The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 610 Feeling ashamed

When he thought that all those people upstairs had meat to eat, he felt particularly irritable and uneasy.

How come they are the masses, so they can have meat to eat and soup to drink, but Song Jiabao has nothing?

They all fled from the base to Gyeonggi... Wait!

Song Jiabao's eyes were as wide as bells, and he turned to Song Kuang, who was clutching his waist and crying, "Dad, when they come here in this kind of weather, they must have the same purpose as us, they are going to the Gyeonggi base."

Song Xue sneered, "So what?"

Is this any reason to be surprised?

The fastest way to Gyeonggi is this way. It is obvious that the other party's destination is Gyeonggi.

"Even if our destination is the same, it doesn't mean that others will take us in." Song Xue said with a cold face, "What's more, you all saw what happened just now. Xie Ning doesn't have the slightest kinship with us. point."

"Stinky girl, a dead girl dares to yell at me and touch me! She is a coward. I want to see Grandpa, and I want Grandpa to give me a review."

"Have you made enough trouble?" Song Xue scolded angrily, "If you hadn't made trouble just now, would we have been able to stand down like this?"

"Grandpa is Xie Ning's biological grandfather. Who do you think he is looking for in his heart? Is it towards us or his granddaughter."

"Of course it's towards us." Song Jiabao roared, "He and I have the same surname. I am the grandson of Miao Jin, the only child of the old Song family. My mother said that I should inherit everything from the old Song family."

Song Xue rolled her eyes to the sky and smiled contemptuously at him, "Your mother, your mother, your mother has died a long time ago! Are you mother and son still awake from the sweet dream they had?"

"Inheritance? What is your identity? Grandpa has no grandchildren of his own, so you want you to inherit everything in their family? It's so funny. How can you not pee without a mirror?"

"Song Xue, what are you talking about? Can you tell me again??" Song Jiabao raised his hand and wanted to slap Song Xue twice, "I'm giving you face, right? You are a loser who is fostered in our house. Who gave you the courage to tell this young master??"

Song Xue looked at him coldly.

The slap fell and was intercepted by Teng Ziliang halfway.

The latter threw Song Jiabao's arm away and warned with a cold face, "Don't fight with Xuexue, otherwise you and your father will leave the team and form a separate team to go to Gyeonggi."

"No, no, no, no, A Liang, why are you so angry? Isn't this just Jiabao and his brother and sister having fun? The two siblings are usually like this at home. It's harmless to fight, haha."

"Sister, let's go back to the house." Song Xue turned around and helped the limping Song Zhaodi back into the house.

Song Zhaodi was a little flattered and whispered, "I, I can do it on my own."

The two of them entered the house and closed the door. They could still hear the sound of Song Jiabao rolling around and crying.

Song Zhaodi pursed her chapped lips, "Axue, Jiabao is just a child who hasn't grown up. Don't take what he says to heart."

"Where are the children? How old are they? They will be 18 this year. They are still living in their dreams. What beautiful dreams do they have? They also want to inherit the great grandfather's family property. Who does he think he is? Song Shijun is still a big man. Grandpa’s grandson is here!”

"You think that because your surname is Song, you are the only member of the Song family? You are out of your mind."

Song Zhaodi retracted her hand angrily and defended in a low voice, "Jia Bao is a bit immature, but, we are sisters, so we can just let him be."

"And...Mom has been gone for more than a year, and Jiabao is very unhappy."

"So what?" Song Xue sneered, "Sister, you just live without yourself. Your patriarchal mother has been gone for so long, you should have crawled out of the shadows long ago."

"Look at yourself, aren't your arms and legs crippled because of Song Jiabao? You don't owe him anything, okay? Why do you have to make yourself so miserable?"

"Sister, as a human being, you should think more about yourself. I still want to advise you that there will be no good end for supporting your brother's demon, really."

Song Xue opened her mouth like a machine gun, and Song Zhaodi smiled shyly at her, not daring to choke.

She just nodded submissively.

Dragging my crippled legs and feet, I turned around and went to the small, cramped kitchen to continue making something edible.

They had not eaten for a day and a night, and Jiabao had long been complaining that he was hungry.

In addition, several other teammates in the team also kept urging her to start eating, so she had to finish the tasks at hand quickly.

Song Xue looked at Song Zhaodi's trembling back and rolled her eyes angrily.

She followed her into the kitchen and whispered, "Sister, why didn't you say a few words to aunt and the others just now?"

"Your presence is so low, I don't think my aunt or uncle has even seen you."

"No, no, no." Song Zhaodi waved her hands hurriedly and murmured in a low voice, "Auntie and the others are doing well, let's not bother them."

"How can this be trouble?" Song Xue opened her mouth with an exaggerated expression, and after a while she let out a breath of turbid air.

"All of us are named Song, and we are our aunt's nieces!"

"Since God has guided us all to reunite, shouldn't we... support each other more in the future?"

"Do you think this is a good idea? You go up to see your aunt again, just go alone. Avoid this crazy woman like Xie Ning, and just meet your aunt and aunt. Don't say anything else, just chat with them. A few words."

Song Zhaodi was vigorously rubbing the dried wild vegetables in her hands.

Since there wasn't much water, I only had to rub the soil on the vegetables when washing them.

A handful of wild vegetables was almost smashed by her.

"Hey, sister, please stop doing this!" Song Xue took the handful of tattered wild vegetables from her hand angrily and threw it to the ground.

"What are you doing? You just need to go up and say a few words to aunt and the others. I believe that aunt is so soft-hearted and will definitely give you some food and drink."

"Think about it, they are living so well now, just a little leakage between their fingers is enough for us to eat and drink. They don't care."

Song Zhaodi shrank down and squatted down, reaching out to pick up the handful of wild vegetables on the ground.

Song Xue got angry and threw the handful of wild vegetables away again, then stepped on it and crushed it, "Song Zhaodi, are you stupid? Didn't you hear what I said? Why are you pretending to be stupid while you are here with me?"

Song Zhaodi looked at the broken wild vegetables, tears welling up from her eyes.

She hugged herself and squatted in the corner of the small kitchen, crying so hard that she couldn't control her emotions, "I don't want to go, I don't want to go. I don't want to see them, Axue, can you please stop forcing me? Can you go by yourself? I don't want to go."

"I, I kept thinking about one thing when I couldn't sleep. Why, why do I live this life in a mess even though I work harder than anyone else?"

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