The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 730 Not infected? ?

The gate of the base was noisy. Although Xie Ning and the others had already driven into the base, they were blocked by a row of cars and people, unable to move.

Xie Ning and the others had no choice but to get off the bus and let Chen Xiao put the bus away. The place suddenly became a lot more spacious.

"I'll take you in." Zuo Li turned around and smiled at everyone, "Everyone has been busy all night, how about a little rest? We will set off again at 9:30 in the morning."

Xie Ning nodded slightly, "Okay."

While a few people were talking, the commotion at the gate became more and more noisy.

When the guard saw Zuo Li, he ran towards them, sweating profusely and panting, "Captain Zuo."

"What's wrong?"

"The survivors of the Yang City base started arguing with our people."

Zuo Li frowned, "Didn't we all agree? Let them stay in the tent first, and wait until there is no problem after two days of inspection before entering."

"But among them...well, some people reported that this person was infected with the virus, and some people reported that that person was infected with the virus, and they started to tear each other up."

"There are also some people who say that the onset of the virus is very fast now, and those who should have it have been caught early, and the rest should be fine."

"It's discrimination to say we don't let them into the base."

"What the base commander means is that you should watch and deal with it!" The guard carefully looked at Zuo Li, who had a dark face, and did not dare to say anything else.

"How come there are so many things?" Zuo Li said angrily, "I don't have time to deal with these trivial matters now, you can just find someone to send them away."

"The rules have been agreed upon in advance. Just do what you want. No need to talk nonsense to them."

She also wanted to send Ning Ning and the others back to rest. Everyone was almost exhausted after a night of tossing.

Can't we let people sleep for a while?

The guard looked hesitant.

"If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with it if I just find someone... They are blocking the entrance to the base and are about to start a fight."

"If this continues to be noisy, other people in the base may not be able to sleep properly."

Zuo Li laughed angrily.

Xie Ning persuaded her in a low voice, "Go over and take a look. It's okay. Just let Chen Xiao take us there."

Chen Xiao also nodded, "Captain, please go and deal with it. I will be responsible for sending Captain Gu and Captain Xie to the dormitory."

Zuo Li was actually very sleepy...

How could she be happy to deal with that trivial matter, but what could she do? Who let her end up with such an unreliable father?

"Okay, Chen Xiao, take Captain Gu and the others..." Before Zuo Li could finish speaking, fierce quarrels and roars came from the door.

Xie Ning narrowed her eyes and looked there, and her ears were filled with various impassioned cries of "Kill him, kill him, kill him now."

Zuo Li looked furious, "These lunatics!"

They don’t want to live, and they don’t want to harm the people at the Jinshi base!

The entire Yang City was killed by these lunatics. They could still make such a loud noise at night. Is it because they didn’t attract enough zombie birds?

"I'll go over and take a look!" Zuo Li couldn't stand any longer, raised his legs and ran over there.

Xie Ning also looked there curiously several times, then turned to Chen Xiao and said, "Take my brother and the others to rest. Captain Gu and I will also go over to see what's going on."

"Okay, thank you, captain." Chen Xiao nodded immediately, turned around and glanced at his yawning teammate, and said angrily, "Let's go, go back to bed immediately."

"Vice Captain, should we go back to Gyeonggi with Captain Gu and the others after dawn?"

"Then, is it possible that you still want to stay here?"

"I don't want it!" The team member immediately shook his head.

After being attacked by zombie birds previously, the entire base was in a mess and many buildings collapsed.

Any fool knows that going to Gyeonggi is the best choice. Naturally, he leaves as soon as possible.

"Vice Captain, if we follow Captain Xie and the others to leave, will it happen..."

The team member didn't say any more, and Chen Xiao also knew what he wanted to express.

Wen Sheng just sneered and raised his eyebrows, "There's nothing we can do about it. Who gave us the strength to be included in the first batch of retreat lists?"

Love, envy, envy, jealousy and jealousy can't affect their destiny anyway.

Chen Xiao and the team members led Song Shijun and his party away, while Xie Ning pulled Captain Gu and ran towards the door with curiosity on her face.

Captain Gu looked helplessly at his energetic little girlfriend, raised his hand to touch her head, "Weren't you very sleepy just now, but are you not sleepy now?"

