It doesn't matter if I'm recognized. At worst, I can just go into the Dongshan barrier when I run into trouble in the real world...

But having said that, I still have to pretend when I need to.

Just like now.

Zhou Zixuan obviously recognized him, but he still didn't intend to admit it, because it would not do him any good.

And there are too many monks around him, and there might be other hidden dangers.

"Are you going to the sixth floor too?" Chen Jing glanced at the long-lit elevator button and asked knowingly.

"Yes, we are going to the sixth floor too. Are you Chen Jing?"

A monk standing in the corner came forward.

This monk's dress is obviously different from others. There are some silver thread embroidery on the corners of his robes, and the totem of the hermitage on his chest is embedded with a circle of fine gray rocks.

"Hello." Chen Jing smiled politely and looked at the other party calmly.

In the ancient sect [Moonlight Hermitage], members are also divided into different levels, with clear levels from top to bottom.

The legendary Moonlight Pope is naturally the person with the highest status and the strongest power in the hermitage. It is said that he has the blood of the Moon God Gehero flowing in his body, and is the only family of the Moon God Gehero in the world.

Next, there are the twelve bishops.

These twelve bishops are also the most powerful old descendants in the hermitage except the Pope.

Below them are the priests.

The lowest-ranking members are monks and nuns.

So "monk" is just a general term, just like the immortal cultivators in real online novels, which is used to refer to those who are not the Pope, including bishops.

All this information was dug out from Chen Jing's memory, but he felt a little strange as he dug...

Because he didn't find any information about the "Death Bird" of Yan Que.

In other words.

On the surface.

There are no monks named Death Bird in [Moonlight Hermitage].

"I am Bishop Kenniel of the Hermitage."

The man who spoke still smiled kindly. He was about forty years old, but his hair was as white as snow.

Unlike the common Asian faces, the man's deep eye sockets, high nose bridge, and blue-gray eyes look more like Europeans.


In fact, Kennel didn't need to introduce himself, Chen Jing had already identified his identity as a bishop.

Although the style and color of his robes and holy clothes are similar to those of other monks, the totem of the monastery on his chest...

The gray gravel embedded in the totem is the symbol of his bishop's identity.

"Bishop Kennel, I heard that the holy clothes of you bishops are all embedded with psychic media from the moon god Gehero..."

Chen Jing was not interested in Bishop Kennel's identity, but just wanted to create an opportunity to "ignite", so he took the initiative to talk to him.

"Are these media moon rocks?"


Bishop Kennel didn't dare to put on airs in front of Chen Jing.

After all, Chen Jing's friendly attitude made him unable to find fault, and... well, the most important thing is that he didn't dare to offend the crazy old man behind Chen Jing.


Is it great to be a bishop above ten thousand people?

Kenneal used to think he was amazing, but after hearing about something, he learned to be low-key.

What's so amazing about a bishop?

Didn't that crazy old man press him against the curb and slap him three times last time?

Although the bishop who was slapped was not Kenneal, it can be seen from that living example that the bishop is nothing in the eyes of the Chen family.

If I want to slap you, I will slap you too?

So, Kenneal in front of Chen Jing was very kind, very friendly, and even a little too enthusiastic...

"If you are interested, I can touch it for you." Kenneal smiled and gently pulled up his robes, indicating that Chen Jing was curious to take a closer look.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I haven't washed my hands yet, so I dare not touch such a sacred thing casually..."

"Oh, what does it matter!"

"No, no..."

Just as Chen Jing and Kenneal were polite to each other with a fake smile.

The elevator stopped on the sixth floor.

Maybe it was really a coincidence.

When the elevator door slowly opened, there were two people standing outside the door.

One is Wei Nan, she is carrying a lot of things in her hands and chewing gum in her mouth.

The other one...

is Yan Que.

"I have been waiting for you in the lobby on the first floor for a long time. Seeing that you are not coming down, I can only come up to find you..."

The smile on Chen Jing's face is as gentle as ever. He seems to completely ignore the group of monks beside him. His eyes are only on the frightened little girl.

