When Gu Chen heard the news and rushed over with his men, the battle here had basically come to an end.

As soon as everyone stepped into the metal door of the main control room, they saw a wave of fireworks ending in front of them.

Facing Zhai Ruobai's expressionless face, Gu Chen raised his eyebrows and said, "It's ready to start."

"Let's go then." Song Ning naturally wanted to return to the No. 1 aircraft.

When she walked out of the main control room door, Zhai Ruobai followed up with his brother step by step with a straight face. He quietly stepped forward and whispered, "Brother, brother."

Gu Chen turned to look at him.

"Brother, Sister Ning is so powerful, are you under great psychological pressure?"

Gu Chen didn't expect that this person would come all the way to talk nonsense to him, so he glared at him without hesitation, "Your brother, I'm so bad??"

"Not bad, not bad." Zhai Ruobai shook his head quickly, but still whispered along with him, "But you didn't see it just now. Sister Ning's super powers are simply extraordinary."

"Hey, she shouldn't have level 10 gold-type abilities now, right?"

"Think of something good!"

"Hehehehe." Zhai Ruobai then laughed naively, "Brother, brother, do you think we can reach the tenth level in our lifetime?"

Gu Chen ignored him and gave a silent response with a stubborn back of his head.

Lu Wei smiled and said, "Erbai, it's better to think of something practical."

Zhai Ruobai curled his lips, wondering why he was so impractical?

That's because brother and the others didn't see how powerful Sister Ning was.

Her fireworks are so awesome.

A group of people came out of the main control room and received rows of curious looks without saying much.

The people on the aircraft only knew that they entered the main control room, but they came out together not long after.

And there was no one escorted around, so naturally everyone couldn't figure out what they did there and what kind of trouble they solved.

Song Ning and others did not like to show off everywhere. They quietly dealt with the trouble and prepared to leave the aircraft.

Unexpectedly, when he walked to Teacher Gao, he was stopped by a middle-aged woman with an enthusiastic face.

"Classmate Xie Ning, right? Haha, long time no see, hey, Lao Gao, why are you dragging me?"

"Aunt Zhu, you may not know that my surname has been changed to Song. It is more respectful to call me Captain Song."

Song Ning turned to look at the sarcastic man.

As expected, the voice sounded very familiar. It was really the little princess Zhuang Xinyi.

Okay, it looks like Zhuang Xinyi is just begging to follow Zheng Heng’s team again...

But judging from the cold and indifferent expressions on Zheng Heng's and others' faces, it didn't seem like they had accepted the little princess Xinyi.

Compared to Zhuang Xinyi, Jin Mingzhu seemed smarter.

Since Jin Mingzhu returned to the Gyeonggi base, she took the initiative to find the Tiger Squad and returned all the things she had stolen before without saying a word.

In addition, she also very considerately replenished some supplies for the Tiger Squad, saying that she was blind to the mountains before and hoped to get back together with the Tiger Squad.

It is naturally impossible to return to the team. Li Dawei is not that stupid. Now his Tigers team also has no shortage of space powers, so it is impossible to accept defectors again.

On the face of it, the conflict with Jin Mingzhu was resolved, and from now on, they will be inseparable from each other.

Compared with the smart Jin Mingzhu, Zhuang Xinyi is really not enough.

Song Ning didn't really want to talk to Zhuang Xinyi, but the other person was like a mad dog, grabbing her and wanting to tear off a piece of flesh.

She ignored her, and Zhuang Xinyi kept pressing her, saying, "He is Captain Spark now, so his status is different from ours", and "I don't dare to think about classmates' friendship. I just hope that Captain Song will take it for granted." For the sake of being an alumnus of the same school, I can take care of us in the future."

Seeing her enjoying herself alone and talking endlessly, Zheng Feina couldn't help but choked, "Shut up, don't you feel thirsty after talking so much? I don't owe you anything. It makes it seem like the whole world owes you Zhuang Xinyi Like the eldest lady?"

"If you want to be great, why do you come back? You want to get back together with others, but you still can't pull off that noble face of yours. You really have to be both upright and pretending. Are you tired?"

"Zheng Feina, you!" Zhuang Xinyi's face turned blue and white at Zheng Feina's merciless words.

She stood up suddenly, and the fat uncle beside her stretched out his hand to pull her to sit down. With an apologetic smile on his face, he nodded and apologized to Zheng Feina, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Miss Zheng. It's Xiaozhuang. She's not very good at talking. She doesn't have anything else." I mean, you might be anxious about waiting and a little moody."

Only then did Song Ning see Zhuang Xinyi sitting next to the fat and fat man with a middle parting. The two of them looked very intimate.

Zhuang Xinyi found another one after returning to the base?

This is really not a taboo, you can talk about anything.

As soon as this thought passed through Song Ning's mind, she couldn't help but shiver.

Okay, this matter has nothing to do with her anyway, and she doesn't care much about gossip.

But just because Song Ning doesn't gossip, it doesn't mean that others don't gossip.

Especially the people in Zheng Heng's team, who had been in contact with Zhuang Xinyi for a long time before, knew that she was a proud princess.

When I came back this time, the licking dog Zha Peng who was following me disappeared, and Miss Zhuang quickly hugged the other thigh. They really couldn't help but gossip...

Some people in Zheng Heng's team were really curious and didn't know how Zha Peng was doing now.

Didn't you say before that you can live well without Zheng Heng's team?

Now he is back in despair.

The greasy-headed uncle stood up and seemed to be very familiar with the people in Zheng Heng's team. He smiled to smooth things over for Zhuang Xinyi.

Zheng Feina was pulled several times by He Zhi, and then she sat down angrily, but her face was very ugly.

"Okay, why are you angry with her?" The female classmate sitting next to her comforted her, "She has a lot of problems, and you didn't know her the day before."

"Besides, our captain didn't agree to her coming back. It has nothing to do with us anyway, so there's no need to get angry with her."

"I'm just bored with seeing her." Zheng Feina said angrily, "She makes it seem like we all owe her."

"How long has it been since you still think about the good deeds that others will support and protect her every day?"

Several young girls around him couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Zhuang Xinyi with very contemptuous eyes.

"What princess? Pheasant Princess?"

"Pfft." Someone covered their mouths and laughed, not caring about making comments in front of Zhuang Xinyi.

Zhuang Xinyi could hear naturally because she was not deaf, but she couldn't hear clearly due to the distance.

But she was still so angry that she wanted to pounce and beat these female classmates.

In the past, when her family was well off, none of these women would support her and praise her three times a day for her beautiful nails and excellent hair care.

Now everyone is laughing at her...

Miss Zhuang's eyes were blazing as she stared at Zheng Feina and the others, her fingers almost breaking.

She had nowhere to vent her anger, and Song Ning was also a little upset by Teacher Gao's wife.

Teacher Gao's wife actually had nothing to do, but she wanted to get close to her when he caught her.

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