It seemed to be extremely hungry, and the change from liquid black water to solid was very fast...

Everyone only vaguely saw a pool of black water rushing out of the car window.

The next second.

Bai Aji, who had revealed his true form, was already lying next to the polluted species, grunting and gnawing at the disgusting corpse.

The crow of Yan Que had been circling in the air, and seemed to have no interest in the corpse. Even though the two were far apart, Chen Jing could feel the contempt it gave Bai Aji...

It was like seeing its own kind eating shit.

"Let's go first."

Chen Bofu was not interested in this little episode, perhaps because the strength of the polluted species was too weak to be in his eyes.

He yawned and shrank in the chair, covering his face with a fisherman's hat, and resting his hand on the window frame, leisurely pointing forward.

"Go 20 miles in this direction. I remember there is a gathering place for wanderers. Let's rest there for a night before we go..."

"Okay, sir!"

The RV continued to move forward. When passing by Bai Aji, Chen Jing was still a little worried about leaving his godson here.

"Remember to catch up later! Don't get lost!"

"Woo woo..." Bai Aji ate without raising his head, and hummed in his mouth as a response.

The flesh and blood of this kind of polluted species have no effect on the old descendants. At least most of the old descendants dare not eat them, unless they are some high-sequence monsters...

When passing by the corpse, Chen Jing deliberately observed it carefully.

This polluted species killed by the giant crow is actually a mutated giant worm, or... caterpillar?

It's just that the size and shape of this polluted species are a bit too weird.

Its body is at least nearly 50 meters long, and the surface of the reddish skin is covered with dense human arms, just like the hair on a caterpillar.

I thought Bai Aji was just eating a few bites to fill his stomach, but soon Chen Jing found that Bai Aji seemed to be rushing to eat the light pollution species.

In just ten seconds.

The huge worm's body was shortened by a quarter.

"I didn't expect its mouth to be faster than a meat grinder..." Chen Jing slowly sat back and closed the car window.

Although the temperature in the wasteland is higher than that of the Evernight Market, and the night breeze is quite cool, the air seems to have always been filled with the spores of those mosses, which are as annoying as pollen.

"Don't look at it, come and play cards!" Wei Nan sat in his seat with a smile on his face, "If I work harder, Yan Que will lose all my wealth!"

"Don't worry about Bai Aji, it will catch up." Yan Que whispered, "It's much smarter than Ya Ya."

"Ya Ya?" Chen Jing was stunned. He didn't expect her to give the terrifying giant crow such a cute name.

"There are many polluted species in the wasteland, but your Baiaji should be stronger than most of them, so don't worry about it." Yan Que comforted.

"I'm just afraid that it will get lost." Chen Jing said worriedly, "Because I feel that it has always been quite stupid..."

"Exciting, right?"

Suddenly, the old man sitting in the co-pilot spoke up and asked with interest.

"Is it more fun here than Evernight City?"

"It's much more fun, but also much more dangerous." Chen Jing sighed.

"You are an old descendant, what are you afraid of? Ordinary people should be afraid!" Chen Bofu laughed, "The air in the wasteland is poisonous. Ordinary people have to wear gas masks to live here."

"The air is poisonous?" Chen Jing was stunned, and he didn't seem to notice anything wrong with the air in the wasteland.

"Moss spores, filthy pollution, and those things in the sky..." Chen Bofu tilted his head to look at the night sky outside the car window, and said with a sigh, "I don't know how long this good weather will last..."

"Maybe the temperature will rise tomorrow." Wei Nan said. She had been to the wasteland several times before, so she had some experience. "That temperature can burn people to death. Our car..."

"What are you afraid of with me here?" Chen Bofu said impatiently.

After that, Chen Bofu glanced at his good grandson in the rearview mirror and sighed with emotion.

"I wanted to bring you to the wasteland before, but you were weak at that time, and you were still an ordinary person... You could get lost in the Evernight City if you were exposed to the moon for too long."

Excessive exposure to the moon?

Chen Jing couldn't help laughing when he heard the old man's words, because he suddenly remembered the scene of his first time traveling to the other world...

At that time, the Evernight City was like a demon cave to him, even worse than the copy of a horror game.

First, I was scared to death by Aunt Hong and her son, and then I almost got lost when I went out.

I got on the bus.

It was pitch black outside.

I couldn't see anything.

I could only see a little light when I got off the bus.

It was at this moment that Chen Jing suddenly realized... it was difficult for ordinary people to survive safely in Evernight City, let alone in the wasteland.

Put aside those old descendants who occasionally went crazy.

The biggest threat to Evernight City is actually the moon in the sky.

That's right.

The god Geheluo followed by the [Moonlight Hermitage] has always had a profound impact on Evernight City.

Those moonlights have always had some kind of indescribable "pollution power".

