Zha Baili did not expect that people would come from the sky while sitting on a pot at home...

As soon as he connected to the communication, the commander's serious face appeared in the center of the screen, and he scolded him bloody.

He didn't even understand what was happening...

It wasn't until half an hour later that Zha Baili sat by the metal table with an ugly face and thumped the table hard.

"03486 Check when Mr. X will arrive at the headquarters?"

"Report to the superior officer, Mr. X will arrive at the headquarters center around nine o'clock tomorrow evening."

Zha Baili secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked 03486 to connect to the communicator of the boss of New Era Live Broadcast.

As soon as he saw that fat, greasy face appear on the other side of the screen, Zha Baili scolded him bloody without saying a word.

He vented all the resentment he had accumulated in his heart towards the other party.

This is not the first time that New Era Live Broadcast has been complained by the public!

This time it’s even more outrageous!

Some people directly filled the commander's public e-mail with junk mail, and many people even asked about the laboratory project.

The situation was simply terrible.

All residents of the X world have undoubtedly eaten a big melon.

They suddenly discovered that the laboratory was probably committing fraud and had not stopped the zombie bird research and development project in recent years.

However, experts have given their opinions before.

If we continue to study viruses, the number of zombie viruses will change faster, and the research laboratory will never be able to produce the corresponding antidote.

That's why the entire parliament passed the "stop project" resolution five years ago, in order to control the original number of virus generations, and preferably to produce preparations to control the virus.

However, it seems that the antidote is progressing very slowly.

This made all the residents of World X express their anger, feeling like fools and being completely deceived.

And the origin of all this is because the live broadcast supervision in the new era is not strict, and a native of the earth casually opened the live broadcast platform! !

The fat boss wiped his sweat frequently on the other end of the video and apologized, "The backstage was invaded by unwise brains, and now this live broadcaster that is flying in vain can no longer be found."

"We can't shut it down remotely either."

But the annoying thing is that the other party can use the live broadcaster to log onto their big platform from time to time, and open the live broadcast room to let a group of X-world residents pour in to watch.

But they couldn't catch each other's traces, just like...

A fist punched into the cotton and disappeared without a trace.

“We submitted an application half a month ago and wanted Mr.

The boss wiped his sweat again and said, "I wonder if there is any news about Mr. X from Assistant Cha's side."

Zha Baili looked ugly and nodded, "Mr.

"Yes, yes, yes." The fat boss couldn't help but nodded repeatedly.

But it’s time to wait for Mr. X. There is nothing that Mr.

Okay, okay, it seems that the black brain problem will be solved soon.

Zha Baili closed the video with a sullen face and asked his assistant to connect to Minister Fang's communication in the system mall again.

When Minister Fang saw Assistant Cha's expression, he immediately said with some trepidation, "Assistant Cha."

If it weren't for the fact that he looked so submissive through the screen, Assistant Cha would have smashed something into his face.

Zha Baili said angrily, "How's your investigation going? The dimensional warehouse is always invaded for no reason! Don't you have a solution?"

"Although the amount and quantity stolen is not particularly large, how come you...have no clue at all? How many times has this happened?"

Minister Fang wiped his sweat and said, "I, there's nothing we can do."

"You can't help it, you can't help it and you still store everything in the dimensional warehouse?"

"Then Assistant Cha means to take out everything??"

"Take it out and put it where? Put it in your home??"

Minister Fang suddenly became silent.

The current environment is so bad that if some food and nutrient solutions are really taken out from the dimensional warehouse, they may not be kept outside for two hours.

So what does assistant checking mean?

He just lost his temper, and Minister Fang felt extremely aggrieved.

He had discussed privately with his friends at New Era Live, and felt that the native of the Earth who stole the dimensional warehouse was probably the one who had repeatedly offended their New Era Live broadcast.

They all come and go without a trace, and no trace can be found.

What can they do?

What else can I do except continue to wait for Mr. X to arrive.

"Mr. X will be back at nine o'clock tomorrow night."

"Ah!" Minister Fang raised his eyes happily.

"At that time, I will ask him to go to your system mall department to check the situation. By the way, what happened to the store that I asked you to check before? Why is it hanging in the background of your system and attracting so many purchases every day? Contribute crystal nuclei??”

Minister Fang was very depressed and couldn't help but speak bluntly, "This situation is just like the independent live broadcast room of New Era Live Broadcast! We searched everywhere in the backend of the system mall and we can find simple information about the Crystal Core Duoduo store."

"But it's exactly the same as the situation on the New Era Live Broadcasting Platform. Even if we can capture a trace of information, we can't lock it and destroy it."

"It's like it exists in this system but is separated from it. It is completely independent of the big backend system."

"Jinghe Duoduo stores exist, but they are not controlled by any of us."

Assistant Cha had heard this before, and now he was even more angry.

"It doesn't exist, it doesn't exist, so why does this happen? Can't you find the root cause?"

"The dimensional warehouse has been stolen, and inexplicable shops are causing chaos in the background of your big system. Nothing can be found and nothing can be done! How can the headquarters raise a bunch of trash like you!!"

Minister Fang was depressed and speechless. He just lowered his head across the screen and was secretly angry.

If he had a way, he would have pulled the person out from behind the scenes long ago, right?

Isn’t this just coming and going without a trace and without a clue!

Furthermore, if the headquarters had a way to deal with it, this mess would have been solved long ago!

So in the end, it’s not all about relying on Mr.

After all, Mr.

"Okay." Zha Baili waved his hand, "You keep an eye on that Crystal Core Duoduo store. No matter what happens, every detail must be reported to the superior!"


Assistant Zha turned off the video communication and pressed the desktop communication with one hand, "Ask Ma Fang from the Special Operations Office to come and see me."

"Yes, Assistant Cha."

Not long after, a lean man wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses walked in, "Assistant."

"Have you seen the video over there?"

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