The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 674 A useless power?

When I looked up, I saw my granddaughter running wildly from the vegetable field.

The little parrot immediately jumped down from the branch, opened its mouth and started chattering mode, "Oh, my dear little master, you finally thought of coming in and taking a look at us."

"Look at you running in such a hurry, what's going on..."

Before he finished speaking, his little master passed under the tree with an expressionless face and ran straight to the two elders.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm hungry and want a big meal!"

The two elders were stunned, then smiled and nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, there is a lot of freshly cooked food in the kitchen of the house."

"Oh, my dear little master, you have completely ignored me." The little parrot flew back and forth above her head, flapping its feathery little wings and squawking, "I want to say something to you."

"You don't have to say anything." He said.

Xie Ning was focused on eating. She was starving to death, so she didn't bother to chat with the little parrot.

The second elder took his granddaughter and ran into the kitchen quickly, placing plates of dishes on the small table in the living room, "Ning Ning, do you want to eat the dishes first? Or should I serve you a bowl of rice?"

It was only around nine o'clock in the morning. Although the two elders found it strange, they didn't say much.

Anyway, my granddaughter said she would eat if she was hungry.

When they have nothing to do, they like to think of some new dishes. The cooked dishes do not need to be put in the refrigerator, but stored in the pantry. When they eat, they take them out and they are just like fresh ones.

In the kitchen on the first floor, there are two 1.8-meter food cabinets placed against the wall. They were not enough before, so Ning Ning asked Ning Ning to build three more rows of food cabinets in the next room, which was barely enough for storage.

Now the pantry is filled with a dazzling array of food made by the two elders. They cook all kinds of delicacies in their free time, and the cupboard is already full to the brim.

It was a rare occasion when Xie Ning came in to eat, and the two of them were so happy that they naturally took out all the delicious food.

This all-metal four-story house was built next to her metal cabin and is usually used by her family.

The second elder's bedroom is also on the first floor. It's not too big. Even Xie Ning seems to be a little crowded now, so she said while chewing the leg of lamb, "The space of the farmhouse has become much larger now. I will build a house for you next to it later." .”

"This way everyone can have a separate room, and they don't have to move around to pack up their personal belongings next time they come in, which is very troublesome."

The two old men turned to look out the window.

Indeed, they feel the most clearly when they live here. The space was not so big before.

I don’t know when it started, but the space suddenly increased a lot.

The land beside the fields, which used to be a bit crowded, is now a lot more spacious. Ning Ning said that it would be more than enough to build another building next to it. It would be no problem to build several buildings.

Song Yaoguo smiled and nodded, "That's fine. Everyone comes in to practice their powers and often take turns living in the same room. It is indeed a lot of inconvenience."

"It would be nice to build a bigger house. But it won't be too time-consuming."

Xie Ning waved her little hands and said with confidence, "I wasn't so sure before, but now that my metal power has been upgraded, it's very easy to build a metal building!"

Grandma smiled happily from ear to ear, "Okay, okay, if those skinny monkeys know about it, they will definitely be happy."

Xie Ning took two more chicken wings to eat and nodded happily, "Well, from now on, this four-story building will be used as a kitchen and studio."

"Build a six-story building next to it. Forget it, let's build a nine-story building. This way, there are almost two people on one floor. In addition to the bedroom, there can be other spare rooms. They can use it as a storage room, study room, or practice room, whatever they like."

"That's great." Song Yaoguo was happy but couldn't help but worry, "Wouldn't it consume too much power and energy? Is this nine-story farmhouse high enough?"

"That's enough!" Xie Ning chuckled, "Our space has expanded in more than just width."

Xie Ning pointed to the sky, "The height has also increased a lot, Grandpa can rest assured."

She reached out to take the bowl of vegetarian soup brought by her grandma and took two sips. Then she said with some regret, "It's just that the maximum capacity of the space is still eight people, which is a bit small."

"It's quite a lot. It's not so little. In the past, only two people could come in at the same time." The old lady smiled from ear to ear. "We Ning Ning are really capable. In the future, as the power increases, the person who brought it in said Maybe more.”

"Yeah, sure, I can still get better."

The two elders looked at her with smiles, "Do you still want to eat rice?"

"Eat." Xie Ning nodded fiercely.

Grandma went to get her a small bowl of rice, which would normally be enough for her granddaughter, but for some reason today, it was not enough for the little guy to finish the bowl.

At first, the two elders were smiling and watching her eat, but then their expressions became more and more serious, almost turning into panic...

This is not something a granddaughter can eat!

Xie Ning also felt that she was scaring her grandparents a bit by eating so much and drinking so much. She grinned sheepishly, "I just feel hungry, which is quite strange."

"I'm very hungry today, maybe because I slept for several days."

"What?" The two elders raised their eyes, "Why did you sleep for so many days??"

Xie Ning smacked her lips in annoyance, angry that she had spilled the beans...

Mom and the others definitely didn't tell the two elders that she had a high fever and fell into a coma, but they didn't bring it upon themselves.

Xie Ning quickly put away the dishes and got up and ran to the kitchen, "Grandpa and grandma, I'm almost full. I'm going to build a house now."

Song Yaoguo blew his beard and stared, then followed behind and said, "Come back here and speak clearly."

"What's going on? Ning Ning, are you sick?"

"I'm not sick. It's just that my powers fluctuated too much, so I just slept for a few days. Look how good I am now, I'm bouncing around."

Xie Ning comforted the two elders while quickly building a house, "Grandpa and grandma, my powers have increased a lot now, and the little spider said that I have awakened a new power!"

"So it should be normal to be able to eat. After all, I consume a lot now! Right?"

"Don't worry, grandpa and grandma, this should only be like this at the beginning. After the superpower adapts to my body, my appetite will probably return to normal."

This is exactly what Xie Ning was thinking.

Now that she is able to eat so well and has such an unusual appetite, after thinking about it, it must be related to her newly awakened superpower.

But it cannot be ruled out that there are some changes.

Captain Xie was secretly worried and asked the little spider secretly in the mental web, "In the future, will the person I awaken have the power of a loser, right?"


It doesn't know what to say at all.

"Master Zhu Zhu, I have systematically scanned your body. All body data have increased by leaps and bounds, but your newly awakened power cannot be scanned here."

"There can only be two explanations."

"you say!"

"First, the power has not been fully awakened. Second, the power you awakened this time is not included in the X world system's power collection library. It should be a very rare and rare power."

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