Before, "I" had been preparing for the kindergarten education qualification certificate.

"Okay, that's it, I'm going to sleep."

As soon as Chen Boxu finished speaking, he turned over and got out of bed, but before the overjoyed Chen Jing got up to see him off, he stopped first and turned around to ask.

"Where did that thing you are holding in your arms come from?"

At this time, Chen Jing had already stood up and turned on the lamp on the bedside table.

He followed Chen Bofu's gaze and looked down. He saw that the Holy Grail in his arms was indeed a metal instrument, which was consistent with his initial analysis by touching it.

The overall shape of the Holy Grail is actually more like an hourglass, but the upper part is larger than the lower part, and there is a vertical spike in the upper part of the cup, which smells vaguely of blood.

There are many raised twisted patterns on the metal surface of the cup. They are connected and intertwined with each other, outlining dozens of totems with unknown meanings...or some kind of text?

According to the details on the light screen, the Holy Grail seemed to be incomplete, but through observation, Chen Jing could not see where it was incomplete.

The Yellow King's incomplete Holy Grail...

Who is King Huang?

An NPC in the world?

"Picked it up."

Chen Jing answered bravely, not knowing whether the old man would believe it.

"Where did you pick it up?" Chen Boxu asked.

"I saw it on the side of the road when I got out of the car. I thought it looked pretty and picked it up..."

Chen Jing carefully composed a lie, and when the old man remained silent, he asked again.

"Why are you looking so serious...Did I do something wrong..."

"I didn't do anything wrong, just..."

Chen Bofu sighed and looked away from the Holy Grail.

"This thing is unlucky. Throw it away tomorrow."

"Do you know it?" Chen Jing was startled, thinking that this was given by the examiner, or at worst it was given by a god. How could he say it was unlucky and ask me to throw it away after a disagreement?

"I don't recognize it, but I can tell it's an ancient relic."

Hearing the words "ancient relics" pop out of Chen Bofu's mouth, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned for a while...


Are the rewards given by the examiner directly related to this other world?

Or rather...

Are these things originally from the other world? ?

"What are ancient relics?"

Chen Jing regretted asking this question subconsciously, and his heart suddenly rose to his throat, because he didn't know if his original "self" had asked this question.

But then I thought about it, and it didn’t matter if I asked.

Didn’t you give the old man vaccinations before?

I'm forgetful!

"Don't ask me about this anymore. I wouldn't tell you before, and I won't tell you now..." Chen Bofu smiled and reached out to take away the Holy Grail in Chen Jing's arms, "Grandpa, throw it away for you. ”

"This thing looks quite expensive!" Chen Jing hurriedly refused, holding on to the Holy Grail and refusing to let go.

"How can you be so stingy with your grandma...forget it."

Chen Bofu shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked out of the room, muttering softly.

"You can keep it if you don't know how to use this thing anyway..."

The old man spoke very softly, but Chen Jing still heard him.

I don't know how to use it?

It also comes with an instruction manual!

It wasn't until he heard the sound of the door closing that Chen Jing breathed a sigh of relief, but he suddenly became vigilant because he discovered that the old man had no moral ethics.

Is it fun to creep into your grandson’s bed at night and scare him?

I'm not an old lady!

Remembering that he was scared to death by the old man before, Chen Jing kicked off the quilt with anger and fear and checked for a while. After making sure that everything was fine, he hugged the Holy Grail and prepared to go to bed.

But a few seconds passed.

He sat up again as if sleepwalking, and nervously lifted the quilt again.

still none.

"Now I can sleep peacefully..."

Chen Jing let out a long sigh of relief. He felt like he was about to be scared out of his mind by the old man...

In fact, don't talk about him.

Who would be afraid of this kind of thing?

That old man walked so silently!

And I didn’t hear the door ring!

So how did he get in...

Chen Jing thought about it for more than ten minutes but still couldn't figure it out. In the end, his mind was so dizzy that he started to feel sleepy.

He yawned tiredly, raised the quilt slightly, covering half of his face, and got ready to sleep.

But at this moment, the familiar voice came again.

"My dear grandson? Are you asleep?"


