The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 723 Dimensional Garbage Station

A quarter of an hour later, many power users carrying shields rushed out of the office building door.

The others rushed behind them.

Zuo Li arranged a dozen defense-type superpowers on both sides of the team.

In this way, the earth-type superpowers protect the team on both sides, and the rest of the people rush together with the power-type superpowers.

It was like a sharp knife rushing towards the flock of corpse birds.

The fire, wind and other superpowers fired one after another at the corpse birds rhythmically, forming a wave of fire in the air.

It pounced on the group of corpse birds in front, causing a series of unpleasant neighing sounds.

Zuo Li directed everyone to twist the supernatural energy into one stream after another.

So many superpowers rushed out and opened a path among the corpse birds in a short time.

It's just that there are too many zombie birds overwhelming the sky, and in just a few minutes, the zombie birds on both sides have formed an encirclement, filling the gap again.

Xie Ning and the others drove to the front of the base, where they could see a dense flock of birds in the sky from a distance.

It was getting late at this time, and the corpse bird merged with the night, which looked a bit creepy.

Everyone got off the car one after another, and Song Shijun was at the end, dragging the two people on the cart and jumping off together.

Wu Meng took the minibus back, looked up at the dark sky, and shrank his neck, "Can we forcefully rush over now?"

The sky was pitch black, and corpse birds were flying around everywhere they looked. Everyone looked up at the sky and couldn't help but stare.

"So many?" Song Shijun murmured, dragging the cart forward and taking a look at his sister.

Captain Xie glanced ahead and decisively took out the most advanced electromagnetic gun equipped with a superpower crystal core and distributed it to a group of confused team members.

"The equipment provided in the X dimension warehouse is free of charge! Feel free to use it!" Captain Xie waved his hand with a serious expression, "There are enough energy-boosting potions! Try to use crystal nuclear weapons first to avoid overusing your own powers."

"Save your strength."

After Xie Ning finished her instructions, she took out handfuls of crystal cores from the warehouse and handed them to the team members.

Speaking of which, I really have to thank Li Zongyuan for his generosity.

The dimensional warehouse not only contains all the seeds they need for this trip, but also a lot of radiation-proof energy equipment, crystal nuclear weapons, etc.

The seeds will naturally be handed over to the Gyeonggi base. As for the additional X-world weapons, equipment, etc. collected by Captain Xie, they will naturally belong to her.

Xie Ning also asked Little Spider whether the dimensional warehouse will be recycled by the X world system.

The future meaning is to try not to put valuables in it, but as a transit warehouse, there is no problem in storing it occasionally.

Xie Ning moved all the weapons, equipment and other items to the farmhouse space, and then moved all the large and small paper boxes, scraps, etc. piled in the villa into the dimensional warehouse.

The paper box is something that was dismantled from the Stupid Bird Station...

Adhering to the principle that nothing should be thrown away after the end of the world, Xie Ning kept these peeled-off cardboard boxes, various plastic bags, and large and small plastic boxes.

Nowadays, the dimensional warehouse is used to store these less important items. Otherwise, all these shells, boxes, bottles and cans of different sizes would be left on the terrace of the portable villa, which would look too messy.

When Little Spider saw her throwing these waste products into the dimensional warehouse, he didn't say anything.

In fact, a long time ago, Little Spider had advised his main body to throw away some... ahem, garbage.

But Ning Ning’s main body said that after the end of the world, garbage will be treasures, and some people can’t even get the garbage they want.

When necessary, bottles, cans and plastic bags can be used in the turnover box.

But the little spider knows that the main subject is actually picking...

So now that there is an additional dimensional warehouse in the garbage dump, it is an excellent thing for Xie Ning and Little Spider.

Little Spider suggested that his owner tidy up his own space when he is free, and don't pile up too much garbage at the door of the villa...

Xie Ning was a little disapproving.

She dismantles the goods at Benniao Station when she has free time, and has only dismantled half of them so far.

There were still many things that could not be taken out. There were too many. These things could not be arranged at will with mental power. She still had to take them out one by one herself.

So it's not that she doesn't want to do these things, it's mainly because there are so many things to do.

Especially now that she is focusing more than half of her energy on space machines, making more space machines is her current goal.

As for the rest, we can only postpone it for now.

Several power-type superpowers rushed forward carrying crystal core electromagnetic cannons, while many earth-type superpowers were covering on both sides.

