"Then what should we do now?"

"Director, why don't we move to the commercial building first?"

"For example, if you divide the people into several bank buildings, they can probably fit inside."

Director Zhou frowned, "This is the only thing we can do now."

"We have to move people out first." But now that the wind is so strong, it's not easy to move this group of refugees.

The people living in unfinished buildings basically escaped from other bases.

It's really unlucky to encounter this kind of thing again now.

Everyone on the small cruise ship ate a placemat to cushion their stomachs, and then joined in the intense rescue work.

When they arrived at the unfinished building No. 3, they happened to see half of the roof falling into the water with a clang. Many people were rushed into the water and they were splashing and calling for help.

Director Zhou gave an order and everyone entered rescue and disaster relief mode.

Brother Shijun was of great help this time, controlling the boat back and forth in the strong wind to ensure that it didn't capsize.

Captain Xie often stood aside and directed his younger brothers and sisters to work. In order to train them, Captain Xie rarely took action...

When Shijun's brother was exhausted, Director Zhou and the others ran forward with grateful faces and shook Captain Xie's hands one after another, saying that thanks to her help in this transfer, the base would definitely count her merit points.

Brother Shijun had a question mark on his face:? ?

What happened, so this little transparent guy is destined to be just a foil for his sister...

The base sent all the ships it could, one after another, to transfer a group of survivors in the unfinished building.

The people in the unfinished buildings are very cooperative. After all, they are being moved to a safer place to live. Many people are grateful.

Of course, some people will be resentful that they came too late.

These people were all ignored by Xie Ning.

It was around 3:30 in the afternoon when the last group of people were received and transferred to the commercial building.

Xie Ning silently stuffed a custard bun into her mouth while drinking water.

I had a casual meal at noon, and it can be said that I was not full at all.

It was almost four o'clock now that she was busy and busy, and Xie Ning felt a little hungry.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the people sent by the logistics department to deliver dinner arrived.

Considering that they might be busy until late before returning to the headquarters, the portion of dinner delivered was not bad.

Although it was just some hard pancakes and boiled water, it was still better than nothing.

Captain Xie followed Director Zhou and the others and had a hard dinner.

Seeing these young men from the operations department wolfing down the pancakes, Xie Ning silently took out a handful of juicy cabbage and said expressionlessly, "How about we make cabbage soup to go with the pancakes."

Everyone stared at the pak choi in her hand, their eyes bright, and they nodded hurriedly and said yes.

Xie Ning took out a large iron pot and cooked a pot of cabbage soup using the fire set off by the fire superpower.

After that, he took out a handful of small paper bowls and gave them to everyone, and everyone took a sip of the hot soup.

After taking this mouthful of cabbage soup, everyone felt like they were drinking something delicious. Although in the eyes of the three Xie Ning brothers and sisters, this was just an ordinary bowl of clear soup...

However, everyone's expressions gave them the feeling that this is the most beautiful thing in the world.

It's quite melancholy.

Living conditions are so difficult that a mouthful of hot soup satisfies everyone.

Xie Ning thought of the supplies in the reserve and lowered her eyebrows silently.

The base reserve was originally a national reserve, and Xie Ning never thought of keeping it for herself.

Of course, she had to keep some of it.

After all, it was what she had worked so hard to snatch from Chen Zhaowei, so she should have a big share.

She planned to discuss it with Comrade Xiao Gu later and give them some things first?

Give a fifth?

Wouldn't that be too stingy...

Captain Xie was troubled.

A quarter, maybe. Look at Director Zhou and the others in the operations department. They are all as pitiful as hungry, skinny monkeys. They can't continue to work well if they can't eat.

Forget it, just give one-third, no more!

The supplies in her space, even excluding the batch of strategic supplies sold to the base, would probably not be used up in ten lifetimes.

However, in line with the principle of accumulating more and preserving strength, Xie Ning still did not plan to hand it over all at once.

Moreover, this matter must be discussed carefully with Comrade Xiao Gu.

After all, once these things are taken out, everyone will understand how much space Captain Xie has.

Even if it is one third, the amount of material is quite substantial.

In addition, Gyeonggi has been cultivating greenhouse crops to cultivate as many wood-type superpowers as possible.

Therefore, the situation of the disaster victims has always been much better than that of other small bases.

For more than a year, the base has been providing basic meals to all disaster victims throughout the base. Although it requires labor in exchange, it has done a good enough job.

At least it can ensure that everyone has food rations and will not starve to death.

This shows that the reserve material situation in Gyeonggi is actually quite stable.

For the sake of fellow survivors, Xie Ning groaned inwardly and made up her mind to donate one-third first, but before that she had to ask Xiao Gu for his opinion.

It still hurts to think about having to take out so many things at once. Captain Xie bit his bamboo chopsticks and lowered his head.

Uh...even the last mouthful of soup was poured out of the big iron pot!

Just, it feels outrageous!

The dry pancakes soaked in cabbage soup immediately became very delicious. For the young guys in the operations department, this was really the most delicious dinner.

In particular, many people feel that, whether it is due to their own psychological effects, they always feel that after eating a bowl of cabbage soup, the original feeling of exhaustion is quietly swept away.

I have been working on emergency rescue and disaster relief for several hours, but now I feel particularly energetic.

After a delicious meal, everyone was full of energy.

Xie Ning followed Director Zhou and others to the bank building to help register new residents and update the residence book.

There are many people arranged on each floor of the building, and the smell once you walk in can be said to be quite chaotic.

Xie Ning wore two layers of masks, but she still couldn't block the pervasive stench.

A clerk from the Operations Department followed her and said, "Captain Xie, the person you asked us to check a few days ago has been found. We will arrange to send the person to you later."

"It was probably because a colleague made a mistake while he was busy that he sent your teammate to another place."

Xie Ning couldn't help but frown.

It was quite surprising that we didn't see Cen Yun and her daughter when we came back this time. Moreover, she had led people to check for alien species in the base the previous week. She had turned around every corner of the base, but she still didn't see them.

It's very strange.

But instead of asking the little clerk, she might as well ask directly what happened to Cen Yun and her daughter. Anyway, the little clerk said that they would be sent over later.

There were so many people crammed into the bank building again, and it was obvious that the scene was noisy.

All kinds of dissatisfied voices intertwined together can make people noisy to the sky.

After a burst of clanging sounds, Xie Ning raised her eyes and looked to the opposite side.

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