Chen Jing swallowed back the word "Cao" and looked at the head that passed through the wall and appeared on the bedside. He was so frightened that he immediately became energetic.

"I didn't scare you, did I?" Chen Boxu seemed a little guilty.

"What do you think?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking, and then touched his pants. Fortunately, they were dry.

"Oh, I just suddenly remembered and forgot to remind you..."

"What's up?"

"Don't go to your Aunt Hong these days. The 'Moon Sacrifice Period' is coming soon, and their family is in great danger... You should still remember this, right?"

Can I say I don’t remember?

Chen Jing couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But what is the month of worship?

Their family is very to understand this sentence?

Chen Jing felt even more confused.

"The mother and son are not as good as grandpa and me. The lower-ranking ancestors can't see the moonlight of the lunar month. They will go crazy when they see it... I'm going to sleep. I really fell asleep this time. You should rest quickly!"

Chen Bofu left this sentence, and then slowly retracted his head into the wall...

It was at this time that Chen Jing realized that this old man could really pass through the wall.

Like a ghost!

"Low-level descendants..." Chen Jing murmured in his heart, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, "Since there are low-level ones... that should mean there are also middle-level and high-level ones..."

Is this a level division of strength?

What are the old descendants?

Are they the natives with superpowers?

The more he thought about it, the more sleepy he felt.

Chen Jing yawned and felt that he really should sleep, otherwise he would have to stay up all night, but before going to bed, he was going to do another experiment.


"Hey! My dear grandson, I'm here!"

Sure enough, Chen Jing just tentatively called out, and the old man who had just said he was going to sleep appeared, but this time he didn't come out from the wall, but from the floor... No, to be precise, from the crack in the door.

Like a paper man.

First, half of the body squeezed out from the crack of the door, and then slowly bulged up. The picture, coupled with the crisp sound of the bones being reset, was so scary...

But Chen Jing was not so scared now.

He just became an emoticon pack of "Old man on the subway looking at his phone.jpg".

"I really want to sleep this time. If you want me to live a few more years with you, don't scare me again. Can you walk in through the door openly next time?"


"Good night."

"Yeah... what is good night?"


Chen Jing slept very deeply this time.

He almost never woke up in the middle.

If we count from the time he graduated from college, this should be the best sleep that Chen Jing, who suffers from neurasthenia, has ever had.

It was not until noon that he heard a scream from the living room, and Chen Jing woke up in a daze.

"It's bad! Let these owners run away! This is fucked!"

When Chen Jing came out of the bedroom sleepily, Chen Bofu was still jumping in the living room with gnashing teeth, obviously furious.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

"It's bad, the cash cow ran away..." Chen Bofu said with a bitter face.

"What cash cow?"

Chen Jing yawned and wanted to take another nap, but when he looked at Chen Bofu's jumping appearance, he lost all sleepiness.

Of course.

He was more curious about the pile of real estate certificates on the ground that looked like a small hill.

"It's OK..." Chen Jing thought to himself, looking at the red books calmly, "There are at least a hundred real estate certificates in this pile... Could these all be my houses?"

With great expectation and a little curiosity, Chen Jing walked up and picked up one at random to take a look, and was immediately disappointed.

The owner's name... I don't know it.

It's not Chen Jing's.

It's not Grandpa Chen Bofu's either.

"Where did these property certificates come from?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking.

"I found those owners and seized them the day before yesterday. If I didn't, they wouldn't pay me the property fees!" Chen Bofu stamped his feet in exasperation.

"Oh... they haven't paid yet?"

"I paid yesterday morning."

"Then what are you doing..."

"Today's hasn't been paid yet!"

Chen Bofu was so angry when he talked about this that he looked so wronged that he was about to cry, just like an old country man who was cheated out of his life by counterfeit money when he just came to the city to sell goods.

"Is the property fee paid on a daily basis?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"That's not the case. It's paid on an annual basis. I'm mainly afraid that they will delay paying in the future, so I asked them to pay a little more... You see!"

As the old man spoke, he took out a pile of receipts from under the coffee table and handed them to Chen Jing.

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