The crystal core was added to the weapon, and when fired, it directly opened a hole in the air. The power of the bombardment surprised everyone below.

After two or three hours, a lot of the corpse birds in front of them were scattered. Xie Ning took Kress and ran all the way, using her mental power to collect the crystal cores falling from all directions, and she had a great time picking them up.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up." Kress shouted as he ran, "Twenty thousand zombie birds, I don't know if I can collect more than 5,000 crystal nuclei."

"The scanned zombie bird is at level five." Little Spider's voice rang in her mind at the right time. "Scanned to the southeast of the group of zombie birds, there is an eighth-level zombie bird."

"Such a high level?" Xie Ning was also a little surprised, "Can you attract it to come down?"

"These zombie birds must have been blessed with radiation energy shields. Therefore, their levels are generally much higher than our zombies." Little Spider analyzed calmly, "I'll give it a try."

It tried to adjust the surrounding magnetic field and sent a signal to the eighth-level zombie bird.

The zombie bird was obviously disturbed by the little spider. It circled in the air and let out a long hissing sound.

As its two featherless wings kept opening, it stood out from the entire flock of corpse birds.

Xie Ning's eyes lit up, "I saw it."

Mainly because the zombie birds were so densely packed that even if she opened the mental network mini-map and zoomed in on the zombie birds again and again, she still couldn't find the distinctive dot among the dense pile of small red dots. "

"Condensate the main body and fire concentrated fire in its direction!" Xie Ning opened the small map of the mental network and shared it with all team members, reported the map coordinates, "Attack there with all your strength."

Everyone looked at the clearly marked location on the small map. They were shocked and quickly reacted without asking any questions.

All the power-type superpowers excitedly carried the crystal core electromagnetic cannon and launched attacks one after another at the marked point.

The roaring sound is endless.

Zuo Li and others, who were surrounded by zombies, pricked up their ears and looked around.

"Am I hallucinating? Why do I feel like there is a sound outside?"

"I seem to have heard it too!" Chen Xiao's eyes lit up, "Could it be Captain Gu and the others have arrived?"

"Is it so fast?" Zuo Li wiped his palms excitedly, "Let's go out and kill to see if we can join them."

Chen Xiao turned around quickly and shouted, "People with visual abilities, come here and take a look."

"What's going on outside?"

"You guys take a quick look."

After being named, the two people with visual abilities hurried over and looked in the direction Chen Xiao pointed.

After a long while, one of them showed a surprised expression on his face, "Someone is firing at the zombie birds in the sky!"

"The power was very powerful. I saw countless zombie birds falling from the sky with one shot."

"I just said I heard some noise!" All the team members around Zuo Li cheered.

"Great, now we are saved."

"The headquarters said that they are well-armed and equipped. This may be our opportunity."

"Don't be too happy too early." Beichen poured cold water on him suddenly, "I don't know whether I can survive the beating. Maybe he is here to accompany us to die."

Zuo Li turned around and glared at the arrogant young man, "You are almost dead, so you can't say a nice word!"

"Captain, didn't you say that if Captain Gu and the others came over, we would have hope." Xiao Qizi cried sadly, "Why are you going to die again?"

"Ah, bah, bah, bah, of course there is hope. We won't die, we won't die, and none of us will die." Zuo Li waved his hand, "Everyone try your best to fill up the potion with energy. You don't have to use the potion at any time when you are fighting for your life!" Don't be picky, you only have one life."

"When it's over, I will apply to the base to provide subsidy contribution points to all of us with abilities."

"Hurry up, let's all rush together, destroy one wave and clean up another. Those with speed powers, don't rush too fast, or you will die if you run ahead!"

One of the ten-year-old spirited guys shouted, "Have you never done anything? Team battles don't require you to exert too much personal ability. The main thing is to unite as one! Everyone is in step and exerting force in the same direction. No. Just retreat, gather the number of people and then move forward!"

As soon as he said this, many energetic young people nodded in agreement and chimed in, "Don't be impatient, let's gather some fire first!"

Zuo Li twitched the corner of his mouth.

After being convinced, this group of spirited guys are still trying to trick you... They are trying to trick your sister. This is actual combat, and you may die if you don't succeed.

It's not like your game copy. If it's destroyed, just reopen it...

"Don't be funny when fighting! Be serious."

Even though Captain Chen strongly urged everyone to be serious, jargon would still come out from time to time.

Such as: "You can't do it? Why can't you throw three fireballs and still not penetrate that zombie bird? How much damage can you do per second? You have to hurt it every second!"

