"As long as you can keep moving forward on the path of advancement, sooner or later you will become more powerful than the moon." That's what the old man said.

But at this moment.

Chen Jing began to doubt his long-held views.

Because in this overwhelming moonlight, he inexplicably felt a breath that could be described as sacred.

That was supreme...

It was separated from the word "biological"...

It seemed to transcend dimensions, a kind of unreasonable sacredness...

"False God."

Bai Aji heard Chen Jing's voice.

It couldn't help but spit, then leaned down to signal Chen Jing and the others to climb on its back.

"False God?" After Chen Jing got on the horse with the nervous Wei Nan Yan Que, he couldn't help but ask Bai Aji in his heart, "Do you think it's not a real god?"

"There are only two kinds of gods."

Bai Aji didn't seem to like having outsiders riding on his back, and his expression seemed a little awkward.

But fortunately, to give face to its master, it flapped its wings a few times and flew off the ground...

"One is the king of the old days."

"The other is a being more powerful than the king..."

Hearing this answer, Chen Jing's mind suddenly flashed those "giants" who descended on the surface world, and the extremely terrifying face formed by fog...

"The king you are talking about... is it the existence of Huang Wang?"

"Yes, he is my previous master."

"What did you remember again?" Chen Jing asked hurriedly, after all, Bai Aji's amnesia problem was also what he had been troubled by.

For the secrets of the old days.

Chen Jing was not ordinary interested.

And for some reason...

He always felt that there were some very important things hidden in that period of history.

"A little..." Bai Aji's tone gradually became confused. It didn't seem like he was lying to Chen Jing, nor was there any need to lie to Chen Jing. "I followed King Huang for a long time... until he died... until I fell asleep in the Pleiades..."

"Who is stronger, King Huang or those creators?" Although Chen Jing had already analyzed the answer, he still wanted to confirm it from Bai Aji.

"He was killed by the creator."

Bai Aji's calm tone revealed a trace of deep sadness.

After saying this, it fell silent and took Chen Jing and the others to a higher place in the mall...

"What is that?"

Suddenly, Wei Nan seemed to have discovered something new and hurriedly raised his hand to point to where Kennel and the pig herder were.

In the misty moonlight, a celestial body similar to Gehro could be vaguely seen... or a spherical object with a diameter of about two meters?

"That is Gehro's projection."

Yan Que seemed to know what this method was, and held the cane sword in his hand with a solemn expression.

"Kenniel might fight the pig farmer to death, and this mall might..."

"Not necessarily."

Chen Jing interrupted Yan Que's words, because he suddenly saw a familiar figure in the lobby downstairs from the corner of his eye.

"With her, nothing will happen."


"The Moon Goddess protects us... guides us... just like a shepherd leading a lost lamb..."

"Shut up!!!"

The pig farmer's skin was almost completely gone, which could be used to suppress the self-healing speed of the moonlight corrosion before, but now it can't catch up...

There is no skin to cover it.

The bloody subcutaneous tissue is directly exposed to the air.

At this time, the pig farmer has taken the initiative to distance himself from Kenniel, and a parliament totem appears on his chest, like a mark made by a red-hot iron.

That huge and strange pattern.

It shines with a blood-red light like a burning flame.

"You are just the eleventh bishop... You dare to act recklessly in front of me relying on the power of Gehlo..."

The swineherd suddenly opened his mouth and put his right hand into his fang-filled mouth, as if he was groping for something... and soon pulled out a rusty bone-chopping knife from his mouth.

That should also be some kind of relic.

Although it looks very ordinary in texture and there are rust all over the blade.

But Chen Jing and the others can feel an extremely ominous aura from the bone-chopping knife.

"I'll chop you into pieces and make dumplings for you!"

The swineherd suddenly swung his knife, and the scarlet energy instantly left the blade.

It was like the legendary sword light.

It split the lingering moonlight in front of him.

