The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 697 Turning a blind eye

Chapter 697 Turning a blind eye...

"Okay, okay, I'm fine. Don't be like my mother and be nervous all day long." Xie Ning finished eating the fried noodles and touched her belly.

Little Spider had scanned her countless times today.

It's really annoying, I have to scan it again every now and then.

I told him that it wasn't a big deal. His good appetite must be due to the awakening of vitality.

Once she fully controls the vitality in her body, she will surely gradually return to normal.

"Ning Ning, you can go back to space and rest early. We will set off at 6:30 tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Xie Ning nodded and did not refuse.

She is a girl living in a big office with a bunch of men. It is inconvenient for both of them, so naturally it is most appropriate to return to her space.

The whole team seemed not to notice that she disappeared out of thin air, and no one said much.

Just like little Kress appeared out of thin air earlier, the whole team didn't say anything.

Before we came out, I told them several times in advance: Don’t panic when you see anything during the trip, just stay calm!

Xiaomeng and the others felt that they had been calm enough along the way.

So what if you show them great transformations every day? Just calmly turn a blind eye!

If my sister-in-law is so powerful, there is no way she doesn’t have secrets.

That's what their brother has to worry about, and it's not their turn to talk.

Later, Lu Wei, Zhai Ruobai and others watched dumbly as their brother casually took out a sleeping bag and threw it to the corner, with expressions of surprise on their faces.

"Brother!" Zhai Ruobai opened his mouth and shouted.

"Why are you calling your brother?" Gu Chen waved his hand angrily, "Go to bed quickly and get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning."

"Isn't it starting at half past six?"

"Can't we get up earlier if we start at 6:30??" Gu Chen walked to the wall and jumped into the sleeping bag. "I'll get up at 1 o'clock to change my shift. I'll go to bed first."

"No brother!" Zhai Ruobai wanted to call him to stop him, but this man had no moral ethics at all. He didn't tell them clearly about the sleeping bag and just lay down to sleep.

Everyone stood there scratching their heads.

They could see clearly just now that my brother just turned into a sleeping bag out of thin air!

Could it be that their brother...has awakened his space powers for the second time? ?

Lu Wei smiled and glanced at everyone, "Okay, don't worry about it, go to bed first. Xiao Meng Qiangzi, you two will keep watch and call us at one o'clock."

Xiao Meng, Huang Guoqiang and the other two nodded and went to guard the door.

Others no longer worry about their brother taking the sleeping bag with his bare hands. There is no point in worrying about it!

When I want to say something, I will tell them.

It was rare for Xie Ning to sleep in a room in her own villa, and she slept particularly well that night.

After turning on the alarm clock at 5:55 in the morning, Captain Xie rolled around on the big bed several times and waited until 6:05 before he reluctantly got up.

After washing up, Little Spider's cheerful electronic voice sounded in her mind, "Good morning, Ning Ning's main body. Scanning the body functions of Ning Ning's main body, all data are normal."

"I'm fine." Xie Ning spit out a mouthful of mouthwash and sighed helplessly.

Why is this kid so persistent?

Scanning every day does not consume electricity.

The little spider said cheerfully, "Condensing body, when will you try your vitality power again?"

"In the future, I suggest you release the little man-eating vine again. Maybe this time you can make a qualitative leap for it!"

"What is a qualitative leap?"

"First of all, the size has become larger! Secondly, the attack power has been steadily strengthened." The little spider became more and more excited as he talked, "Would you like to try the Condensation Body?"

"Wait a minute." Xie Ning was not particularly interested.

After all, she didn't even have a taste for this vitality power...

Xie Ning wiped her face and said thoughtfully, "I have a feeling that my vitality power may be called the power of a loser."

Little Spider:......

It’s hard to get over the bad luck, right?

"It's really not my imagination. Every time I use the vitality power, my appetite increases!"

"This can't go on like this." Xie Ning glanced down at herself and stretched out her hand to touch the flesh on her belly, "Look, am I getting fat again?"

Little Spider has the most say in this regard.

"Condensing body, your weight is the same as two months ago!"

"That won't work either. I have to prepare for a rainy day. If this continues, I will definitely become a fat man."

"So you can go out and walk around more and kill zombies to burn calories!"

"Although what you said makes some sense, I don't want to move on such a hot day..."

If the little spider could roll his eyes, he would have rolled his eyes to the sky by now.

"Are you worried about the little man-eating vine? Why don't you try to revive it on other plants first instead of condensing the main body?"

Xie Ning was so stubborn, "I'm not worried. I'm worried that it will have side effects if it is overfed. Don't talk nonsense."

The little spider rolled back and forth on the bedside table, "I've never heard of vitality powers having side effects!"

There are no side effects to any super powers, right?

Could it be that those with fire powers would be burned by their own fire, and those with ice powers could freeze themselves to death, a god-like side effect!

Xie Ning chuckled and said, "Don't be anxious. Of course, new abilities must be gained gradually and slowly. Let me get familiar with them quietly for another week."

Little Spider sometimes feels that his main body is too cautious!

But what can be done?

I can only continue to get used to it. Besides, the main problem is not a bad thing. It is always right to be cautious in the end of the world.

Xie Ning sat on the bed, dug out a box of steamed buns from the farmhouse, and ate them with soy milk.

The little spider was crawling around her, "Condensing body, can you eat this greasy food now??"

"Nonsense, I'm fine." As soon as she went out, she was asked to drink porridge. Hehehe, she just finished eating before going out!

"Besides, if I don't eat something good, how can I recover quickly? I eat rice with pickles every day, and you can see that my face is starting to turn yellow."

Is there any?

Little Spider helplessly scanned her body again, "It's normal."

"Do you know that data can also be wrong? Many times, the various indicators of our body may not truly reflect the physical condition."

"Besides, a happy mood can also speed up recovery!" Xie Ning said "bah bah" twice, "Besides, I'm not sick at all. You know best, don't you?"

Captain Xie finished four xiaolongbao in one go, drank the soy milk and took a tissue to wipe his mouth.

"It's better to eat comfortably in your own room." She jumped up and stretched, took out a cup of milk tea from the farmhouse space, took a few sips and put it on the bedside table.

"Let's go, let's go now."

"The main body is big, and there's a commotion downstairs again."

"What's the fuss about?" Xie Ning said as she jumped out of the space.

The window where she appeared was, and several members of Group A floated past, completely turning a blind eye to her...

Xie Ning blinked and waved at Zhai Ruobai.

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