"What's going on with you earth-type superpowers? Hurry up and resist! What's the use of you? Why are you standing there when you're already OT? Hurry up and hold them! It's nothing!"

Someone asked while controlling the supernatural fireball, "What does OT mean?"

"Who knows, these are a bunch of lunatics. They can't even understand what they say!"

When Captain Gu and his men fought their way in, what they saw was such a chaotic yet comical scene.

You might call him chaotic, but actually it's not bad. Everyone moves in unison to emit supernatural energy into the sky. When the impact comes down, they can always knock down groups of zombie birds.

But tell me how well they cooperate...

It’s really eye-catching!

In the chaos, some people yelled, some yelled, some cursed, and their voices almost drowned out the zombie birds screaming in the sky.

Baby Shijun dragged the cart and ran over, and heard someone yelling next to him, "I'm so convinced. I threw eight fireballs and didn't aim at any of them. Where did you hit them? I saw it with my own eyes! What skills do you have? Don't miss it." !”

"What a pig teammate you are, if you were in the dungeon, I would have given up my job a long time ago!"

"Yes, whoever signs a deal with you will be in trouble!"

"Pig teammates!"

"Bah!" The young lady who was called a pig teammate was so angry that she wanted to roll up her sleeves and hit someone, but was stopped by Chen Xiao, who was standing beside her with a head full of black lines.

What kind of people are these, fighting among themselves...

Zuo Li saw Captain Gu coming at a glance. He was overjoyed and rushed over, shouting enthusiastically, "Captain Gu, Captain Gu, I've been waiting for you!"

"It's great that you can rush in. What's going on outside now? Let's do this. All the team members will be assigned to you. Captain Gu will take command!"

Whoever wants to be the leader of the group should be who he wants to be. When Zuo Li saw Gu Chen, he immediately gave up and said, "Captain Gu, how many zombie birds are left outside now?"

Xie Ning ran over happily and waved to her, "Captain!"

"Ning Ning!" Zuo Li was even more happy to see Xie Ning and ran towards her without thinking.

Just when the two of them were close together and wanted to make love, Comrade Gu moved in between the two of them with lightning speed and glanced at Zuo Li expressionlessly, "What's going on with you now? What are they arguing about?"

Xie Ning almost hit her boyfriend on the back...

She glanced at the man in confusion, poked her head out from behind him, and waved vigorously at Zuo Li.

Zuo Li also waved vigorously at her, and then noticed that the expressionless Captain Gu moved to the left in time, just in time to separate the two people from looking at each other.

"Tell me about the situation."

Zuo Li was pulled back from his thoughts. He cleared his throat and explained the current situation to them. "More than 20,000 zombie birds have attacked the base. The situation is very critical."

"We have almost cleared half of them. You can take people back to count the first batch of people to leave. Leave this to us.'

Not only Zuo Li, but also all the energetic young men present were shocked, staring at Gu Chen, Xie Ning and the others in disbelief.

I don’t understand how the dozen or so people who rushed in got so much energy, and they actually told them in one mouth that half of the zombie bird flock had been cleared away? ?

Zuo Li reacted quickly, nodded and said, "Okay! Then I will take some people back first, and these superpowers will be handed over to you."

Gu Chen was noncommittal.

It doesn't make much difference to him whether he lets these people stay or not.

Most of the time they rushed in, they relied on crystal core electromagnetic guns to fight. Crystal nuclear weapons were indeed easy to use, but they also consumed a lot of money.

In just over an hour, more than half of the zombie birds were wiped out by them, but the crystal cores were also consumed in large numbers.

Fortunately, Li Zongyuan and the others were very powerful. The crystal cores equipped with the crystal nuclear weapons were piled up like a small hill. Xie Ning didn't feel bad at all for spending other people's things.

Anyway, the crystal cores came as soon as possible. Now she and Kress had picked up at least 5,000 crystal cores, which was enough.

As a harsh sound came from the air, everyone's eyes moved over.

Xie Ning's eyes couldn't help but light up when she saw the eighth-level zombie bird, riddled with holes and glowing with flames, flying out of the flock of birds and running towards them quickly.

"It's coming!"

I thought this guy was hiding among the birds and would not dare to come out. Unexpectedly, he was forced over by the magnetic field debugged by the little spider.

A metal sword appeared in Xie Ning's hand, "I'll go and learn about it."

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