The three people coming towards them all had a hint of high-level supernatural power on their bodies.

The handsome-looking man at the front is none other than Mr. Zou Youfu, the chairman of Youfu Jewelry.

He looked easy-going. When he saw Xie Ning and his group, he immediately stepped forward and said with a smile, "You must have come from the big base, right? I'm sorry for missing you."

There were two people behind Zou Youfu, one looked like an honest farmer, and the other was very lean and looked slightly sickly.

Although their appearance was very inconspicuous, Xie Ning and Gu Chen's expressions gradually became serious.

A high-level person understands a high-level person, and can roughly find out the details of the other person in a single face-to-face meeting.

Comrade Gu really didn't expect that a small green field base would be so extraordinary.

Xie Ning turned her head and glanced at her younger brother and others, then followed them with no expression.

Gu Chen had already exchanged a few words with Zou Youfu with a smile.

Zou Youfu was very enthusiastic and made them feel like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years came to visit.

But I know very well in my heart that the other person is definitely not an easy person to get along with.

Ever since Captain Xie suddenly severed his mental connection, everyone was instantly on alert.

Because everyone knows very well that the reason Captain Xie wants to cut off the spiritual network must be because there is a very powerful high-end spiritual power user hidden among the other party!

Otherwise there is no need to do this at all.

The mental superpowers in the Green Field Base are actually comparable to Kress. What does this mean?

The problem is big!

It means that the other party is very likely to be a spiritual power user of level 6 or above!

In order to prevent the other party from catching their mental fluctuations, Captain Xie immediately interrupted the mental network call.

Everyone followed the captain step by step, becoming more vigilant.

"Hello everyone, hello everyone! My friends are visiting from afar. I will have someone arrange a place for you right away."

"I'm just going to stay in my shabby building for one night today, and we'll hold a lively banquet for everyone tomorrow!" Zou Youfu said with a smile, "I'm Zou Youfu, you can also call me a straw man. .”

"These two are my assistants, named Lion and Woodcutter respectively." Zou Youfu pointed to the two people behind him.

The lion is the young man with a sick face.

There is always a smile in his eyes when he looks at people. Although his face is white and his appearance is not obvious, the smile on his face makes people feel particularly friendly.

It's just that his sickly appearance doesn't match the name Lion... very well.

The woodcutter was a middle-aged man dressed as a farmer. He treated people very honestly. He kept greeting them and laughed innocently when he saw them.

Each of these three people had their own quirks. Xie Ning and Gu Chen looked at each other, secretly suppressed their questions in their hearts, and followed them up.

"Mingming, you should go back and rest early. It's too late today!"

Xie Ning raised her watch.

Six fifteen, is it very late?

"Everyone has come a long way, so you must not have had dinner yet! It doesn't matter, I'll ask the cook to deliver the food to everyone's rooms later."

"Erdan, Sanhua, take the guests to the guest room on the third floor to settle down! Tell the cook later to make some simple meals for the guests."

"I'm really sorry." Zou Youfu turned around and smiled and said to everyone, "The base does not provide meals after six o'clock, so I can only trouble you to have a simple meal today."

"Tomorrow, I will make sure to prepare a sumptuous meal for you all tomorrow! I also ask for your understanding from all my friends who have come from afar."

Not to mention that Gu Chen and Xie Ning found this attitude very strange. Even the most arrogant Shijun baby found there was something strange about these people in front of him.

This attitude is too good...

This is a 360-degree change!

Gu Chen and Xie Ning looked at each other and nodded secretly.

It means don't act rashly first, go in and see what the situation is.

Since the captain and the others did not negotiate with these people on the spot, the other team members naturally suppressed their emotions and followed the captain towards the building.

Led by Erdan Sanhua, everyone went up to the third floor.

Zou Youfu said goodbye to them at the top of the stairs with a smile, "Everyone, that's it for today. If there's anything else, we'll discuss it tomorrow."

"Everyone has had a meal and gone to bed early! Goodbye."

Lu Wei also smiled and stepped forward to say goodbye to Zou Youfu and the others on behalf of the entire team.

When he turned around, the smile on his face immediately faded.

Comrade Lu pushed up his glasses and winked at Captain Gu.

Everyone said nothing and went straight to the room on the third floor.

There are a total of five rooms on the entire floor. Except for Captain Xie, who has a room for himself, the other twelve people share a room with three people, and they are randomly assigned to stay.

