Chen Jing didn't dare to move his chopsticks casually, especially for ingredients whose origins could not be identified at a glance. He was really frightened by Aunt Hong's large intestine sashimi.

"Of course it's pork. I went to the supermarket to buy it this morning. The freshly slaughtered meat is very fresh!" Chen Bofu blinked and asked strangely, "Usually you like to eat the stir-fried pork made by grandpa the most... Why? Still not using chopsticks? No appetite?”

"I feel sick to my stomach, so I can't eat anything too greasy." Chen Jing lied calmly, then put a piece of chicken into the bowl, "And I found that chicken tastes better..."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu nodded.

"Then I'll cook more chicken for you from now on."

Chen Jing doesn't eat pork.

But it hasn’t been like this since childhood.

It started when I graduated from high school.

In a trance.

Chen Jing heard again the auditory hallucination that had troubled him in the past few years. It was the sound of the pigs in the pen happily waiting to eat.

From the suppressed and dull hum, to the cheerful chewing sound, and finally...

"Why are you dazed! Let's eat!"

Chen Bofu's sudden voice pulled Chen Jing back from the memory that had become blurry.

"I was distracted just now..."

Chen Jing replied absently, while also telling himself in his mind.

Can't think about it anymore.

Otherwise you will have to take medicine again.

"No matter how important the thing is, it can't compare to eating! If you have something to worry about, think about it after eating! It won't taste good if it gets cold for a while..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Boxu picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth.

"Grandpa is going out and will come back after finishing his errands in the evening. Please remember to help me send those receipts back to others."

Chen Jing was originally prepared to ask a few more questions, at least to find out the identity and character of the three neighbors first, but the old man seemed not to give him this opportunity.

Before Chen Jing could spit out the chicken legs in his mouth, Chen Boxu ran to the balcony carrying a snakeskin bag, turned over and flipped out from the guardrail...

"Too anxious to even take the elevator?"

Chen Jing was stunned and thought to himself that the old man was in a hurry to go out and didn't say anything. He just ran away with the snakeskin bag filled with real estate certificates.

But judging from his nature, which is darker than a capitalist's plucked hair... Could it be that he used those real estate certificates to cash out the mortgage loan?

Chen Jing glanced at the moon hanging high in the sky outside the window, turned back and picked up the remote control and turned on the TV again.

He needs to understand the world better.

The more you know.

The safer he is.

"The next news comes from Hongshan Street in Taiping District..."

Facts have proved that although this world is an independent world, compared with the real world... there are actually many similarities, at least the social structure is similar.

This point is different from Chen Jing's previous thoughts.

He originally thought this was a different world where monsters were rampant in the survival of the fittest.

But it seems not.

Killing will be punished.

At least that's what was reported on the news.

But why can that old man run rampant in Sunset Red Community...

Chen Jingzhen didn't understand.

Judging from the severity of punishments for murderers in the news, what the old man did is enough to warrant the death penalty in this world a dozen times.


After meal.

Chen Jing finished washing the dishes and tidying up the kitchen as a habit.

After doing all this, he began to search the house.

"The family on the 30th floor likes fruits... This apple should be fine..."

"That household on the 29th floor likes delicious food...How should we define delicious food...Do I think it tastes good, or do people like the old man think it tastes good..."

Chen Jing stood in front of the refrigerator hesitantly, but finally decided to make two preparations.

First pack the plate of stir-fried pork that was basically untouched at noon.

Then he took out the takeout box from the fresh-keeping layer with the words "Exclusive Taste for Old Americans" printed on it.

Open it and take a look.

as expected.

It is some human tissue that is stir-fried to give off a fragrant aroma.

Chen Jing didn't feel too disgusted, but calmly heated it in the microwave before putting it in a bag.

Gifts from the neighbors on the 30th and 29th floors are ready.

Only the one in the underground garage is left...


"I can only make do with yours."

Chen Jing muttered to the leftover hand-shredded chicken head from lunch, then dug out the two eyeballs of the chicken head with a knife and put it into a separate lunch box.

Although it seems a bit shabby to give as a gift, that's all it can do.

You can't let me dig out my own eyes, right?

Chen Jing thought this, then put the key in his pocket, patted the Holy Grail in his coat pocket and went out.

When making friends, there are successes and failures.

It's the best if you succeed, but it doesn't matter if you fail...

At least he has the support of the old man behind him.

He is a fierce man who can make these three families pay a hundred years of property fees. Whenever he meets, he will give his name. I think these neighbors will give him some face...

Chen Jing thought in his mind.

Carrying a plastic bag full of gifts, I got on the elevator.

"Let's visit from top to bottom. Let's go to the 30th floor first..."

Chapter 10 Unhappy and Mindless

Judging from the signature on the receipt, the head of household 3001 should be...

Not happy?

"This name is quite unique..."

Chen Jing stood outside the door of house 3001, and after checking the house number again and again to make sure it was correct, he carefully rang the doorbell.


As the doorbell rang.

The cat's eye that was previously on went dark in an instant.

Although Chen Jing did not have a perspective eye, he could guess that the person behind the door was looking at him quietly through the cat's eye.

About half a minute later.

The door opened.

But it was only opened a crack.

The person behind the door seemed to be quite wary of Chen Jing, and only half of her face was exposed at the edge of the door crack. She looked like a teenage girl.

Hmm... two-dimensional?

Looking at the Lolita skirt in the crack of the door, Chen Jing was a little surprised.

"Hello, I am Chen Jing, the grandson of Chen Bofu." Chen Jing squeezed out a smile that he thought was very kind.

"Chen Bofu's grandson?"

The girl hesitated for a moment and opened the door half-doubtfully.

"Are you okay?"

The girl was wearing a Lolita dress with black as the main color. There were some unknown geometric patterns on the delicate lace skirt.

On the girl's chest, a huge silver pendant was hanging.

In the ring of the pendant.

It was a crescent moon torn by an exaggerated crack.

Just like the "moon" hanging high in the sky.

The irregular crack was like it was grinning, revealing a sarcastic and mocking smile...

"Is this the totem of the [Moonlight Hermitage]?"

Chen Jing remembered the news he had seen on TV before, and couldn't help but think of the old man's views on this sect...

To be honest.

Although Chen Jing didn't know the grandfather of this world very well, he could tell from the old man's tone how much he hated the people of this sect, and judging from his temper of killing people at the slightest disagreement...

The fact that this girl was neither targeted by the old man nor driven away directly was enough to show that she must be extraordinary.

"Hello! You are just unhappy, right?"

While asking the question, Chen Jing was also looking at the other party calmly, thinking that this little girl named "Unhappy" was indeed beautiful.

No, it should be exquisite.

Like a doll.

It always makes people want to pinch her face.

However, seeing the other party's eyes that looked like he was examining a criminal, Chen Jing gave up this wild idea.

Because he found that the little girl's name was really right.


She really had no other expression from beginning to end, as gloomy and silent as the heroine in the anime.


The girl standing behind the door spoke, with a hint of doubt between her eyebrows.

"Who is unhappy?"

Chen Jing was startled and hurriedly looked up at the house number.

"Isn't this 3001?"

"It is 3001, but there is no unhappy here, you found the wrong one."

"But the house number is correct..."

Chen Jing took out the receipt from his pocket with confusion and handed the receipt of No. 3001 to the girl.

"I'm here to give you the property fee receipt. Look at this signature. Is it you?"


The girl took the receipt and looked at it, then looked up at Chen Jing again.

"This receipt is mine, but the name is not... This should be written by that old madman. My name is Yan Que."

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