The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 632 Evil comes with evil consequences

What is the senior consultant specially hired by the base? What is the position?

It sounded very high-class, and Mrs. Zhou Xuefen felt so regretful that her intestines were about to turn blue.

She really didn't expect that Song Youai, the country woman's daughter, would be so promising now.

Does this mean that if she had not broken up with Song Youai and those people, her life would be more comfortable now?

"Xueli, send mom and eldest sister back." Xie Xuezhi turned to Xie Xueli and ordered in a calm voice, "I will ask the assistant to send some food later, you don't have to worry."

Mrs. Zhou Xuefen's mind is still in turmoil. Seeing that her son didn't even look at her when he spoke, she couldn't help but feel more and more anxious.

"Xuezhi, Mom, Mom knows that she is wrong. Mom should not listen to the slander and believe in that dead woman Kang Yunru. Xuezhi, just forgive Mom this time, okay?"

"Mom, I am partly responsible for my marriage getting to this point, but you also play a big part in it."

"Now my wife and daughter don't want to see me anymore. Are you satisfied this time?" The more Xie Xuezhi spoke to Old Mrs. Zhou in such a calm and numbing voice, the more uneasy and frightened the old Mrs. Zhou became.

"Uncle, grandma is also..."

It was okay for Xie Mei not to speak, but as soon as she opened her mouth, Xie Xuezhi's gunshot was directed at her.

"How many times have I said that if you want to adopt Xie Mei, just be happy with it, but I don't know that you actually put Xie Mei in my name."

"Now that my wife and children don't want me, it's as you wish!"

"Xue Zhi, mom didn't mean that." The old lady wanted to explain with a sad face.

Xie Xuezhi was so anxious that he would not listen to what she continued to say.

"Mom, you gave birth to me and raised me to this day. I will repay this kindness, but that's all."

"Second brother, if you need to take care of your mother more in the future, if you have any financial needs, just come to me. I will bear my share, and I will not refuse in the slightest."

"Brother." Xie Xueli was also anxious and wanted to step forward and talk to his elder brother.

As a result, the eldest brother walked away without looking back, leaving behind the old mother who was crying heartbrokenly, saying "Oh, oh, oh, oh," and slapping the handrail of the stairs and crying loudly.

Captain Xie was in a bad mood and went on strike again in the afternoon.

The small bed was taken out of a separate space. It was the 1.2-meter small bed she slept on for nearly twenty years in her previous life.

Xie Ning spent the entire afternoon lounging on the iron frame bed, flipping through the comic book page after page, but her eyes were wandering.

She could vaguely recall the past while sleeping on this small iron frame bed.

At that time, because of her low ability, she felt particularly low self-esteem.

Perhaps subconsciously, he thought that her father, a national-level researcher, would hate to see her looking so worthless.

So it was such a clumsy lie, it could easily send her away.

She was holding the comic book in a daze, thinking about many things, remembering bits and pieces of the past, and for a moment she didn't know whether to call herself stupid or not.

In the previous life, the family was tricked by a woman with ulterior motives.

Captain Gu finally finished the long meeting and hurriedly came to see his little girlfriend. When he pushed the door open and walked in, he saw this little face that was far away from the world.

"Baji" A kiss made Xie Ning turn her face slightly to recover.

"What are you thinking? When you saw your boyfriend coming, you didn't even look at him!" Comrade Xiao Gu glanced at his girlfriend aggrievedly.

Xie Ning reached out and rubbed his face, "You're done."

"I'm done for now." Gu Chen held her hand and whispered, "Tomorrow you go to the Chengnan Detention Center for scanning and inspection. Suspected people are basically detained there."

"Okay." Xie Ning nodded.

"I heard that the old lady over there brought someone to make trouble?" Gu Chen raised his hand and touched her hair, "Are you okay Ning Ning, don't be in a bad mood, they are all insignificant people."

"It's okay." Xie Ning whispered.

"One more thing, about your father's assistant, Miss Kang."

"He is suspected of slandering and denying national researchers and has been temporarily detained."

"I received some investigation information. Do you know where that child came from?"

Xie Ning was stunned and shook her head, "She said it herself, it seems that she is a nephew?"

"It's such a big departure." Gu Chen shook his head silently, "That nephew was also taken away from his mother, and he didn't even say hello."

"She's a cousin. The child's father should be her cousin. But a while ago, when mutated aquatic plants attacked the base in the middle of the night, the child's father died violently."

"Kang Yunru is holding her cousin's child?" Xie Ning was also shocked.

But in her previous life, Kang Yunru seemed to have kept her children in Xie Xuezhi's villa.

So what is her hobby?

Like raising children? Or steal other people's children to raise them.

"If the verification information is correct, then her behavior is equivalent to a human trafficker before the end of the world." Gu Chen said with a serious expression, "When the time comes, the local government should impose corresponding punishments. The most likely punishment should be to permanently expel her from Gyeonggi. base."

Haha, Xie Ning sneered in her heart.

Expelled from the base, what other way can a delicate little assistant like Kang Yunru survive?

It's equivalent to being sentenced to death for betrayal.

That's fine, it's a worthy death.

"Don't be unhappy Ning Ning." Gu Chen stretched out his hand to hold her little face, "Kang Yunru's matter will probably be settled in the next few days. Evil will be punished, and she will not have a good ending."

"Don't let this irrelevant person affect our own mood, okay?"

Xie Ning nodded vigorously.

"Tomorrow I will accompany you to the Chengnan Detention Center."

"Okay." Xie Ning nodded slightly, "Bring more people over."

If there is any problem, solve it on the spot to avoid long nights and nightmares.

In a crowded old residential building, Mrs. Zhou Xuefen, her daughter Xie Xuexin, and her granddaughter Xie Mei were assigned to a one-bedroom apartment.

There were several other families who were allocated one-bedroom apartments at the same time.

The three generations of grandparents and grandchildren have the smallest population and are driven to live in the bathroom by others.

Nearly twenty people lived in a small one-bedroom apartment of less than 20 square meters. There were snoring, farting, and teeth grinding everywhere. The old lady huddled in the bathtub and woke up from the cold in the middle of the night. She burst into tears from grief.

However, after howling less than two times, he was frightened by the yelling coming from outside the door.

"Howl about your mother, damn old woman, if you scream again I will kill you!"

Old Mrs. Zhou Xuefen was silent and secretly wiped her tears in the bidet.

Xie Mei was also extremely irritable. She couldn't figure out how she, a dual-power user with healing and space abilities, could end up in such a miserable state.

Xie Xuexin sat on the toilet and sighed, "Hey, what do you think we should do now?"

She completely fell out with Xie Ning and Song Youai, and was blamed by her eldest brother.

Xie Xuexin blamed my mother for being nosy.

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