The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 618: Troubled things

As a result, the honest man who seemed very kind-hearted actually didn't buy their fault at all.

Before Teng Ziliang could finish his words, the people hurriedly paddled the raft past them.

The small cruise ship was now completely stopped on the water. Song Xue was very anxious, fearing that if something happened, they would be trapped in the middle of the water with no way out.

At this time, a raft floated from behind and gradually stopped in front of them. "Hey, do you want to come up?"

The speaker was a gorgeously dressed old lady, wearing a cheongsam and a mink. She looked very wealthy at first glance.

Xie Xueli was about to be defeated by his mother.

On their raft, in addition to his eldest sister and Mrs. Zhou Xuefen, there were also niece Xie Mei and Hou Depeng, a wind power user.

Hou Depeng was sent to them by Base Chief Min to protect the old lady.

Xie Xueli also knew the reason very well, that is, he wanted to take a step to promote Base Chief Min's importance to the Xie family and extend an olive branch to them again.

Xie Xueli had a headache, but he had no choice but to keep this wind power user if I wanted to.

As a result, there were only five people standing on their small raft, including himself.

Now the old lady invited these two people warmly for no reason, and she didn't know why.

Everyone knows about what happened in the residential building earlier.

Everyone knows who Song Xue and Teng Ziliang are, and the old lady also knows it.

What is she trying to do? Are you deliberately going against Xie Ning?

Ning Ning had just dealt with two relatives of the Song family not long ago. It was not like the old lady had not seen her before, so why did she still want to cause trouble? Xie Xueli had a head as big as a bucket.

"Mom." He couldn't help but persuaded, "We are too crowded here, we can't stand! We should let them borrow rafts elsewhere."

"What are you afraid of? We have A Peng here. It doesn't matter how big it is." The old lady looked full of confidence. "A Peng controls the entire raft. It's just a matter of one sentence to move it fast or slow. What are you worried about? .”

"I'm afraid that the space is too small and I'll have to squeeze you in again!" Xie Xueli muttered in a low voice.

"Why squeeze? I've been through the apocalypse for more than a year, how can I still be afraid of being squeezed?" Zhou Xuefen waved to Teng Ziliang and the others, "Jump down and let's go together."

"Mom, those two people seem to be on the same team as the dead Song Kuang and his son! They can't deal with Ning Ning."

"What? If we don't deal with it, we can't save it? Is your niece a god in the sky or a Jade Emperor? Will Chrysostom have to die as soon as he attacks someone??"

"Grandma, don't be angry. It's not worth it to hurt your body." Xie Mei held her arm and whispered.

Mrs. Zhou Xuefen immediately put on a smiling face and patted Xie Mei on the arm, "Look at how sensible my Mei Mei is. She is a thousand times or ten thousand times better than the daughter that woman taught her."

Xie Xueli was noncommittal.

No matter how you look at it, Xie Ning is a thousand or ten thousand times stronger than Xie Mei, right?

What's more, they both have the same surname: Xie, one is his biological niece, and the other is his adopted daughter. There is no need to say which one is closer and which one is further away.

Mom just can't understand, she is old and very stubborn, which gives Xie Xueli a headache.

Xie Xuexin also persuaded in a low voice, "Mom, there are already five of us. If there are two more people, the raft will be really crowded. Do you want to stop thinking about it?"

"What are you thinking about?" The old lady was used to being domineering in front of her children. At this time, she was not willing to listen to her children. She hurriedly waved her hand again, "Come down quickly."

Song Xue glanced at Teng Ziliang, her eyes filled with reluctance.

The old lady was willing to let her go, but she was not very happy about it.

He is so old and smells like an old man, but he still stinks to death even if he is crowded together.

Besides, it would be very troublesome if this old woman died on the road or something happened.

Teng Ziliang also saw the displeasure in her eyes, but he had no choice, now was not the time to be willful.

Seeing all the rafts floating past them, it seemed that the only one they could choose was the old woman's.

"Xuexue, it's better to squeeze in a little bit of aggrievement than to be left alone in the vast water on all sides."

Song Xue had no choice but to nod.

Teng Ziliang hugged her slender waist, quickly climbed over the railing, and jumped onto the raft.

The two of them went down together, but it was obviously a bit heavy, and the raft immediately sank into the water.

Xie Xuexin screamed in horror and quickly lifted her foot that was over the top of the shoe.

But before he had time, a pair of soft-surface sneakers got wet.

The old lady was no better, shaking her body awkwardly.

Although he was supported by the wind power user, he was a little frightened.

Even if he didn't scream out loud like his daughter, he was still frightened and his face turned pale.

"Mom, are you okay?" The seven people stood in a relatively concentrated position, and due to the increased weight, the raft sank directly.

"Hurry up and stand apart." Xie Xueli reminded anxiously, "You two stand further forward."

Although the raft floated a little, it was still bobbing on the water, and it was wet underfoot.

Xie Mei held on to the old lady with a stiff face.

He didn't say anything, but in his heart he scolded the old lady half to death.

It was originally just a small raft, but this old woman was so meddlesome that she invited two people she didn't know well.

It's fine now. The whole raft is so packed that it's sinking.

I don’t know if it will be able to support the weight of seven people after a long time.

The old lady also felt guilty and scared, and quickly turned to look at the wind superpower Hou Debeng, "Apeng, is it okay to have two more people?"

"Is this raft going to continue to sink?"

"Don't worry, old lady." Hou Depeng tried his best to keep smiling.

If it weren't for the preferential welfare and salary provided by Base Chief Min, he wouldn't be too lazy to continue to pretend to be a snake with this damn old woman.

What a troublesome old woman, she had to drag two more people out of the originally good raft.

Now this raft obviously cannot bear the weight of seven people, and it is only a matter of time before it sinks.

He was not in a hurry. Base Chief Min said that true friendship will be seen in times of crisis.

He tried his best to turn a blind eye and not care about small things, and only needed to save people before a big disaster happened.

When the raft split apart and he rescued the old woman and Xie Xueli, they would definitely shed tears of gratitude to Base Commander Min!

This is exactly what Director Min wants to achieve.

Xie Ning silently withdrew her mental power and whispered to Song Kexin and Song Shijun, "The old woman's raft is going to collapse."

"Ah? Zhou Xuefen?" Song Kexin called her by his first name, "How could it be possible? Didn't Min Shaolun send a wind power user to escort her?"

"What's the use? We're just waiting for them to show off their skills when their lives are at stake." Xie Ning curled her lips, took out a pack of Rioli sandwich biscuits from her backpack, and shared them with her younger siblings.

The three of them sat on the pony under the tree, chatting away, "That's really a good show."

"Hey, if the cheongsam and the mink are soaked in black water, what can they do?"

The two sisters looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

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