He was so sad when he said this.

Everyone was fine before last night. Unexpectedly, two teammates could not wait until Captain Xie and the others came back.

Xie Ning glanced at the crying black young man and coughed lightly, "How are you?"

Tarbert seemed to be injured a little on his leg, but it didn't look particularly serious, but his face was a little pale.

"Your leg……"

"It wasn't the zombie bird that caught it, no." Talbot was afraid that they would suspect that he had been scratched, so he hurriedly waved his hands to explain, "We were chased by the zombie bird, and when we retreated here, I accidentally fell. "

Lu Wei stepped forward and took a look, "Don't be nervous, you are a superpower. Even if you are scratched by a zombie bird, you may not be mutated."

Tarbert's tense nerves finally returned to normal at this time. He breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help crying again.

"Brothers and sisters, I thought I would never see you again in this life."

He cried very miserably and sadly. Seeing this, Song Shijun and the others actually felt a little sorry for the poor young man.

Xie Ning can still maintain a steady expression on her face.

Captain Xie looked at him expressionlessly and asked, "Those two brothers of yours..."

Speaking of brothers, Susan and Noona beside Tarbert couldn't stop crying.

"They died right in front of us. The attack of the zombie birds was too fierce. They were accidentally surrounded by a flock of birds, and one of them was carried into the sky by the flock of birds..."

"The other one was scratched."

"After he was lifted to the sky and fell to the ground, he spent the whole night in great pain and turned into a zombie."

"The other one who was scratched was not as serious as him, but unfortunately he was also infected with the zombie virus." Talbot pulled his hair in great pain.

"I thought he could survive! But he was also severely infected by the virus and eventually turned into a corpse."

"Both of them didn't want to make things difficult for us, so they shot themselves before and after. I'm really sorry for my brothers!"

Susan and Noona also cried, burping and crying, "I'm so sorry for them."

Xie Ning glanced at them, "Then...can you move now?"

"It can move." Talbot nodded repeatedly.

Susan and Noona quickly helped Talbot up, and the three of them squeezed out of the half-sealed door.

Xie Ning glanced at Su Ling, who was standing beside him with a smile, frowned secretly and turned to ask Talbot, "Who are they?"

"Oh, this time, thanks to Su Lingwan and Xiaoshan, they helped us seal the small door."

"They saw that we suffered heavy casualties, so they volunteered to guard at the front window. Brother Wan Xiaoshan's metal powers are very superb. Miss Xie, you see, they built a semi-enclosed metal room indoors."

"We are hiding here and it is really troublesome for the two brothers and sisters."

Xie Ning nodded, "Then where are they going?"

Su Ling quickly interrupted with a smile, "Sorry, I wonder if you can pick us up on the way. We heard from Brother Talbot that you will take everyone to the Gyeonggi base."

"It's really annoying." Su Ling smiled brightly, "I'm afraid I'll have to take your car to take refuge at the Gyeonggi base along the way."

"You also escaped from Sioux City?"

"Yes, yes. We escaped from the garden. In the past, when the garden was under management, life was actually quite manageable."

"Since the flood, the entire garden has been in shortage of supplies, and many people have started burning, killing and looting other people in the middle of the night."

"We really didn't want to be associated with such a vicious person, so we negotiated and escaped together."

"Just you two?" Xie Ning glanced at her suspiciously.

"Of course not. There were four people who escaped with us at the time. They were just walking and stopping along the way. Halfway through, the car was damaged by a crossbar flying from the air."

"There is really no other choice but to walk."

"But I don't know what's going on? When I was resting in the forest, my teammates always disappeared as soon as I opened my eyes. We felt that we couldn't stay in the mysterious woods for too long, so we discussed with my boyfriend to leave overnight."

"But in the end, we were the only ones who escaped. Later, when we met Brother Tarbert and the others, we talked to each other and found out that they were also in this situation."

Xie Ning stared at her faintly, "Really?"

Su Ling was stunned for a moment, then smiled at her, "Yes, of course. Every word I said is true, and there is absolutely no lie."

Xie Ning nodded and turned around, using only her mental power to communicate with Gu Chen: "She is lying."

"She is a seventh-level spiritual power user. If her teammates disappear in the middle of the night, she will be the first to notice. It is impossible for this to happen."

