Captain Song himself was shocked by his extremely fast hand speed.

This is simply outrageous!

She didn't even know that she could develop such... er, disassembly ability at a critical moment.

Of course, this is also due to her skillful operation of metal powers.

"Activate the electromagnetic power to counterattack!!" The strong man from Realm X who was leading the attack was almost frightened, and then he realized that he couldn't fire bullets at the person in front of him.

No matter how many bullets there are, as long as they are metal products, they will be confiscated and used as counterattack weapons in the opponent's hands.

This means that they are quite passive at the moment.

Song Ning didn't care how shocked these X-realm mechas were. Seeing that they were about to change to another attack method, Song Ning and Zuo Li rushed forward and attacked in a pincer attack.

Zuo Li always felt that the two of them had an inexplicable skill when working together.

Just like now, she strangely discovered that with just one look, she knew what someone was going to do next.

The cooperation was quite good. Ning Ning rushed forward to break off the arm of the mecha, while she kept firing thunderballs from behind.

There was a loud bang, and screams were heard from time to time in the cafe.

Li Dawei and others, who were hiding outside and waiting for an opportunity, looked at each other and all turned their attention to Kress.

Uncle Ge Liang asked with a smile, "Kress, how is the situation inside now?"

Kress was using his mental power to focus on scanning. When people in the audience asked, he asked Song Ning in the mental network if he needed anyone to come in and help.

Song Ning answered simply, "Stay outside. If someone escapes later, we will kill them without mercy."

After everyone was convinced, they squatted back to their original places and continued to play, pricking up their ears to listen to the noise coming from the cafe.

The cafe was in a mess at this time.

Of course, after two years of apocalypse, this place had already been robbed and robbed again and again. Everything that could be taken had been emptied out, and the environment was not much better.

But after a battle, the ground looked pitted and the walls were full of holes.

The strong man from Realm X was so angry that his lungs almost exploded. Seeing that the people on his side were almost all eliminated by the two crazy women on the opposite side, he stepped on the broken mecha fragments on the ground and rushed to the edge of the coffee table and jumped in.

"This guy is trying to run away!" Zuo Li had a gut feeling that this guy was trying to run away, so he quickly ran over to stop him.

Song Ning stretched out her hand to stop him, smiled and looked at the man who jumped into the counter and quickly squatted down.

Soon, Zuo Li saw a hole open in the air next to the counter, and a strange roar came from inside.

"Captain!" Song Ning shouted.

Zuo Li was immediately on full alert and quickly swung two thunder balls towards the crack on the opposite side.

The zombie bird, which had just sprouted its head, was hit on the head by a thunderball and let out a strange scream.

It struggled to crawl out with its whole body, trying to squeeze through the crack and climb out.

Unfortunately, the body seemed a bit big and it was very strenuous for a while.

As soon as Zuo Li saw it, he launched a fierce attack on its head. Thunderballs were thrown at its head as if it was free of charge.

The sound of "bang bang bang" was accompanied by the shrill roar of the zombie bird.

Song Ning flew over and incorporated a trace of vitality into it, catalyzing several thunder balls.

A whine came from behind the zombie bird.

Starting from the first one, it exploded like a dazzling sight, and several zombie birds that were moving closely behind it were all affected.

As if they were poisoned by a series of poisons, they exploded brightly one after another at the entrance of the passage, and then disappeared into ashes.

Zuo Li was stunned for a moment, then looked down at his palms, and then at the zombie birds blown to pieces at the entrance of the passage. He was a little confused for a moment...

I don’t understand at all, when did she become so awesome? ?

With the power of her seventh-level thunder power user, it is more than enough to deal with a few zombie birds, but it is impossible to deal with them so easily, right?

And when did her thunder power mutate and she could set off fireworks? ?

Captain Zuo was distracted for three seconds and was immediately brought back to his thoughts.

The main reason is that after the large zombie birds at the entrance of the passage were exploded and dispersed by the fireworks, the entrance of the passage seemed to be smoother.

Then a group of zombies with drooped heads and fast footsteps ran out of the passage.

These zombies were not much different from ordinary humans when walking. They even started to run as fast as they could, chasing the two of them crazily.

Zuo Li was so heroic for a moment that he shouted, "Kill them!"

These sons of bitches from the X world have released zombie viruses to their earth again and again!

They themselves are worse than the dogs in the general environment, but after the virus breeds, they still come to harass them.

In order to keep up with the ever-changing viruses, they built a zombie paradise live show on their beautiful home at all costs.

Damn people from the X world, they only deserve to stay in the garbage dump and continue to live, and continue to pay for the mistakes they have made!

Zuo Li turned around and met Song Ning's eyes. After a quick exchange, the two of them ran in two directions.

Zuo Li dealt with the crazy rushing zombies, while Song Ning went to catch the strong man from the X world who hid behind the counter.

The other strong men in the mecha had already fallen to the ground, and the mecha was dismantled into tattered parts, and Captain Song was sent to the dimensional garbage dump.

It doesn’t matter what the disassembly method is, anyway, after Song Ning’s skillful hands broke it all into pieces...

Two zombies rushed toward them. Song Ning immediately threw out her metal sword and chopped at them like melons and vegetables.

She and Zuo Li were wrapped in metal helmets and cloaks. Even if they were running rampant among the zombies, they were not in danger for the time being.

As long as the armor doesn't crack, the two of them can make it!

Zuo Li killed the zombies until his face turned red and he was so excited.

I haven’t killed so happily in a long time, hahaha! Zuo Li simply took out the Ning Ning brand metal sword, covered it with a layer of lightning power, and quickly chopped off the heads of several zombies.

Song Ning stretched out her slender hand and punched it. The metal-covered fist directly smashed the counter into pieces.

The strong man from Realm X, who was sticking his butt out and trying to roll back from the passage, turned around with a confused look on his face.

He happened to meet Captain Song's smiling eyes, and his whole body trembled, wishing he could close his eyes and faint.

He was also extremely unlucky, and he thought this errand would be easy to handle.

They just believed Chen Zhaowei's nonsense, saying that as long as they took down these powerful people without warning, they would be qualified to continue negotiations with the authorities.

Yes, these Earth superpowers are very strong, but are they a little too strong? ?

Could it be that Chen Zhaowei had betrayed the enemy in advance and got involved with the officials of Country C? ?

Is this a deliberate setup on their part?

The strong man's mind was spinning as he was dragged out from under the counter by Song Ning.

He was dragged to the ground like a dog, and Song Ning stepped on his face without hesitation.

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