Xiao Lu is very sensitive!

Just release a few small vitality powers, and they are felt?

Xie Ning turned around and asked, "That director Tang Mingliang is also dead?"

"No, this guy just took advantage of the chaos and sneaked onto the road, and we happened to hit him."

Tang Mingliang was pinched by Zhai Ruobai's neck, dragged in front of everyone, and thrown directly to the ground.

He rolled in a big circle on the ground, and a hole leaked out of the protective suit on his back.

"Kress, scan his space." Xie Ning was too lazy to do such a small thing herself, leaving it to Kress.

When Tang Mingliang heard this, he was so frightened that he shook his body and quickly begged for mercy, "Don't kill me, don't kill me! Boss guys, please don't kill me. I, the base commander, I really don't know what they are doing. Don't make me angry!"

"You didn't know?" Zhai Ruobai glanced at him up and down, "You didn't know that you could have changed into this outfit before the radiation energy shield was opened?"

"Haha, when you run out, don't forget that you are wearing protective clothing!"

"That's right." Xiao Gao and Xiao Meng also glared at him angrily, "You clearly know how harmful this radiation shield is!"

"So you have already put on protective clothing early in the morning! Are you going to sneak to the side of the road and drive away, right?"

Unfortunately, it was such a coincidence that they ran out and were caught on the spot.

Tang Mingliang also felt bitter in his mouth and even more bitter in his heart.

He felt that his good fortune for decades had completely collapsed today.

What a bad luck!

Carry it home!

You must know that he has already run in front of the car, and he only needs to start it to drive away completely.

Although it is very dangerous to wander around in such a big world, he has supplies!

As long as you don’t go to the Gyeonggi base, you can’t go to any base in the surrounding area?

For example, the gold market base is a good choice.

With so many supplies, you can definitely go wherever you like, eat well, drink well and live a comfortable life.

But now, he fell into the hands of these demons...

I'm afraid I have to peel off the skin even if I don't die.

"There are a lot of supplies in his space." Kress said calmly after scanning, "There are many sacks piled up, it looks like all kinds of food taken away from the base."

"Daily necessities and other supplies are also abundant, with about 120 square meters of supplies."

Xie Ning glanced at Tang Mingliang and smiled, "Director Tang, let's be polite first and then fight, right? Why don't you hand it over after consideration?"

Everyone thinks Captain Xie's word "du" is very spiritual!

Isn’t this simply about letting people contribute everything?

Tang Mingliang looked very ugly.

He knew that high-level spiritual power users could see through other people's space materials, but he didn't expect to meet a capable person like Kress today.

People with mental powers are born to defeat him!

Tang Mingliang was furious, but finally calmed down and suppressed his anger, "Captain Xie, why don't we discuss it?"

"Discuss?" Xie Ning blinked and looked him up and down, "At this time, do you still think you are qualified to discuss with me??"

Is there anything wrong with this brain?

"Of course I'm qualified!" Tang Mingliang said with a serious expression, "If I die, you will have nothing."

"All the materials in my space will go with me!"

Xie Ning glanced at him curiously, "Director Tang, you may be a little behind the times."


Xie Ning waved and sent a mental control shot over, directly controlling his body, "Don't you know?"

"High-level spiritual power users like us can not only scan your space capacity, but also directly control you and take out everything."

"So as I said just now, it's better for us to be polite first and then fight. If you are willing to hand over everything yourself, it is naturally better. If you are not willing, it doesn't matter to us."

"We can get it for you!"

Tang Mingliang trembled all over. How could he dare to speak harshly? He quickly begged for mercy, "Miss Xie, Miss Xie, I, I was wrong, I was wrong! I will take out the things now!"

"But, can I ask you one thing? Can you leave half of the supplies in the space for me? I will continue to live in the future!"

Xie Ning blinked and looked at him funny, "Why don't you understand? Do I need to discuss it with you?"

Still have half left?


It is impossible to leave even one tenth to him.

Why is Captain Xie so cruel?

Because it’s not necessary! This person is going to die soon, so what to save is a waste. It is better to contribute and help other brothers and sisters who are suffering.

Xie Ning didn't say anything, she just looked at Director Tang with a smile and reluctantly took out everything in the space.