With this girl's spiritual power, she was evenly matched against Commander Zou of the Green Field Base.

There was absolutely no way that the other party could take away members of their team under her nose without even knowing it, unless she deliberately let them go.

Gu Chen's face remained calm, he just secretly accepted his girlfriend's small eyes and gave him a knowing look in return.

Xie Ning turned to Talbot and said, "A lot of corpse birds here have been beaten, but some have escaped. I wonder if it will attract more birds. If there is no problem here, let's leave first. here."

"Okay, okay, we will listen to Miss Xie in everything." Tabot nodded repeatedly, with a look of gratitude on his face.

The other party originally promised them to come back within three days, but now they came to pick them up in less than two days. Tabot already felt very lucky.

If they came back a day later, Tabot didn't know whether Wan Xiaoshan and Su Ling could stop such a large group of corpse birds.

Fortunately, okay, they came back as soon as possible.

"Can you all wait for my boyfriend? He is guarding behind the restaurant. Now that the corpse birds have retreated, he should be back soon."

"Can you notify him now?" Xie Ning asked, staring at the little girl.

"No." Su Ling stuck out her tongue and showed an innocent smile. "Now the mobile phone can't make calls, and we don't have a walkie-talkie so we can't contact you. But don't worry, I have an appointment with my boyfriend. Every time You have to come back here and see us in an hour.”

"It's almost time now. And he should be able to notice when the corpse birds retreat and come over soon."

Kress silently glanced at Xie Ning. When he received Xie Ning's gaze, he gave up the idea of ​​opening the mental network.

Depend on!

This woman of unknown origin has higher mental power than him!

Now, any random person would be able to surpass him in mental power. Master Kress was in a bad mood, and secretly made up his mind to raise his power level to a higher level before the end of the month!

On the other side, the little spider was turning on the scanning mode, scanning Su Ling back and forth, "The existence of 00003278 was detected."

"The other party is also detecting the main body of the coagulation."

"Enable protection mode and isolate the scanning detection of 00003278."

Xie Ning faced Su Ling with a smile. Judging from her expression, there was no hint of anger rising in her heart at this time.

Two people from the X world are pretending to be Earthlings and are waiting for them here!

very good!

"Can your boyfriend come back in three minutes?" Comrade Gu, who received the gaze of Ning Ning's little ancestor, suddenly asked, "If I don't leave now, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave later. We still have to evacuate as soon as possible. right."

"If your boyfriend really can't follow you..."

"Okay, okay. My boyfriend will be here soon. Please wait for him for another three minutes. No, just two minutes."

Xie Ning sneered in her heart.

Are you still saying that you can’t give enough notice?

They have clearly communicated!

"Oh, that's good." Comrade Gu received another instruction from the leader, "Have you brought your ID card?"


"Have you brought your ID card?" Comrade Gu asked again without hesitation, "Here in Gyeonggi Province, you need to see your ID card to register when entering the base. You can also report your ID number."

Tarbert was the most cooperative. He quickly dug around in his inner pocket and took out a very precious ID card. "We all have it, we all have it! Susan didn't get the ID card. Can I register for a temporary residence permit?"

"Okay, okay, as long as it's a formal procedure."

"Okay, okay." The three of them cooperated very well and handed over all their documents to Comrade Gu.

Comrade Gu turned to look at Su Ling.

Now even the stupidest brother Shijun knows that the little girl in front of him must be abnormal. Otherwise, why would the brother-in-law deliberately target her?

Why do you need to take out your ID card? There is no such rule at the base.

Normally, you just need to enter the base to register your name, age, ability, level, and type of ability, but things are different now.

Gu Chen turned to look at Su Ling, looking businesslike.

Su Ling showed an awkward smile, and just when she was about to speak, she saw a tall man running over quickly.

The man pulled Su Ling to his side and looked her up and down several times, "Is Lingling okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay. The rescue team that Brother Tarbert and the others are waiting for has arrived. We can go back to Gyeonggi with them!" Su Ling said to her boyfriend with a happy face.

From Xie Ning's perspective, she could just see Su Ling winking at Wan Xiaoshan, her boyfriend, and winking at him desperately.

