The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 670 This is crushing

Director Zhou took Team Leader Yan and others forward, smiling and rubbing their hands.

Team leader Yan was very cooperative and pretended to be sprained, and someone immediately stood beside him to help him.

"Team Leader Yan, be careful."

"Be careful, there is a lot of water on the ground."

"Ah, thank you, thank you, it's okay, it's okay." Team Leader Yan smiled, stood firm, and followed Director Zhou step by step.

Everyone looked at the leader of Country Y with smiles on their faces, "Mr. Barry, are you okay?"

Barry's eyes rolled to the sky.

Are you okay?

If nothing happens, you won't look into the water.

How was Mr. Banon beaten?

This damn woman from Country C, is she crazy?

It is simply abominable to keep pushing Mr. Banon into the smelly water.

"Go and save people!" Barry shouted angrily.

Among the people standing around, you look at me and I look at you. Which one is happy to jump directly into the smelly water? ?

Anyway, none of the people in Kyushu are happy.

They glanced at the smelly water with disgust, then all looked at Director Zhou, their eyes filled with sparks and lightning.

Director Zhou coughed lightly and smiled seriously, "Well... we don't have a ship at the moment. I told the driver before that we would be delayed here for a while, so I asked him to drive the ship away."

"How about you, country Y, find two young men who are good at water and go down there to fish for people? What do you think, Mr. Barry?"

Barry wanted to say that he didn't think so.

But looking at the embarrassed expressions on Director Zhou, Team Leader Yan and the others, I knew it would be impossible for them to order the C people behind them to go into the water to fish for Mr. Banon.

Asking for help from others or God is worse than asking for help from yourself.

Barry looked at the two young men standing behind him with a cold face, "You go and pull Banon up."

A look of reluctance flashed across the faces of the two young people from Country Y.

Of course they don't want to.

Who doesn’t know how dirty this smelly water is?

It was originally smelly water that accumulated numerous bacterial microorganisms, zombie corpses and various animal feces. They went into the water to fish for Panon, but they didn't know if they would be infected by bacteria.

It's all Banon's fault. Before he came here, he vowed that he would give the world's number one metal superpower a run for his money.

The results of it?

That's it, that's it? It's more like showing off one's power and being humiliated.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, just go if you are told!"

Barry waved his hand coldly.

The two young people from Country Y had no choice but to step forward.

Xie Ning was also tired of poking at this moment, and she was holding her golden cudgel hanging in the air without moving.

And the unlucky Mr. Banon must have been exhausted as well.

Half a minute ago, when Xie Ning poked him down again, he never came to the surface of the water on his own, and he was probably stunned in the water.

Barry stood on the shore and shouted angrily, "Quick, get the man out quickly. He's fainted!"

"Do you people from country C want to kill people?"

"We came here with good intentions to exchange abilities with you, and this is how you treat your friends who come from afar."

Xie Ning jumped up, and a pair of golden wings spread out behind her. The several-meter-long golden golden wings stunned almost everyone in the Country Y exchange group.

Song Kexin blinked and suddenly jumped up excitedly, "Look, my sister's wings seem to be getting bigger and wider."

"Yeah, it didn't seem that lenient before."

"Has sister advanced?"

Song Shijun curled his lips and turned to look at her sister like a fool, "You only know now?"

He already knew it when his sister took out her golden cudgel and beat up the fool of country Y.

His sister was secretly hiding this from her family. No one knew that she had already risen from the sixth level...

But this is okay, Brother Shijun thought to himself.

If her sister wasn't so powerful and had already secretly upgraded her abilities, she would have been caught off guard by a few foreigners today.

The damn idiot from Country Y wanted to step on their sister, but he got slapped in the face, haha.

"Oh my God, what is the level of the village girl's power now? Why do I feel so much better than before?"

"Then there must be a seventh level." Uncle Ge Liang couldn't help but sigh, "I didn't hear that gringo with a little bean on his face say that their pustule Mr. is a seventh level superpower."

"Only the seventh level and the seventh level can be evenly matched."

"Hahaha." Ge Yan couldn't help laughing, "Dad, do you think Ning Ning is on par with Mr. Pimple?"

This is completely a personal crush.

Everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw it, and nodded repeatedly, "The village beauty has reached the seventh level, we have to work harder."

"The village belle is always several steps ahead of us, which is so stressful."

Li Xiang also murmured and nodded, "I feel like I can't catch up no matter how hard I try. Forget it, you just have to work hard."

Everyone downstairs was still noisy.

Onlookers crowded the lobby on the first floor, and even if they were watching the fun with the water flowing, they all watched with gusto.

Today, the water level in the entire Gyeonggi base is about less than 1.2 meters, and because there are many sandbags piled in front of the apartment building, the water level has even receded to below the waist.

Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Banon, who had eaten a lot of smelly water, was finally picked up by two young men from Country Y and dragged to the door of the apartment building like a dead dog.

The two of them worked together to push him onto a higher sandbag. Mr. Barry hurried over with others, shouting Banon's name repeatedly.

Although Banon lost very ugly this time, he is a seventh-level superpower trained by Country Y after all.

Throughout the world, there are only a handful of seventh-level superpowers, and Mr. Banon cannot die.

Otherwise, all the resources they have spent will not be in vain.

"Mr. Barry, why don't you let the people with healing powers come over and take a look." Shroud simply couldn't bear to look at their stupidity.

What's the use of shaking him and calling him?

This was obviously a physical problem. Shroud suspected that it was the current in the water that caused Mr. Banon to fall into a state of paralysis.

It's probably going to have to be treated by someone with healing powers.

"Ah, yes, yes." Barry reacted and hurriedly waved to the people behind the team, "Come quickly and show Mr. Banon, we must cure him."

After throwing Banon to the healing system, Mr. Barry turned to face Xie Ning aggressively, "Get down!"

He pointed his finger and shouted angrily, "The officials of Country C must give us an explanation. What is this? Is there such a way to discuss and communicate to death? You people of Country C are too unscrupulous."

The careless Xie Ning suddenly leaned over and swooped down toward him.

It was as fast as a cannonball falling out of thin air.

Everyone was shocked, howling and trying to retreat, but it was too late.

Barry opened his mouth wide, and the word "madman" was choked in his throat, and the swift and powerful shock wave fell on everyone in Country Y.

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