He would pay for one piece, and Xie Ning would collect one piece for him, as much as he paid for it.

Tang Mingliang himself cried in the end.

Xie Ning glanced at them and waved her hands, "Okay, okay, you don't need to take your personal belongings. And take out those packets of instant noodles in the corner."


Tang Mingliang was really crying now, "Ms. Xie, I only have these packets of instant noodles! You want to rob them all, can you leave a way for others to survive? Those survivors in the Gyeonggi base are your compatriots Brothers and sisters, am I not?”

"You don't need it!" Xie Ning raised her eyelids, "I told you that you don't need to keep it. You're a dead person, so why keep it? Take it out quickly and think of it as a good deed before you die."

Tang Mingliang glared at her angrily, trembling his lips for a long time before saying, "I, I, I have provided everything to you, but you still want to kill me? I will fight with you!"

Song Shijun kicked him to the ground. Tang Mingliang opened his mouth and gasped for air. Only then did he realize that his body was extremely weak, he was dizzy, his eyes were blurry, and he seemed to have no strength to move.

"You, what did you do to me?" Tang Mingliang's eyes widened in horror.

Is this woman human?

He has already surrendered and donated supplies! Why still kill him?

Too cold-blooded and ruthless! I have never seen such a shameless thing in this world.

Xie Ning glanced at him and calmly said, "I didn't do anything! I told you, you won't live long, so don't struggle to your death. Kress!"

Kress nodded and took a few steps forward to launch a spiritual attack.

Tang Mingliang angrily threw out a few packs of instant noodles and shouted, "I gave everything to you! Can't you let me go? Shameless, most shameless!"

"I've told you all! The base director's affairs have nothing to do with me! I have no idea what the people above them are doing there every day."

"I'm just a space superpower. I'm just their mobile warehouse at best! I don't have that much authority to know so many things. I really know nothing. I'm innocent!"

Xie Ning coughed lightly, "You think too much! You alone are not worth our taking action for this."

"Impossible! Then what am I doing..." Tang Mingliang was stunned. Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he struggled to stretch out his hands and groped around his body.

"Stop touching it, the crack is on your back." Gu Chen said calmly.

Everyone else was watching the change in this man's expression intently.

From the time they caught this man, dragged him to this place, and then forced him to hand over something, the time would only last for half an hour at most.

For half an hour, they could see clearly.

His complexion gradually evolved from normal color to lifeless.

Tang Mingliang may not have even noticed that his voice became weaker and weaker, and if he moved a little, something would fall off his body.

At this moment, Tang Mingliang realized that all that fell on the ground was hair.

"This radiation energy shield is too poisonous." Meng Pingan and others showed horrified expressions.

Everyone can't help but be shocked by how strong this radiation is.

"We'd better evacuate this radiation area quickly!" Zhai Ruobai swallowed.

Gu Chen nodded slightly, "Let's go, retreat now."

Tang Mingliang collapsed on the ground, suddenly feeling that all the strength in his body seemed to have been drained, and he really couldn't move at all.

Retribution, retribution, is this retribution?

The entire Green Field Base was destroyed by the radiation energy shield, and this energy shield was opened by their base commander himself.

"Get out!" Xie Ning waved her chubby paws wrapped in protective clothing, and everyone ran to the other end of the bamboo forest.

"Go this way." Meng Ping'an led the way, and the others followed.

After running for a while, everyone could still hear Tang Mingliang's weak breathing and cry for help.

After Xie Ning and others rushed out of the bamboo forest, they turned around and fired two small flame bombs in the direction of the base.

After the raging fire enveloped the entire bamboo forest, everyone quickly continued to retreat in an orderly manner.

Wu Meng waved and a minibus was released, and more than a dozen people ran onto the bus.

Qiangzi acted as the driver, stepped on the accelerator and ran towards the highway. There were a series of explosions behind him.

Flames ignited throughout the base, and in a short time, the zombie base, which was a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​corpses, was completely ignited.

Xie Ning and the others were lying on the back window and looking into the distance.

Seeing the raging flames enveloping the entire small base, and the lush vegetation around it also burning, I couldn't help but sigh.