"We should go home."

Chapter 112 Bishop Kennel

Chen Jing knows what these monks are thinking.

So he said this deliberately.

The purpose is to intensify the conflict.

Of course.

The attitude he showed is also a reminder to the other party.

Yan Que is not so easy to take away from him.

For a while.

Those monks were silent.

Everyone except Bishop Kennel held their breath and no one dared to speak first at this time.

Because they all knew that this action was of great importance, and the highest leader was Kennel, not others.

In other words,

No one dared to give any advice on what to do with the current situation, otherwise he would be the first person to take the blame afterwards.

"What the hell?" Wei Nan recognized the identities of these monks at a glance, and then looked at Chen Jing in disbelief, "Are these people from the Hermitage born in the year of the dog? Are their noses so sharp? Why did they find them so quickly? coming?"

"What are you talking nonsense about..."

Chen Jing was a little embarrassed by Wei Nan's words, but he still pretended not to see the angry expressions on the monks' faces, and still treated Kenil with a kind face.

"Bishop Kenil, let's leave first without delaying your business."


Kenil's expression remained unchanged, trying to figure out the meaning of Chen Jing's words.


Chen Jing walked out of the elevator as he spoke.

He calmly blocked the frightened Yan Que behind him, and then gave Wei Nan a look to signal her to stop talking nonsense.

"You can actually come to our Taiping District from the 'Moonlight Parish' in your busy schedule. You must have something important to do. I don't dare to delay you..."

Chen Jing's smile was still so harmless, and there was no flaw in his clear eyes, as if he really thought so.


Chen Jing was still having a headache before, wondering how he should light the fire quietly, but after seeing Zhou Zixuan... he immediately had an idea.

Isn't this just a ready-made detonator?

And it's the kind that explodes in a flash.

"Bishop Kenil, the sixth floor has arrived, why don't you come down?" Chen Jing turned around and walked up to Kenil again.

He looked down at the large and small bags in his hands, with a helpless expression on his face, and said jokingly.

"You can't let us carry these things down the stairs, can you?"


At this moment, Kenil was in a complicated mood.

Although he had received detailed information before coming, saying that Yan Que was accompanied by Chen Boxu's grandson... But even so, he still came.

the reason is simple.

According to the archives of [Moonlight Hermitage], Chen Boxu's grandson is a well-known loser.

As the only relative of that old madman.

Not only is he not an Old Descendant.

He's even the kind of person who accepts everything and doesn't even dare to go home and complain when he's bullied outside...

What's so scary about this?

The worst case scenario is to use words to prevaricate the young master, then forcibly take Yan Que away, and then find a way to get the Pope to reconcile with the old lunatic... Wouldn't this matter be over? What's so hard about this?

Would Chen Boxu go to the hermitage for an outsider?

of course not.

As long as the Pope made the stakes clear to him and paid an acceptable price, Kenil firmly believed that Chen Bofu would not be held accountable for this.

But there is a premise for all this.

Chen Jing.

"Yan Que, have you bought anything?"

Hearing Chen Jing's voice, Yan Que was a little stunned, and nodded hurriedly and said that he had bought everything.

She spoke in a lower voice than before, and even moved quietly, trying to hide behind Chen Jing's not-so-wide back.

"Go home quickly, I'm hungry!"

Although Wei Nan had some issues with Yan Que, at this time, she seemed to have forgotten her previous grudges, and she took a step forward to stand side by side with Chen Jing in a loyal manner, blocking Yan Que behind her.

Seeing Yanque looking at him gratefully, Wei Nan's expression was still a little impatient, as if he was saying why you, stupid woman, are in such trouble!

"Chen Jing."

Kenil felt a little headache, but he still had to explain.

"Yan Que still has some unfinished business with our monastery. I want to take her with me first..."


Chen Jing had no intention of giving Kenil a chance to speak.

Although he still had that harmless smile on his face, his attitude became clearer.

"She has to come back with me."

"In the evening." Kenil said with a smile, "How about I take her back in person after finishing the matter in the evening?"

"No." Chen Jing refused again.

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