad, so she should continue to spoil her.

"Do you want to take samples?" Gu Chen suddenly said.

Last time they were so nervous about killing alien species that they forgot to ask Yu Tianfeng if he wanted to take samples or something.

Xie Ning frowned and was unsure, "I'll ask Little Spider."

After a moment, Xie Ning nodded, "It should be okay to get some blood and skin tissue. But these tentacles must be burned into blood."

"Sister, she is harder to burn than Xia Yuanyi." Song Kexin broke out with a trace of sweat on her head.

Ji Taixian quickly took out a handkerchief to wipe her, and at the same time handed her a small cup of replenishing well water, "It's okay, Xinxin, please take a break and drink some water before continuing."

"It's definitely difficult to burn." Xie Ning frowned and nodded, "After all, the parasite in her body is very mature and more powerful than Xia Yuanyi's."

"Burn again." Xie Ning clenched her fists, "In the future, you can test it."

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