As soon as Xie Ning entered the room, she scanned the room with her mental power. After finding that there was no camera or other equipment, she put on her gloves and touched around the bed.

At this time, there was a knock on the door. Xie Ning calmed down and walked to open the door expressionlessly.

"Hello, Miss, this is a simple meal prepared by the kitchen for you." The person who delivered the meal was Sanhua who had just led them upstairs.

The girl was not very old, and the smile on her face looked particularly sincere, with nothing out of the ordinary about her.

But it was precisely because of this that Xie Ning found them strange.

Xie Ning didn't show any emotion, she just nodded to the girl who delivered the simple meal, reached out to take the tray and was about to close the door.

The next door opened.

Gu Chen, Lu Wei, and Zhai Ruobai came to her room with dinner plates and winked at her.

Xie Ning glanced at the delivery girl speechlessly, "Go ahead, there's nothing going on here."

"Okay, if you have anything else to do, just ask." Sanhua kept a smile on her face, nodded to Xie Ning, turned around and said hello to Gu Chen and the others, and then walked downstairs slowly.

The four of them quickly entered and closed the door.

Xie Ning put the dinner plate on the table nearby, turned around and saw three people blinking at her.

"Tell me, there is no surveillance or eavesdropping in this place, and there is no mental barrier set up."

Gu Chen and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief and put their plates on the table. "That man with a sick face has a higher mental level than Kress?"

At this time, someone came knocking on Xie Ning's door again.

Lu Wei ran over to open the door and brought Kress and Song Shijun over.

Xie Ning glanced at them and said, "Don't worry, that person is very weak. He probably won't have enough time to concentrate on listening to us."

"Zou Youfu and his two assistants probably live on the top floor. They are at least ten meters away from our floor. It would take a lot of effort for him to control his mental power to come down and monitor us! I dare not say that we are separated by three floors. Can monitor for more than half an hour."

"We must replenish the medicine! I'm afraid that sick man doesn't have the ability." Xie Ning shook her head, not to ridicule, but to tell the truth.

She cut off the mental network connection in person because she was cautious.

The distance between the two sides is very close, and high-level spiritual power users will definitely be able to capture the fluctuations of their spiritual nets.

But as for whether it is possible to eavesdrop on their conversations from the spiritual network?

Xie Ning sneered secretly.

That is impossible!

Even if the other party's mental power level is higher than that of Kress, compared with her... it should still be half inferior.

"The woodcutter."

"He should be the gold-type superpower who built the building, and his superpower level is probably around level seven." Xie Ning speculated.

Gu Chen nodded, "His supernatural aura is very unusual. There are actually three masters hidden in a small green field base."

It's truly a surprise.

Song Shijun opened his mouth and exhaled softly, "You can tell that this Green Field Base has at least three bosses of level seven or above?"

"That's what I mean." Xie Ning nodded and hit his stinky brother mercilessly, "So why are you still chatting here? Go back and practice your powers. Are you at level seven?"

Song Shijun remained silent, he was really shocked!

Not to mention the seventh level, he now feels that it is very difficult for him to reach the sixth level!

Wow, every class has its own trap! The higher you go, the bigger the pit becomes!

Xie Ning glanced sideways at her drooping younger brother, then turned to Lu Wei and Gu Chen and said, "Don't you think the names given by these people are also weird?"

"It's not weird at all." Kress put down his spoon and wiped his mouth. "Aren't these the three friends of the protagonist in The Wizard of Oz?"

"His base is also called the Green Field Base, right? I feel it fits the base commander's wood-type abilities very well. The name is reasonable and not as random as yours!"

Xie Ning tilted her face at Kress, "What about Dorothy?"

"Who is Dorothy!" Song Shijun asked curiously.

"Let you read more books!" Xie Ning scolded her stinky brother.

"The protagonist's name is Dorothy." Kress chuckled.

Song Shijun curled his lips and refused to admit that he didn't study much. "There are so many people named Dorothy. How do I know who Dorothy is?"

"Where is Dorothy?"

"Who knows where his Dorothy is?" Song Shijun was speechless!

Seeing her struggling with this issue, Gu Chen and others were a little bit dumbfounded.

Kress sighed, picked up the spoon and continued eating.

Only then did Song Shijun realize that the smelly child had already started eating!

He was shocked and ran forward, trying to grab the spoon in his hand, "How dare you eat this??"