Xie Ning nodded vigorously. Although she had only slept for a little over an hour in the car just now, her sleep quality was not bad, and she felt quite energetic now.

Seeing that she was indeed in good spirits, Gu Chen laughed and shook his head, "We can only watch the excitement for half an hour at most. We have to go back and get some sleep, otherwise we won't be energetic during the day."


The two of them walked quickly through the noisy crowd and met Lei Mingming and Feng Yuan head-on.

Lei Mingming waved to them happily, "Brother."

Gu Chen glanced at them and then at the motorcade outside the gate, "We tentatively plan to leave at 9:30 tomorrow. It's okay not to come in, so as not to go through the formalities."

"But I can't be too relaxed in the car. The Jinshi Base has just experienced a wave of zombie bird attacks. I'm not sure if those things will come back again, so I'll pay more attention."

"Okay brother!" Lei Mingming nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

He and his brother had the same ideas.

Thinking that the stay would only be five or six hours at most, there was no need to go to Jinshi base to go through any check-in procedures.

For so many people, just checking in is time-consuming and labor-intensive. After thinking about it, it is most convenient and quick to just wait for them at the door.

"What happened to the survivors at Yang City Base?"

Lei Mingming scratched his head and looked confused, "I don't understand what's going on? It was previously agreed to let them stay in the tent outside for two days."

"I didn't expect the group to change their minds! I'm sorry, brother, did I cause trouble for you?" Lei Mingming shrank his neck.

"It's okay. You don't have to get involved. Get in the car and rest."

"Okay, brother, sister-in-law, let's go now."

Lei Mingming and Feng Yuan waved and ran away.

As for why the survivors of the Yangshi base started making trouble, Lei Mingming was actually helpless.

He asked Feng Yuan, "Did they come here because of what I said? Now that I think about it, they were fine before, just because I said they had to be kept here..."

Feng Yuan glanced at him and said, "Originally, these survivors at the Yang City base need to stay here for two days to detect the virus, and we will set off at dawn. How can we go together?"

"And we're not leaving them behind. We're just letting them wait for two days before going on the road with the people at Jinshi Base."

"Everyone is going to Gyeonggi anyway, so what's the difference?"

"There is no difference, but maybe they don't think so."

"That can't be helped." Feng Yuan glanced at him lightly, "Basic Director, it's time to put an end to your soft-heartedness."

"Don't be unreliable every day!" Feng Yuan couldn't help but complain to him, "Our base needs to recruit people, but we must recruit high-quality talents! Don't just bring back elites and the like. !”

"I'm not stupid." Lei Mingming muttered, and said angrily, "Okay, I won't interfere in this matter of tracing people in the future."

"Then there is really no need to look for anyone anymore." Feng Yuan sighed worriedly, "Gyeonggi is so anxious to call us back this time, something big must be happening."

Lei Mingming sighed, "The boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge. We'll talk about everything later."

Xie Ning glanced at the backs of the two people as they left, "You little brother looks tall and strong, but he is soft-hearted."

"Well, he's always been like this." Gu Chen took his little girlfriend's hand and quickly came to the gate where the crowd gathered the most.

At this time, it was the turn of a middle-aged man with glasses to speak in the circle, "People are still divided into three, six, and nine grades? What's the first batch and the second batch? Are we inferior in love? We have to wait for the noble ones to retreat first. , we can withdraw, right?”

"Don't think we don't know, someone has already heard about it. This is just a temporary station, why should we be left in Jinshi and not take us back to Gyeonggi?"

This uncle had a face as red as Guan Gong, his tie was askew, and his greasy hair hung down on his head.

As soon as he spoke, Xie Ning could see drizzle flying in the air...

Captain Xie silently took out a pair of masks, put them on, and handed one to his boyfriend.

Gu Chen took it with a smile, put on a mask, and pulled his girlfriend closer to Zuo Li.

Zuo Li was leading a team of people standing opposite the excited crowd, frowning and staring at the middle-aged greasy uncle.

This person has repeatedly provoked the masses and provoked antagonism from the beginning.

If she had a bad temper, she would kill people right from the start...

But now the person in charge is her father. Her father advocates benevolence, which means opening his heart to appease and welcome all the survivors who come to him.

You know, she pulled out a gun and knocked down the survivors, well... the consequences were unpredictable.

