The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 701 Overtaking in strength

Xiaolu should be at the seventh level now, but a sea of ​​trees suddenly appeared...

It does seem difficult.

But the boss of the wood-type superpower in the seed center may not be the sea of ​​trees that was created in a few days.

"What's wrong?" Gu Chen saw that she was frowning and silent for a long time, so he came to her side and asked in a low voice, "Is there anything going on with the little man-eating vine?"

Xie Ning shook her head, "Fortunately, it's just that the little spider scanned half of the city just now and told me some situations near the seed base."

Xie Ning whispered to Gu Chen, who raised his eyebrows and said, "Wood superpower."

"I don't know if it's a friend or an enemy, but I have to pay more attention."

"Okay. Let's discuss this with everyone after dinner."

Since it is possible that he is a wood type superpower user of a higher level than Lu Wei, then maybe... the superpower level is enough to rival Ning Ning.

This is really surprising.

Sure enough, there are people outside the world, but I didn’t expect that there is a wood-type boss hiding in Su City.

Nowadays, communication means are broken, and Gyeonggi is not close to Su City. This situation is indeed possible.

"Don't worry." Gu Chen shook her hand to comfort her, "I'm still here!"

Xie Ning rolled her eyes at him.

Could this guy have advanced again?

"Future, scan him!" Xie Ning ordered the little spider.

The little spider silently scanned the circle, "Condensing body, when you gave Xiao Gu the energy ball earlier, didn't you expect that he would advance soon?"

Why are you scanning now? It's so annoying.

"I remember he was at the seventh level before. Take a look and see if he has been promoted."

"Indeed, Xiao Gu's current comprehensive strength rating is almost the same as that of Ning Ning's main body."

Xie Ning frowned, "What's my comprehensive data score?"

"720!" Little Spider's proud electronic voice suddenly sounded in Xie Ning's mind, "It can already compete with the super evolved people from the X world. It's very, very powerful!"

Xie Ning snorted, "What about him?"


Xie Ning was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha!"

Sure enough, she surpassed Xiao Gu!

Even though it’s only three points, huh, it’s still better than Xiao Gu.

It should be the overall strength points blessed by the vitality rules, hehehe.

Gu Chen kept staring at his girlfriend. When he saw that she fell silent in the middle of her words, he knew that she was communicating with the spirit of the future.

But not long after, I saw her laughing again. I couldn't help but tear up my little hands and asked, "Why are you laughing so stupidly?"

Xie Ning glanced at him, "Guess who of us is more powerful now?"

"You, you, you are the best." Gu Chen blurted out, looking at her with a smile, "No need to ask."

Xie Ning suddenly lost her sense of expectation and snorted, "Okay, what should we eat for lunch? I can tell you, I am fully recovered! Don't let me drink porridge again."

"Okay, let's eat lunch boxes. Before we set off, my aunt made a lot of lunch boxes for us!"

Xie Ning nodded with satisfaction, "I'll treat you to another roasted corn."


Without the interruption of dead vines, the meal was very comfortable.

Everyone was in good spirits after eating and drinking. Before leaving, they followed Captain Xie around to the back wall where the withered vine was and took a look.

Xie Ning took out a hoe from the space and said, "Let me dig it up and take a look."

"Sister Ning, I'll come, I'll come." Before she could start digging, several people grabbed the farm tools in her hand.

In the end, Meng Ping'an quickly grabbed the tool and dug a few times at the hole in the ground.

After digging out a piece of broken soil and throwing it aside, Xie Ning squatted on the ground and took a closer look.

Not long after, a dry bone was dug out of the soil.

Xie Ning stood up expressionlessly, took a small step back, took out a few tools from the space and gave them to Huang Guoqiang and others to dig together.

After digging for less than three minutes, a big pit appeared in front of me.

Only then did everyone realize that the ground had been emptied out by the dead tree.

There were a lot of corpses mixed in the empty ground, and it looked like a grave for thousands of people...

Xiaomeng and the others turned their backs and rounded their eyes at the same time, running to somewhere else to take a breath of fresh air.

Gu Chen turned his head and met his little girlfriend's dark eyes.

What’s funny is that Captain Xie was fully armed at some point, wearing a hood, mask, and gloves on both hands...

"Uh." Captain Gu smiled angrily, "You're quite quick."

Song Shijun slipped aside to take a few breaths, and even put on a gas mask when he came back.

"Sister, are these zombie corpses?"

"Yeah." Xie Ning was very courageous, picked up two thicker branches from the side, and dug up the zombies in the soil.

"The crystal nuclei have been absorbed."

"What a big deal." Everyone couldn't help but marvel.

"Indeed." Xie Ning nodded, thinking that this was still a mutant plant with brains.

It seems that this is the reason why there are no zombies within a radius of five thousand meters.

"Burn it." Xie Ning took a few steps back and said.

In order to avoid any changes in the future, it would be safer to set it on fire.

Wang Bingwu stepped forward and set a fire, and everyone retreated.

Song Shijun threw a handful of wind over and let the flames burn rapidly in the pit.

Not long after, the land was scorched black, and all the corpses in the zombie pit were completely burned.

Xie Ning and others walked out of the service area and raised their wrists to check the time.

It was almost half past one in the afternoon.

Wu Meng took out several cars from the space, checked the tires and went on the road again.

After that, the journey was relatively smooth, and we officially entered the boundary of Suzhou City in more than an hour.

When they passed the highway station, they saw a car parked there. Two or three people were cleaning up the zombie corpses in the station with their backs turned, seemingly searching for crystal nuclei.

When several vehicles like Xie Ning's and others roared away at the same time, the people who were searching for the body jumped up at the sound of the engine and ran to the side of the road to wave to them vigorously.

Comrade Gu took a quick look and saw a few foreign faces, so he was about to step on the accelerator and pass!

As a result, I saw two people next to me taking out the national flag of Country C, unfolding it, shaking it vigorously and shouting "Friend, friend"...

Everyone was speechless and could only pull over and park the car.

Xie Ning didn't move in the car, and Lu Wei's car drove up and stopped in front of them.

A young black man with curly hair rushed forward with excitement on his face, trying to shake Lu Wei's hands, shouting over and over again, "Friends, it's great to see you! I am Talbert. Although I look black, But I have your ID card. I am from Country C!"

Lu Wei chuckled and quickly stopped the black young man from taking out his ID card. "Okay, we get it. I don't know what you want..."

This black young man, who is called a Liuer in Mandarin, seems to have lived in China for a long time.

"Friends, we heard that the Gyeonggi base was recruiting people, so we wanted to rush there! But our car broke down halfway!"

Lu Wei smiled and said, "Sorry, we have to go to Sioux City to do something."

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