The two old men quarreled all the way, laughing and walking to the kitchen.

Xie Ning cast a glance at their departing figures, shook her head in amusement, and continued her skillful operations.

After she was fully immersed in it, her hand movements couldn't help but speed up a bit, making the construction of the metal building smoother.

Little Spider was not idle either, constantly scanning the virtual structure for her and using virtual lines to show her where to add gold-type abilities.

As a result, Xie Ning moved faster.

More than an hour later, a nine-story copper-colored metal building appeared in front of Xie Ning.

Quite perfect!

This simulated structure is really useful, Xie Ning thought to herself, using the ability to control metal in her hands, she continued to repair and polish the entire building.

The second elder also came out of the kitchen after finishing his work. He looked at the tall building that appeared on the ground with wide eyes and exclaimed in surprise, "Ning Ning, are you finished so quickly?"

The granddaughter told them that she healed it very quickly, and they thought it would take at least an afternoon.

Unexpectedly, the child could finish it in just one hour with just a few clicks of his fingers.

Her Ningning is really a little genius. It is really eye-opening to complete the construction of such a tall building in one hour.

After all, the scale of the nine-story building built this time cannot be compared with the two small buildings built before.

In the eyes of the second elder, this building is no different from the residential buildings in the community outside.

Xie Ning exhaled and drank half of the bottle of replenishing well water, then took out a small handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's done."

Well, of course, we can't say or fully complete it yet.

The interior will still need to be modified later, but this will be more convenient.

For example, where a small pool or something like that needs to be built, or where a room needs to be made larger or smaller, just let the team members claim the territory and then continue to modify it one by one.

Those were just some small projects. Anyway, with Little Spider's virtual structure guidance, Captain Xie was full of confidence and felt that he had no problem at all.

She had already thought about it before making it.

This building was given to Starfire's team members to live in. As for herself, she could still live in the two-story single-family house next to it.

That small two-story room was of great significance to her.

At that time, it was a small house that she had worked hard to build. For such a large place, it took her three to four hours to build the building and renovate the layout.

Although the hut is not big, the upper and lower floors are separate, and it is more than enough for her to live alone.

Moreover, this cabin is full of mechanical futuristic feeling, and it is surrounded by trees. Captain Xie feels that it is very beautiful.

When you open the second-floor window, you can see two lush plum trees at a glance. You can touch the red and yellow fruits on the branches by raising your hand.

The two plum trees have become more and more prosperous since they thrived in her space.

The branches are covered with fruits of all sizes, and I feel happy just looking at them.

"Grandpa and grandma, come here and see how we install windows in this row."

"That's fine, I just wonder if it would be too much trouble."

"No trouble, let Yueyue make some wooden windows according to the virtual structure. It will save money and effort."

"Okay." The old lady smiled happily and narrowed her eyes. "I've thought about it. We're used to living in this four-story building, so we won't move there. Anyway, it's close to the kitchen, what do you think?"

"Okay, grandpa and grandma, you can live wherever you like."

Song Yaoguo and his wife laughed from ear to ear, "Then the building is almost completed, right?"

"Yeah." Xie Ning nodded, "We won't do any follow-up work today. We'll talk about it tomorrow."

There may be a lot of improvements to be made in the future, and Xie Ning is still thinking about installing a large pool on the roof of the building, which will make it much easier to use water.

Comrade Song Youai only needs to add water to the pool every now and then.

The pipes and other things are easy to fix, and the worst case scenario is to install pipes outside the building.

Anyway, it's all her metal power. She can adjust the size and bend at will. At most, she can just straighten the pipe and then wrap the edges.

In fact, she originally wanted to install another elevator for everyone, but that thing was a bit troublesome.

Because it needs electricity, it has to be equipped with two special generators, and I don’t know if they will be enough.

But Little Spider happily suggested to her that she could go to the X World System Mall to buy a crystal core charging elevator.

It will be very convenient to install it on the side of the building, and it will not consume electricity.

But use crystal nuclei!

Xie Ning thought that now all the crystal nuclei were basically made into energy balls by her and provided to the team members for advancement.

Although it is not difficult for her to earn crystal cores, she still has to save some money on daily expenses. After all, increasing her strength is the primary purpose, and there is no need for such a crystal core charging elevator for the time being.

Anyway, everyone needs more exercise every day. Climbing stairs should be regarded as exercise.

Xie Ning thought about it and made a decision secretly. When she went out, she told her team members that from now on, ordinary team members would live downstairs, and team members with higher power levels would be allowed to live in high-rise buildings.

Who gave them a high level of superpowers? It’s not difficult to go up and down the stairs anyway.

Xie Ning would have no trouble flying around with her metal wings, so she felt that other high-level superpowers would also have no trouble flying around.

The old lady happily handed her the orange juice, looked at the tall buildings rising from the ground, nodded and said with a smile: "We Ning Ning are really amazing. When everyone comes in and sees such a big house, they will be very happy."

"Grandma, our team now has four more support team members. From now on, we will let them practice with our team first. I won't tell them about the space that can accommodate people."

"I've already told the other team members about this, and I just reminded them this time because I thought about it."

The two elders were both understanding people, so they nodded after hearing this, "That's natural. Only the core members of our Spark Team can know more."

"In the future, when the team expands, there will only be more and more people. But Ning Ning, when we recruit people, the most important thing is to look at their character."

The two elders are both experienced, and they naturally know that if someone with evil intentions is recruited, it will be a disaster for the entire team.

Of course Xie Ning understood and nodded with a smile, "Grandpa and grandma, don't worry, we won't recruit people easily."

She has thought about it, and just recruits up to four more support staff to help with the work in the near future.

Of course, there aren’t usually too many things going on.

But she also thought about the four people she would recruit later and needed to add some strong labor force.

There are quite a lot of old people and children in their team at the moment, so recruiting some more young adults will come in handy on a daily basis.

For example, those jobs that require lifting and lifting will no longer require middle-aged and elderly women.

Xie Ning wanted to leave this matter to her sister Song Kexin.

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