"This place could have been a paradise." Song Shijun hesitated for a long time before he finally said this.

"To the highway."

It's still early now, and after all the hard work, it's only around 12 noon...

After all, they got up at six in the morning.

After everyone finished their work and sat in the car, they felt their stomachs growling with hunger.

Xie Ning rummaged around in the space, put the food into the basket, took a vegetable and wrapped it with a glutinous rice dumpling, and then passed the basket back.

Everyone quickly took the food they wanted and passed the basket back.

After going around in a circle, the empty basket returned to Xie Ning's hand, and everyone took a bite of the hot food.

"This mission went quite smoothly. Let's go to the highway intersection station first to pick up Tarbert and the others. We will talk about the rest after Xiaolu has contacted the headquarters." Comrade Gu stood up and said briefly to everyone. After a few words, they were allowed to eat and rest in the car.

Everyone put their names on the protective clothing, allowing Wu Meng to temporarily enter the space.

This will be their own equipment from now on. If they get such a useful protective suit, this trip will be worth it!

This time the harvest was quite abundant. In addition to getting back all the seeds given to the X world, I also collected some supplies for the base.

Looking at Captain Xie, he seems to want to donate everything.

That is another great achievement!

In fact, Captain Xie really didn't like this thing in Tang Mingliang's space, so he could just do it as a favor and send it to the base, which would also save her the time of sorting it out.

Xie Ning took out a bag of sesame paste, and Comrade Gu took the initiative to make a cup for her and passed the rest on.

"This radiation shield is too poisonous." Song Shijun is still talking about the radiation shield, "The X world has really bad intentions and is determined to destroy the earth."

Wu Meng nodded repeatedly while holding the lunch box, "Fortunately, the scope is not too large."

Otherwise something big would really happen!

Song Shijun nodded with deep sympathy, "It's okay..."

Half an hour later, everyone had finished eating. Lu Wei just received the message from the headquarters, so he stood up and told everyone, "We don't need to handle the finishing work here. The ministry asked us to go straight to the gold market now. When we return, Pay attention to contact, and you may even go to a nearby small base to help rescue the people."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

If we still have to search for survivors near Su City and drag a bunch of oil bottles back, we don't know if we can follow the instructions and arrive at the Jinshi base on time.

Xie Ning was also a little worried about Zuo Li, and felt relieved when she heard that she didn't have to search and rescue her everywhere.

Zhai Ruobai couldn't help but laugh, "If we still have to search and rescue nearby, we have to wait and see whether we can reach the expressway station within three days."

At the same time, everyone thought about the stupid way the black young man kept saying "friend, friend", and they were heartbroken.

After everyone had eaten, they began to rest and take a nap. Baby Shijun and Kress each took out a cap from their backpack to cover their faces.

After a while, the car became quiet.

Gu Chen whispered to Xie Ning, "You should also take a nap. I'll call you when I change cars."

Xie Ning nodded, took out an eye mask and put it on. She wanted to squint for a while, but she actually fell asleep in less than a moment.

When Gu Chen woke her up, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon.

Everyone got out of the car and got into another small minibus.

Zhai Ruobai stepped forward to give the previous car a shower, and Wu Meng took it back into space.

"It's so hot, it's really going to hit 50 degrees." Wu Meng wiped his sweat, "It should be 40 degrees today."

"It's okay. We should drive to the expressway station in another hour, and then we can rest there."

Xie Ning had no objection and continued to sleep after changing the car.

The temperature in the car was adjusted to 27, and Zhai Ruobai replaced Qiangzi and drove the car himself, chatting quietly with Lu Wei who was sitting in the back seat.

"What does the ministry say? We have worked hard to rescue too many supplies for the ministry this time! This should give us 10,000 merit points per person, right?!"

Lu Wei laughed and glared at the back of Comrade Zhai Ruobai's head, "Given the stingy nature of the Ministry, do you think it's possible?"

"So Brother Lu, go talk to them!" Zhai Ruobai said boldly, "The average person is not 10,000, but at least 5,000. Our journey has been windy, rainy, fire and water, how difficult it must be!"

"You almost came back alive, right?"

"That radiation shield was so fierce that everyone was covered up!"

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