Put aside the moon worship period that can make low-level old descendants go crazy, the most intuitive manifestation is that it will damage the visual system of ordinary people.

Or manipulated.

Just like Chen Jing when he first came to Evernight City.

Occasionally I can see the road.

Occasionally, I feel that everything is dark in front of me.

Outside the sacrificial month period.

An indescribable fog shrouds the city every moment.

Until he became an ancient descendant.

Chen Jing was able to see the whole picture of Yongye.

"Is Gheluo's influence limited to Yongye City?" Chen Jing suddenly asked the old man, "I discovered before that I couldn't see it as soon as I left the city gate..."

"It's normal not to be able to see."

Chen Bofu smiled and patiently educated Chen Jing.

"Gehro is not stupid. There are too many old pollution sources left in this war wasteland. If it comes, it might itself be polluted..."

"It's all like this." Yanque suddenly gave Chen Jing an example, "Whether it's Yongye Market, Jiridu City, Hanging City... the gods of the indigenous sects in each city will never step outside the city."

Chen Jing nodded thoughtfully.

Connect this information with memories from the other world.

He suddenly felt that the remarks made by some "ancestors" were quite reliable.

The world here seems to be a whole.

But it's more like a cut-up body.

Every city is an independent little world.

Wasteland, deep sea.

There are two separate big worlds again.

They do not influence each other and are not dependent on each other.

"Right there! Drive in!"

Chen Bofu suddenly sat up straight and looked straight at a bonfire camp in front of the wasteland.

"Did you see those piles of tents? I crushed both the people and the tents!"

Chapter 137: Banquet in the Wilderness

It turns out that Ryan still has some brains.

At least after hearing Chen Boxu's instructions, he immediately turned his head and glanced at Chen Jing, and was not in a hurry to speed up the car according to Chen Boxu's words.

"Old man, what are you going to do again..."

Chen Jing's head was full of black lines, thinking that this old guy had some bad taste, why he was always shouting about killing people.

"Are there any enemies of yours there?" Chen Jing asked.

"No ah."

Chen Bofu looked surprised, and seemed to wonder why his grandson thought so.

"I am a person who usually takes revenge on the spot when he has a grudge. Except for a few who have not yet died in my hands, the others who have grudges against me have long since died..."

"Then you let Ryan run him over?" Chen Jing was shocked.

"Oh, this place has good feng shui, is sheltered from the wind and is flat, so it's suitable for us to set up camp..."

Chen Bofu touched his chin and looked at this perfect campsite.

"As the saying goes, how can we allow others to snore on the side of the bed? Since we have taken a liking to this place, why don't we clear it out?"

The lively bonfire camp in front is very spectacular under the night sky. Not to mention the number of extremely dense tents, one can see at a glance that there are probably two to three hundred people around the bonfire...

"Forget it."

Chen Boxu crossed his hands and put them behind his head, as if he noticed that Chen Jing did not agree with his approach.

"For the sake of my grandson's face, let these scum go first..."

Seeing the unhappy look on the old man's face, Chen Jing explained helplessly: "After all, we have just entered the wasteland, so keep a low profile and don't be too ostentatious... Ryan, park the car outside and take a look at the situation first."

Ryan nodded obediently and slowly slowed down the car.

At this moment, everyone except the old man was looking out.


In fact, it is a title with a vague concept.

Except for those tribesmen who have settled in the wasteland, everyone else can be called a wanderer.

Including Chen Jing and the others.

No fixed place to live, wandering in the wasteland.

This is what it means to be a wanderer.

The homeless gathering place that everyone is about to go to is the most common temporary residence for humans in the wasteland.

Of course, that doesn't mean gathering places will be safe.

After all, apart from those terrifying polluted species, the most dangerous creatures in the wasteland are humans.

"There are not even tens of thousands but thousands of homeless gathering places like this in the wasteland, but this gathering place is the closest to Yongye City, so there is still some order..." Wei Nan took the initiative to give Chen Jing introduced it as if she had been to this place before.

"This place is just for camping?" Chen Jing looked at the people gradually standing up by the campfire, and his tone became a little wary, because he could feel that these people's eyes were not friendly.

"I'm camping, trading goods, anyway, there are all kinds of people from all walks of life here..."

As Wei Nan spoke, he raised his middle finger at the middle-aged man guarding the door, opened the car window and cursed him.

"If you look at me like this again! I will dig out your eyeballs and stuff them into you..."

"Keep your breath down."

After the car stopped, Chen Bofu stood up, stretched out comfortably, and began to greet Yanque Weinan.

"Whoever makes them realize that we are high-ranking ancestors will be slapped by me, do you hear me?"

"What kind of bad taste are you doing..." Chen Jing said helplessly, "Grandpa, are you just waiting for these people to cause trouble for us?"

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