The small Gehlo celestial body, which was like a projection, also trembled wildly under this knife, as if it would collapse at any time because it could not withstand the shock of this terrifying energy.

This scarlet knife light split everything in front of it until it hit Kennel.

From the chest to the abdomen.

A huge wound spanned two-thirds of Kennell's torso.

Breaking through the pale skin.

Not a drop of blood flowed out of the wound.

Even Chen Jing and the others could not see Bishop Kennell's organs.

Under the skin.

It was a body that looked like a rock structure.

The sword light swung by the pigherd only broke part of the "rock".

Many dark and dark gray gravel and gravel rushed out of the wound, like a strange rainstorm with dust scattered everywhere.

"Praise the Moon God..."

Bishop Kennell was still praying.

Although the knife caused him a lot of damage, he could still hold on... at least until Gehlo's power was completely released.

At this moment, Kennell no longer wanted to negotiate with the swineherd.

He knew there was no need for any negotiation, and he also knew that he would not end well if he fell into the hands of the parliament, so he decided to fight...

Even if it meant death.

Kennell would take the swineherd away.

Even if he couldn't take him away.

He would leave him with a wound that would be difficult to heal for the rest of his life.

For example... being touched by Gehro.

Being cursed and corroded.

Even death would not be the end of this pain.

"I think you are crazy... You are still praying at this time..."

The swineherd smiled grimly, striding forward with a bone-chopping knife in hand.

Scarlet mist-like energy spread out from the knife, forming a close-fitting protective barrier for him, directly making him immune to the erosion of the moonlight.

A little closer...

A little closer would be better...

Kennell stared at the swineherd who was gradually approaching him, completely ignoring the other party's ridicule, and gathered the energy in his body to almost the peak.

At this moment, Kennell no longer had the emotion of fear.

He was no longer nervous or uneasy.

At this moment when he was about to lose his life, Kenniel only felt a heartfelt and fanatical excitement, because he knew that he would be able to go to another mysterious dimension soon.

In that kingdom of God.

He could serve the moon god he believed in, Gehlo, for the rest of his life.

He was the ultimate goal of their monks.

To be with God.

To walk with God.

"Are you stupid?"

Suddenly, a cold and indifferent voice came from outside the moonlight.

Before the swineherd and Kenniel could react.

Two iron chains as thick as wrists passed through the moonlight silently.

Like a sharp spear.

In an instant, they pierced Kenniel's body.

They were like snakes ready to eat, wrapping around Kenniel layer by layer... until they formed a giant metal cocoon.

"If he completely liberates Gehlo's power, everything within a radius of ten kilometers will be wiped out, maybe including you..."

The person who spoke, stepped out of the moonlight in high heels, and the indifferent tone matched a gentle face.


Chapter 124 Xu Ye's decisiveness

The person who walked out of the moonlight.

It was Xu Ye, the chief of security in Yongye City.

Her dress today was no different from before, still a more neutral dress.

A simple and capable white shirt matched with a dark black suit uniform, her hair was tied up behind her head, leaving only the temples hanging down to her shoulders, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on her high nose bridge.

From the ankles exposed between the high heels and the trouser legs, it can be seen that she seemed to be wearing a pair of fine black stockings with a faint parliamentary totem on them.

"The parliament also produces this thing?" When Chen Jing glanced at it, he didn't think it was very sexy, but just felt a little puzzled...but it was normal to think about it.

In Yongye City, there are many factories under the [Round Table Council], and most of them are used to produce basic living materials for ordinary people.

You can say that.

In the scope of Yongye City, at least one of the food, clothing, housing and transportation of ordinary people must be tied to the council, such as the coat on Wei Nan's body is produced by them.

At this moment.

The moonlight that permeated the sixth floor of the mall has completely dissipated, leaving only the devastated battlefield...

Everything in sight.

Has been eroded by the moonlight and turned into a weird "moon rock".

At first glance, this place seems to have become a part of Geheluo.

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