But Zuo Li's temper had already risen by now, and he was too lazy to explain to these people any more.

Just when she was about to open her mouth to retaliate, she glanced sideways and saw Xie Ning and Gu Chen walking over. Her elongated face immediately softened, revealing a smile, "Why don't you go and have a rest? There's nothing here, just leave it to me."

"Captain, what happened to them?" Xie Ning pointed to a young man who was kneeling on the ground with his hands tied behind his back.

He looks like he is eighteen or nineteen years old.

The person hugging the young man tightly and not letting go seemed to be his mother.

Zuo Li couldn't help but sigh, "That kid was scratched and infected by the zombie bird. Now he has a high fever. He should mutate soon."

"He took the initiative to stand up and said that he wanted to stay away from the crowd, and his mother just...sigh."

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "Did you take the initiative to stand up?"

That's rare!

Gu Chen also glanced at the mother and son, "Someone just kept saying kill him, is he going to kill them?"

Zuo Li nodded, quietly showing a hint of contempt, "Shameless, right? People have already come forward and admitted that they are infected with the virus and want to stay away from them. But these people are unwilling to let go."

"Having a high fever doesn't mean something will change, right?" Xie Ning took a few steps forward, and the greasy middle-aged man stared at her with a wary expression.

"Who are you? Are you also someone sent by the government? Let me tell you, we will never compromise this time. If we want to leave, we must leave together. You can't leave us here."

"And this guy, he has mutated! We need to deal with him as soon as possible. Don't even think about putting him here in our tent!"

"Yes, deal with it quickly!"

"Kill him! Why are you still here?"

"Are we going to wait until he completely turns into a zombie to catch us??"

A group of people were chattering away in silence, which made Zuo Li's forehead throbbing with veins.

"Haven't you turned into a zombie yet?"

"Who told you that if you have a fever, you will definitely turn into a zombie! Maybe someone just happened to awaken his superpower?" Zuo Li glared at the middle-aged uncle several times, "And you, don't be here sowing discord all day long. Go back quickly."

"Ah, haha, who are you trying to offend? Who hasn't been in the last two years? How can he be fooled like this if he's not a naive novice? No one will wake up now."

"That's right. Your base has done your own statistics. No one has awakened their powers in the past six months."

"Now the environment is changing day by day and getting worse day by day. Who knows whether the superpowers of you superpowers will completely disappear one morning?"

"Auntie, it's impossible for our powers to disappear even if you disappear." Zuo Li replied with a smile.

"If the superpowers disappear, ordinary people like you will probably be the first to die." Xie Ning added with a smile.

He raised his hand and waved to the mother and son, "Come here."

The mother held her son's head tightly and looked at them with red eyes. "My son is not wrong. It's all selfish of me. I suppressed him from saying anything. Don't blame him. If you have anything, blame me." .”

"Hey, Sister Juanhong, you are indeed too selfish. Your son was scratched by a zombie bird, how could you hide in the crowd and not report it?"

Zuo Li whispered to Xie Ning and the others, "This kid saw that his wounds seemed to be getting worse and he had a high fever. He was afraid of hurting his mother and others, so he came forward and spoke about it."

Seeing the current Zuo Li from the beginning, he couldn't help but sigh, "His mother has been suppressing him and not letting him talk. In fact, the child has good nature."

"Captain, you hand the person over to us, and we take it back to look at it. Maybe the person is not infected by the virus at all, but has awakened his superpower, right?"

With that said, Xie Ning waved to mother and son again, "Stop being so nagging, come with me. Why are you panicking? Just like Captain Zuo said, having a fever does not necessarily mean you are infected with the virus."

The mother looked at Xie Ning with a pair of bright red eyes, and choked with trembling lips, "You, are you serious?"

"Of course." Xie Ning nodded seriously, "Bring him here with you, just follow me."

"Impossible." The middle-aged greasy uncle yelled, "He is like this, and you still say he is not infected? Do you think we are all blind??"

"Then I want to take them away now, do you have any objections?" Xie Ning glanced at the other party, half-smiling, "Want to fight?"

The greasy uncle was frightened and took a small step back, looking at her cautiously.

Zuo Li was overjoyed, "Since everyone has no objections, you two should go with Captain Xie and his friends first."

"As for you, follow the arrangements from now on. Anyone who disobeys the discipline will leave. That's it."

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