The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 664: Here comes the policeman

Chapter 664: Here comes the policeman...

I don't know how long I slept for, but I heard a lot of noise coming from downstairs.

She turned over, wanting to continue sleeping, but her consciousness felt more and more awake.

Opening her eyes and staring at the ceiling, Xie Ning was a little confused about what was going on.

Suddenly, the happy electronic voice of Little Spider came to my ears, "Condensation Main Body, you are finally awake."

"The main body of the condensation scared the future to death. The future thought that his scan was wrong and he didn't notice the abnormality in your body!"

Ever since Xie Ning started to have a high fever, Little Spider had scanned her every two hours.

The scan results were all normal, but Xie Ning was still unconscious. Little Spider became less confident day by day, wondering if there was an error in the scan.

Otherwise, why would the main body of the coagulation be in a coma and have a high fever for seven consecutive days?

Even if the supernatural power is awakened, the time of awakening is too different from ordinary people!

Xie Ning stared at the ceiling for a long time with her eyes wide open.

Until Little Spider's voice rose in pitch and exploded in her mind like an explosion, "Ah ah ah, my main body is big, what's wrong with you? You must have been burned out, right?"

"You're so burned out." Xie Ning said weakly, even as her stomach growled.

These days, everyone will give her water and nutrient solution, and she can also feel that there are different healing powers who come to help her sort out her tendons every day.

Yu Tianfeng also moved various machines back and forth to test her, and it seemed that Dr. Fang also brought people here several times.

Xie Ning was secretly annoyed.

It's time to burn yourself.

If it had been a few days earlier, the alien species had not been tested yet, and she would have been worried about it while feeling dizzy with fever.

She sat up slightly with her somewhat heavy body, and then she saw Comrade Xiao Gu lying beside the bed, half of his face buried in the sheets.


Little Spider quickly reported to her in detail what had happened in the past few days.

Including Comrade Xiao Gu, who comes to stay with her for half a day every day and never leaves.

She reached out and touched the man's head and found that he was sleeping deeply, so she didn't try to wake him up.

"Scan downstairs, what's going on?" Xie Ning pressed her aching head, which still felt a little tight after waking up for the first time.

She was still a little confused and asked Little Spider, "Why do I have a fever?"

"You have awakened your superpower, Ning Ning's main body."

"What kind of power have I awakened??"

Little Spider:......

No matter how it is answered, the subject himself does not know what he has awakened. This is not the same as awakening loneliness.

"Condensation subject, don't be anxious, take your time first and then talk."

"You have been in coma for seven days with a high fever. Although everyone gives you nutrient solutions and IV drips every day, you haven't moved around for seven days. It is normal to feel exhausted now."

"It won't be too late for you to recuperate for two more days and then try to see your new powers when your health is better."

Xie Ning didn't listen to what it said. When she heard from Little Spider that she had awakened her powers, Xie Ning had already used her mental power to scan her own powers.

Previously, three transparent crystal objects of approximately the same size had been suspended within her swirling energy source.

The crystals of the spiritual system and the space system tend to be colorless, and only the group representing the metal system's superpower is extremely dazzling golden.

Now, Xie Ning discovered a tiny green crystal next to these three powers.

The color of this crystal is green and bright, but it is obviously much smaller than the other three powers.

His body gradually turned transparent under the guidance of mental power.

Xie Ning could clearly see streams of energy flowing upwards along the abdominal cavity, constantly converging and pouring into the vortex.

Each of the four crystals is suspended up and down in the vortex.

Has the fourth power really been awakened? ?

Xie Ning was so shocked that she jumped out of bed.

Comrade Xiao Gu, who was sleeping soundly beside the bed, suddenly woke up and jumped up.

The two of them looked at each other with big eyes.

Gu Chen's dull face suddenly glowed with energy. He strode around the bed and ran towards her, hugging her into his arms.

"Ning Ning, you're awake!"

Xie Ning reached out and patted him gently, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I'm fine."

Other than feeling a little hungry, things seem to be improving now.

My head was not as tight and dizzy as when I first woke up.

Xie Ning looked up at him and smiled, "I'm just hungry. I'm going to wash my face and eat something with me later."

Look at this person, I don’t know who is sick!

It felt like his cheeks were getting thinner and sunken.

I must have been busy and irritable these past few days, and I still refuse to eat well.

"Okay." Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little tired all of a sudden.

Xie Ning noticed it and pulled him to sit down on the bed, "Just wait for me to get off. I'll be fine soon."

Xie Ning walked into the bathroom to wash up, not forgetting to mentally communicate with Little Spider, "Is the scan ready? What's going on downstairs?"

"There are seven or eight crooked foreigners coming downstairs. One of them looks pretty good, and his eye color is a bit similar to Kress."

Xie Ning's hand that was brushing her teeth paused slightly, "You're looking for me?"

"That should be the case. Scans revealed that Li Dawei and the others had quite a conflict with foreigners. Your mother and uncle have already left."

Xie Ning frowned and sped up her hand movements.

After a while, he walked out of the bathroom.

But he saw Comrade Xiao Gu leaning on the pillow next to him, his eyes closed and breathing evenly, and he looked like he was fast asleep again.

Xie Ning thought for a while and then didn't call him. She went out quietly and glanced down at the railing.

There were a bunch of people standing in the hall, all of them very excited.

In particular, a big-nosed Mandarin from Y, who was surrounded by the crowd, was shouting angrily in broken Mandarin C, "That high fever is just an excuse, right?"

"I've never heard of anyone awakening to supernatural powers these days!"

"This is not scientific at all!"

"It's impossible for anyone to awaken their powers at this time."

"Yes, it's been the apocalypse for a long time. Awakening supernatural powers is just a cover for you people from Country C." Another person from Country Y, who spoke Chinese Mandarin C quite fluently, sneered with his chin raised.

"I really don't understand if it's because your captain has no face to see people?" Dabi Tou laughed loudly.

"It's because, in fact, there is no such person in the base at all. This powerful captain with gold-type superpowers was actually made up by you people from country C."

The two of them are like singing a double act. You sing and he sings again.

Not to mention the cooperation is quite tacit.

Especially the tall and lanky one among them, C can speak Chinese quite well.

Li Dawei and the others were so angry that their faces turned blue.

"Fuck you for making it up! You can still make it up when you have a high fever, you damn fabrication!"

"Why are you swearing?"

Dabi Tou asked with an unhappy expression, "Don't you people from country C always brag about yourselves and say that you are very hospitable?"

“Swearing someone is considered hospitality?”

Director Zhou was caught in the crowd, one head and two big ones, "Okay, okay, let's calm down."

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