She didn't dare anymore, she really didn't dare anymore.

I didn't expect Xie Ning to be so valued by the local government. Now that I think about it, I really regret it.

If she had known that Xie Ning was more powerful than a year ago, she would not have dared to provoke this woman again.

This woman is too terrifying, her methods are vicious and decisive, she cannot afford to offend her at all.

Thinking of this, Shi Ailing simply rolled to the ground, screamed and begged for mercy.

Xie Ning was so troubled by them that she just wanted to get rid of these two cowhide plasters as soon as possible.

Song Kexin and others rushed to the door and pushed the two people on the ground to the side, "What are you doing? Do you look like you are apologizing?"

"You think you can achieve your goal by rolling around?"

"Don't stop my sister from going out to do things. Get out of the way."

"No! Beat me to death!" Shi Ailing lay down on the ground and cried loudly, "Xie Ning, you want to force me to death. You asked the base to remove our positions. We will eat, drink, and take whatever we want from now on." What about life.”

"Even if I'm begging you, can you help me find a base to intercede so that they don't remove us from our positions? I'm begging you, Xie Ning!"

Xie Ning didn't want to hear Shi Ailing howling at all. When she saw the two of them lying down at the door of the house and refusing to give way, she simply flew out of the window.

Shi Ailing and Cheng Zihao were both dumbfounded. They were stunned for a second before they realized what was going on. They yelled and tried to rush into the house.

Fan Youchen rushed out with several people, grabbed Cheng Zihao's arm, and threw him outside.

"What are you doing? You still think you haven't made enough noise, right? If you continue to make noise here, we will go to the management center to complain against you! You are trying to rob a house."

Shi Ailing howled like crazy, bumped around with her hair disheveled, and yelled, "We are not looking for you, we are looking for Xie Ning."

"What are you looking for? I think you two don't want to stay at the base anymore!"

While they were talking, several patrol officers with red armbands hurried up. Seeing the situation in front of them, they hurriedly stepped forward to control the crying Shi Ailing.

"Sorry, it was Captain Xie who informed us downstairs. We will take the person back right now and deal with it seriously."

"Watch these two carefully and don't let them bother my sister again."

"Yes, yes, definitely." Several patrol officers escorted the noisy Shi Ailing downstairs without saying a word.

Cheng Zihao seemed to have lost his soul and remained silent.

From yesterday to today, I feel like my brain has been buzzing.

I have no idea how it got to this point.

Ailing said that she came here to beg the captain to let her drop the charges against them, which seemed to make the whole family even more angry.

what on earth is it.

Cheng Zihao was so lost that he swayed back and forth as he walked.

A patrol officer sighed and reached out to support him, "Researcher Cheng, how could you follow Miss Shi and fool around... ugh."

You said that you were originally at the Institute of Ecological Agriculture, wouldn't it be nice to conduct research on mutant plants?

Why would you follow Miss Shi and start fooling around?

Not only did he lose his regular job, he also got a black label in front of his boss, which had a very bad impact.

What future can there be in the future? A good young man who was originally good was ruined in the hands of the brainless Miss Shi. What an injustice!

Shi Ailing was exhausted and was carried downstairs. When she looked up, she saw Xie Ning boarding an assault boat.

Shi Ailing said "Ahhh" twice with emotion, and then her mouth was stuffed with a rag and dragged away mercilessly.

Xie Ning waited on the assault boat for a few minutes. Song Shijun and Song Kexin rushed downstairs quickly, "Sister!"

"Sister, you took us together for a checkup today, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

Xie Ning was so upset all morning that she even forgot to eat breakfast, not to mention forgetting to notify Song Shijun and Song Kexin.

This lady is sucking a packet of hot soy milk and holding a warm fried dough stick in her hand.

"I was so angry." Xie Ning rolled her eyes, "I almost forgot."

Anyone who is teased like this so early in the morning will not feel comfortable.

"Hey, my brother-in-law is not here today." Song Shijun glanced around and smiled at Wu Meng who was sailing off the boat.

Gao Youxing smiled and explained, "The captain was dragged to a meeting early this morning."

Xie Ning waved her little hand, "Let him be busy. Let's set off."

"Captain Xie, today we are going to inspect the surrounding office buildings." Xiao Meng on the side took out a small map and drew a circle on it, "This area needs to be inspected."

"But the closer you get to the outer reaches, the worse the environment will be. Captain Xie had better be mentally prepared..."

Xie Ning was stunned for a moment, then drank the soy milk in two or two gulps, and said with a small mouthful, "It's okay, we just went to check."

Could it be that in other people's minds, she, Captain Xie, is such a squeamish person?

Someone looked down at himself. He was wearing a clean white down jacket, giving people a sense of purity.

She was thinking, how about changing into black clothes tomorrow?

Gao Youxing smiled and nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, captain, let's go to the nearest office building now.

Over there in the loft apartment, Cheng Zihao and Shi Ailing finally got rid of them.

Everyone went back to their rooms to have breakfast.

Song Youai had just eaten two chopstick noodles when he heard a lot of commotion downstairs.

Ge Liang's voice was full of anger, "I asked you, old lady, why are you so shameless? Did they invite you to live with me? Why, you thought you could enter this door just by bringing all the bedding and bedding. ?”

"Don't you look down on us rural people? You come here to chat with rural people, and you want to live in a rural nest. You are really funny."

Song You's heart skipped a beat, and the oily noodles in his mouth no longer tasted good.

She quickly wiped her mouth with a towel and asked Ji Taixian to put her unfinished noodles into the space first.

The family quickly cleared away the dishes and cups on the table and opened the windows for ventilation.

As soon as all this was done, a familiar voice came from the stairs, "I'm too lazy to talk to you ignorant and uncultured bumpkin country folk. Let Song Youai come out."

Song Youzhi said solemnly, "Youai, stay here."

Song Youai hurriedly grabbed the two aggressive brothers, "I'm fine, don't be nervous. With my current ability, how could I be bullied by an old lady."

Song Youxuan said hurriedly, "Second brother and third brother are worried that you are soft-hearted."

"Silly words, how could I be soft-hearted to that old lady? Wouldn't this cause trouble for Ning Ning?" Song Youai waved his hand.

Seeing her speaking so decisively, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The family ran towards the stairs and saw the old lady being stopped on the corner platform of the stairs by a group of people including Li Dawei and Uncle Ge Liang, their eyes blazing with anger.

"Song Youai." When Mrs. Zhou Xuefen raised her head and saw Song Youai, she became furious. "You want to completely sever ties with our Xie family now, right?"

"Get these people out of here."

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