Wan Xiaoshan also smiled and cooperated with him, pulling Su Ling forward a few steps, raising his hand to express friendship to Gu Chen, "That's really a big thank you to my friends. Is this gentleman the Captain Gu that Brother Tabot mentioned?" "

"Nice to meet you."

Gu Chen shook hands with him without hesitation.

Wan Xiaoshan looked very enthusiastic. After shaking hands with Gu Chen, he smiled and shook hands with several others.

His attitude is very humble and polite, and he seems to want to integrate into their small team.

Xie Ning had been observing this man since he behaved to them, and asked Little Spider to scan this man immediately.

The scan results fed back to Xie Ning did not surprise her at all.

This person also has an X-world intelligence brain, and his number is 00007377.

Captain Xie now has reasonable suspicion that this 00003278 is probably not Wan Xiaoshan's girlfriend.

There is a high probability that these two people have a superior-subordinate relationship.

Although Su Ling's attitude has always been very innocent.

But with the little spider around, all kinds of monsters and monsters will clearly appear in front of Captain Xie.

Gu Chen had already received the reminder from his little girlfriend, and naturally he would not let Wan Xiaoshan and Su Ling get away with it like this.

He once again asked to see their ID cards and explained a few words to them calmly.

"This is also a rule of the base. I hope you two will cooperate. If you lose your ID cards, you can also report your numbers."

"I'm sorry." Su Ling hugged Wan Xiaoshan's arm and showed an apologetic expression to them, "When the zombies attacked, we ran too fast and failed to bring out all these important items."

"Can't I enter the Gyeonggi base without the ID number?"

The little girl shook her boyfriend Wan Xiaoshan's arm anxiously, and Wan Xiaoshan also said quickly, "Sorry for causing trouble to everyone! Our documents were indeed lost on the road, and we really couldn't get them for a while. come out."

"Didn't I tell you that you can report your ID number?" Song Shijun muttered impatiently.

"It's not that we don't want to." Wan Xiaoshan scratched his head and looked extremely embarrassed, "Both of us are usually careless and don't think twice about anything. We can't remember things like numbers either. ah."

"Yeah, yeah, I can't even remember Xiaoshan's phone number, don't mention such a long ID number." Su Ling stuck out her tongue.

"It's not long." Xie Ning suddenly said with a smile, "It's only eight digits. How about you recall it? If you can't, you can just report the next few digits."

Su Ling and Wan Xiaoshan didn't expect that the other party would press so hard, so they couldn't help but look at each other and frown.

"Then let me think about it." Su Ling murmured to himself, "If it's eight digits, it should be..."

As soon as she said this, even the black young man Talbot couldn't help but look at her twice, and Noona even pulled Susan back.

"Let's just say they have a problem." Noona dragged Susan and at the same time dragged Talbert closer and closer behind Xie Ning and others. "

Susan also nodded, "Even me, who has not received a green card from country C, knows what the ID number is. They seem to be completely unaware."

Noona nodded repeatedly, "No wonder not long after they arrived that day, a swarm of zombie birds came overwhelmingly. Could it be that they brought it?"

Su Ling's expression darkened, and she glanced at Noona coldly, "Don't slander me."

“If you were from their country C, how could you not know the number of your ID card??”

Su Ling took a deep breath and immediately realized that she had been deceived by the other party.

She winked at Xie Ning and smiled at her with a playful expression, "How come you have the intelligence of our X world in you? Who are you?"

"It's strange that I can't scan your data. What's the serial number of your brain?"

Xie Ning also smiled at her, and in response was a spiritual suggestion that went straight into her mind.

Su Ling's pupils shrank suddenly and his eyes widened.

"Su Ling!" Wan Xiaoshan was shocked and subconsciously reached out to help her, but the moment he touched her arm, he felt as if his whole head was struck by lightning.

A booming sound exploded in the depths of his mind, and he felt like his brain might have exploded...

Feeling dizzy, he staggered back several steps.

Xie Ning didn't give them a chance to escape and counterattack. She controlled her mental power and continued to pound their minds. The invisible mental power seemed to turn into a sharp sword, cutting Su Ling's mental network into pieces!

"It's you!" Su Ling's eyes widened in horror.

As if thinking of something, he hurriedly took out the space folding device for escape from the dimensional space.

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