The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 616 Extremely obedient

"Song Youai, how should you compensate our father and son? Compensate!!" Song Kuang held his son Song Jiabao, who was covered in needle holes, and burst into tears.

Song Youai's eyes looked like he was looking at a peerless fool.

"Why don't you let it go first? You're very likely to..." Before she could finish her words, the golden needles swimming in Song Jiabao's body exploded at the same time.

At the moment of the explosion, countless golden needles came out and pierced into Song Kuang's body.

He hadn't finished howling, and then he was dumbfounded on the spot, and the hand holding his son froze.

In almost half a minute, Song Kuang fell to the ground in a bloody mess.

Song Xue, who was among the crowd, was frightened to death. Her whole body was trembling, and her feet were so weak that she couldn't stand at all.

Upon seeing this, Teng Ziliang hurried forward and hugged her, comforting her softly, "Don't be afraid of Xuexue, it's okay, she can't hurt you."

Song Xue was extremely frightened.

Unexpectedly, that woman Xie Ning was so crazy that she killed both Song Kuang and his son after a disagreement.

The viciousness of this method is simply breathtaking.

Song Youai looked at Song Kuang expressionlessly, "I remind you to let him go first."

Didn’t you ask for this?

The superpower energy emitted by high-level superpower users like Ning Ning can be accumulated in the opponent's body and cause devastating damage to him.

This will create a visual chain reaction.

The best thing is to stay away from the corpse like they did, and keep a distance from the corpse for at least ten minutes.

Song Kuang was finished like this.

Song Zhaodi was squeezed behind by the crowd and looked at the scene in front of her.

Somehow, my mood felt unprecedentedly calm and...relieved.

She originally thought that if she listened to her aunt and followed them, she would definitely cause some trouble for everyone.

She also knew that Song Kuang and his son would never let her go.

Who knew it was so simple.

This is the role of strength.

In the face of absolute strength, the crushing opponent has no power to parry and can only accept it silently.

Song Zhaodi was thinking deeply, and her solemn expression gradually relaxed.

"Zhaodi, are you okay?" Mustache stood next to Song Zhaodi and glanced at her worriedly.

When Captain Gu released the man, he greeted him privately.

Ji Xiuming knew that this skinny and dark girl was actually a relative of the Song family.

He had received such a great favor from Captain Xie, but he had been worried that he had nowhere to repay it. Isn't there a ready candidate?

Since he is a relative of Captain Xie, he must take good care of him.

Especially after hearing about Song Zhaodi's tragic life experience, he secretly decided to help this poor girl in the future.

Seeing Song Zhaodi standing there stunned, Ji Xiuming was a little worried and quickly whispered, "Zhaodi, don't be stupid. Your cousin is helping you and the whole family."

"You must never hold grudges against others."

Song Zhaodi came back to her senses, her face full of surprise, "How could it be? How could I be so ignorant."

"Don't worry, Brother Ji, I'm not that confused." Song Zhaodi wiped her face, "Auntie and the others are right. I didn't ask for food, and I will be beaten to death by them when I go back."

"Now it's just a reverse ending. I've been beaten by them countless times, and I got through it every time. They just had bad luck and couldn't get through it. I can't blame anyone!"

"Okay, okay, I feel relieved if you say that. In short, if you follow everyone back to the Gyeonggi base, your life will definitely get better and better."

Song Zhaodi nodded heavily, "It's all up to your arrangements."

After the corpse was burned cleanly by the fire-type superpower, the whole place was as quiet as a chicken...

Xie Ning patted the non-existent dust on her hands and continued to take the potted man-eating vine out of the space and hold it in her hands, "Let's go, it will take so long and it will be dark again later."

Everyone nodded silently, and even Uncle Wang, who liked to find people to quarrel with the most, was extremely obedient. He didn't say a word of nonsense and just silently followed the team, row after row, towards the stairs.

"Song Zhaodi." Song Xue could see Song Zhaodi among the crowd at a glance.

Teng Ziliang quickly stretched out his hand to hold her down, "Don't act rashly yet."

"Didn't you see what happened to Song Kuang and his son just now?"

"If we go to look for her now, Xie Ning will definitely think of her as provoking trouble."

Song Xue shivered and immediately calmed down.

"Now what?"

"We immediately went back to pack our things and follow their large army."

Song Xue was surprised, "We, we want to go with them?"

"Of course! It is safer to go with them. In addition, you can also find an appropriate opportunity to talk to Song Zhaodi." Teng Ziliang said with a gloomy face.

"Can't you understand the current situation? Song Zhaodi has rebelled."

"She hid in the crowd and said nothing, watching her brother and father being tortured to death by Xie Ning without saying a word."

"You can imagine what she wants to do."

Song Xue gritted her teeth, "I didn't expect that this cowardly woman could do such a big thing without saying anything."

She was originally asked to come up to beg for food, but she didn't expect that she actually abandoned their team and left with them.

Thinking about it, Xie Ning and the others must have given her food and water, and made some special arrangements for her, so she decisively abandoned her father, brother, and the others and betrayed the team without hesitation.

"Hurry down and pack your things, and call a few other people to go with you." Teng Ziliang said in a cold voice, "Look at how many good things that Xie Ning just brought out."

"No wonder, their entire team looks so glamorous. Because she has hidden a lot of resources and goods, she must have a lot of space."

Song Xue also remembered the meat, eggs and vegetables she saw Xie Ning deliberately showing off before, and secretly gritted her teeth.

"Yes, she is such a selfish dead woman. Even if all her relatives die, she will not be willing to give us a vegetable leaf."

"With Song Zhaodi's weak and incompetent temperament, how could she suddenly wake up? It must be Xie Ning and the others who promised her a lot of benefits."

Teng Ziliang's eyes were filled with heat, "Our team lacks a space power user."

"It's a pity that you don't have a good relationship with your cousin. Otherwise, letting her join our team would make us even more powerful."

Song Xue suddenly became alert when she heard what Teng Ziliang said.

What's the meaning?

Teng Ziliang is actually interested in Xie Ning?

Just because she is a high-level space superpower?

What's so great about superpowers?

She looked at some ordinary powerful female superpowers, and all of them became powerful and muscular, and their appearance was simply more like a man than a man.

Damn Xie Ning, why hasn't she changed at all?

Song Xue cursed secretly and quickly went downstairs with Teng Ziliang.

In fact, there wasn't much to pack. After a brief tidying up, he called the other five teammates and hurried out together.

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