"Hey, what are you doing!" Kress avoided it and said angrily, "Eat it with confidence! Poisoning food is the most despicable method. Others are not so boring!"

"You kid really don't understand the sinister nature of people's hearts!!" Song Shijun glared at him, "Eat, eat, eat, you'll cry if you have a bad stomach."

"Don't worry, I scanned everything before eating, and there's nothing wrong with it!"

"Haha." Song Shijun couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Can you still test for poison with your mental power? This is the first time I've heard of this new thing!"

"I can't test for poison, but I can feel it! And my sister Ning saw me eating a long time ago and didn't say anything. That means the food is definitely poisonous!"

Kress would never admit that he wanted to eat, and said plausibly, "My sister has the ability to predict spirituality. The food is just poisonous. How can I not know that?"

Classmate Song Shijun actually felt that Kress's fallacy was somewhat reasonable...

Xie Ning also reached out and picked up the spoon, "Let's eat first! This meal is fine."

And it’s rare that you can still eat green leafy vegetables, rice and other things at other small bases after the apocalypse.

Obviously this small base is very wealthy!

Xie Ning took a bite of mutated wild boar meat and swallowed it with a stern face.

Immediately, he took a bite of the remaining meat and the other two pieces of meat, and transferred them all to Gu Chen's plate...

Comrade Gu helped his girlfriend eat everything.

Others also felt that the mutated wild boar meat was relatively poorly cooked, but based on the principle of not wasting food, they still ate the meat.

After everyone finished eating, they stacked their plates together and continued the topic.

"This base can also serve white rice with meat and vegetables. I feel it is even better than in Gyeonggi."

The others nodded repeatedly upon hearing this, "There are plenty of supplies here."

"I suspect my sister-in-law was right! They must have razed the five seed banks at the back and moved everything inside!"

Xie Ning remained expressionless and refused to admit that she had a crow's mouth.

After hesitating for a moment, Xie Ning said, "Is it possible that just one warehouse can provide livelihood for the entire base of 70 or 80 people?'

Everyone was stunned and nodded again, "This is quite possible."

"Yes, there is a seventh-level spiritual master among them. You can know what's going on inside by scanning across the warehouse."

"If all five warehouses are razed, where can the things be stored?"

"It's definitely better to be Yi! As long as the mental power users can detect what is in each of the five warehouses, such as the medicine warehouse, there is no need for them to get it."

"They must be building the first grain warehouse and the second vegetable warehouse. At most, they will demolish two warehouses."

In other words, the warehouses for some rare medicinal materials, fruits, flower seeds, etc. that they really need for this trip should be relatively intact.

Especially those seeds that are not meant to be eaten, they are probably fine.

"Then we have to think about how to negotiate with Mr. Zou tomorrow. It is best to resolve it peacefully." Lu Wei smiled, "It would be better if you can also provide some of the grain, fruit and vegetable seeds. If not, you can give us all the medicinal seeds. enough."

"You have to have someone dedicated to planting medicinal materials, right? They are not professionals and they don't know how to do it. Why should they hold on and not let go? This matter should be discussed." Zhai Ruobai interjected, "I think Zou Dafu seems to be a good person. Anyway, on the surface, You’re still very polite. If we talk about it carefully, there’s probably hope!”

"Is there a possibility that his name is Zou Youfu?" Song Shijun twitched the corner of his mouth.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

Xie Ning raised her hand and patted him, "Hurry back to your room and practice your powers. Stop being so pushy here. Go back, go back!"

Song Shijun curled his lips pitifully, touched his head and stood up, "Sister, I'm leaving now."

After taking two steps, he paused and turned around to yell at the other people in the room.

"Why don't you come with me? Why are you still staying in my sister's room?"

Gu Chen couldn't help but stood up, "Ning Ning, then you should go to bed early. You don't have to worry about tomorrow's affairs, we can just go and talk about it."

Xie Ning nodded and decided to watch the whole show tomorrow.

Zou Youfu is used to being tactful, so he shouldn't have a direct conflict with them.

But what does the base say...

It just feels weird, weird everywhere!

But forget it, Xie Ning just wants to sleep peacefully now.

In order to avoid getting into trouble, she naturally did not return to the space.

There were light footsteps in the corridor outside, and Xie Ning knew that someone was out on duty.

It's only eight o'clock now, and Xie Ning has slept as early as ever...

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