When Wei Nan told Yan Que and Ryan what happened in the square, they were all in disbelief.

First, they didn't expect to meet the ancient alchemist here.


Chen Bofu's strength is obvious to all.

Even though the old man said that he was deprived of his power in this secret realm, he is no different from ordinary people now...

But it's because he is too powerful.

He is powerful enough to be deeply rooted in people's hearts, and even unforgettable.

Now hearing Wei Nan say that Chen Bofu is going to die, Yan Que and Ryan both said it was hard to believe.

"Are you sure that the old man was pierced through the heart by the ancient alchemist?" Yan Que asked half-doubtfully.

"I'm sure... I can't say! I didn't look carefully!" Wei Nan was so anxious that her face turned pale, but compared to fear, her tone at this moment seemed particularly angry, "The old man's chest is covered with blood! I guess he's going to die!"

Yan Que frowned and didn't speak, and her hand holding the cane sword was shaking.

"I'm going to save the master!" Ryan said suddenly.

Although he is the weakest person here, especially after being deprived of his power, he is even worse than ordinary people, and he seems to be falling apart after running a few steps.

But when he heard that Chen Bofu was pierced through the heart by the ancient alchemist, his first reaction was to save him... Although Chen Bofu often scolded him and said some unpleasant words, Ryan remembered Chen Bofu's kindness.

He was able to eat, wear, live and travel smoothly in the city.

It was all because of the old man and Chen Jing.

Otherwise, with his identity as a wasteland smuggler, he would probably be caught by the parliament within two days of entering the city.

Living in the wasteland, a crazy place that ordinary people cannot accept.

Ryan's thinking logic is naturally different from that of ordinary people.

He has these characteristics of ferocity and cruelty.

But he has never shown them after entering the city.

Of course, these are not important. The most important thing is that he remembers the favor.

A drop of water is returned with a spring of water.

This is an old saying that his parents often say.

Although this old saying is very contradictory, even Ryan himself feels that in a wasteland where trust is equal to risk, he still remembers the bad principles taught by his parents...

But then again.

Although there are all kinds of scum in the wasteland, there are always some people who believe in these inexplicable old rules like Ryan.

After all, people live not just for living, there must be some higher spiritual pursuits.

At least this can make them feel happy... Isn't living for a good time?

"You want to save the old man?" Wei Nan looked at Ryan in surprise, as if he didn't expect this little skeleton kid to be so courageous.

"Yes!" Ryan nodded, "And didn't you say it! The young master is in that palace! I'm going to save him!"

"You're almost going to die..." Wei Nan sighed, thinking of the scene where Chen Bofu pushed her away before, and couldn't help clenching her fists, "The old man asked us to run..."

"Run?" Although Yan Que's face was expressionless, anyone could see the contradiction and entanglement in her eyes, "Now we have no choice but to run... It seems that we have no other choice..."

Hearing this, the giant crow on the side began to nod frantically.

Ryan completely ignored their thoughts and turned around and ran in the direction where Wei Nan came from.

"Wait." Wei Nan grabbed Ryan, although she was also scared to death in her heart, she still said, "I'll go with you!"

Although Wei Nan has always been "very critical" of Chen Bofu, in fact, she knows very well that the old man is still good to her.

And at the last moment, he didn't forget to let her run...


Damn it!

Am I, Wei Nan, the kind of person who doesn't talk about loyalty? !

"The worst that can happen is death!" Wei Nan gritted his teeth and said, hating himself for being so stupid before, and actually turned around and ran away after listening to the old man's words. It's so embarrassing to think about it now!

What's more, Chen Jing is still there!

He is my only friend!

"You should leave quickly, be careful that the ancient alchemist will catch up with you later."

Wei Nan said, and finally glanced at Yan Que, and it seems that he didn't intend to ask Yan Que to go with him.

After all, this trip is clearly to die...

"Do you think I'm afraid of death?" Yan Que glared at Wei Nan, and followed him with the cane sword in his hand tightly, "Don't look down on me like that!"

"I'm not looking down on you..." Wei Nan pulled her and motioned for her to get out quickly, "There's no need to lose your life..."

"Then why are you going?" Yan Que asked.

"Chen Jing is my best friend!" Wei Nan answered as a matter of course.

"He is also my friend."

Yan Que looked serious.

Thinking of the pigeon shed that Chen Jing helped her build, and the fact that he helped her get out of trouble in front of the hermitage when they went out shopping... Although Yan Que had never had a friend, she thought that someone like Chen Jing was a friend after all!

"If you want to leave, leave quickly!" Wei Nan frowned and walked in front, and no longer dissuaded Yan Que.

There is a 99% chance that going back now will lead to death.

All three of them understood this.

But they still chose to do it.

Ryan was doing it to repay a favor.

Wei Nan was doing it for loyalty.

Yan Que was doing it for a rare friendship.

The worst that could happen is death.

What's so scary...

"You haven't run away yet?"

Less than half a minute after Wei Nan and the other two ran towards the palace, a thin figure flashed in the dense jungle.


The figure that ran out of the forest was covered in blood, especially the long sword in his hand, which was covered with mottled bloodstains.

"So I don't have to go looking for you..."

"Why did this bastard come looking for me?!"

Although they knew that they would most likely meet the ancient alchemist when they returned, Wei Nan and the others did not expect to run into him so soon...

Before everyone could react, Zhao Weixian suddenly rushed forward and stabbed Wei Nan with his sword.


Wei Nan subconsciously turned sideways and almost instinctively dodged a step back, barely avoiding the long sword that was stabbing straight at her chest.

Although she was also deprived of her power by this secret realm, her physical fitness was indeed stronger than that of ordinary people, not to mention that she was best at close combat.

Compared with others, she was obviously much less stressed when facing the ancient alchemist.

"You are quite good at dodging..."

Zhao Weixian was not angry even though he missed the attack, but laughed instead.

His artificial elbow was strangely bent at almost 90 degrees, and the straight sword trajectory made a sharp turn...

"Ryan, get out of the way!!!" Wei Nan shouted.

Yan Que also reacted at this moment, reaching out to grab Ryan's arm as quickly as possible, but he was still a step slower...

In just a moment.

The sharp sword blade cut Ryan's cervical vertebrae.

The skull fell to the ground with a plop without the support of the cervical vertebrae.

Zhao Weixian watched this scene with interest, raised his foot and stopped Ryan's head in front of him.

Just a slight force on the toes.

Ryan's head let out a painful wail, and several visible cracks spread from the top of his head.

"I said..."

"None of you can escape..."

Chapter 158 Immortal Species·Yegtos

When Chen Jing's consciousness gradually recovered, he felt that he might as well just die.

Yes, the disintegration of the body into countless scattered parts was something he couldn't accept.

Especially when he was awake.

"What on earth have I become..."

At this moment, Chen Jing could see two pictures, or to be more precise, he could observe the world from two angles.

The left eyeball floated in the corner of the golden swamp, while the right eyeball was floating in the middle.

The pictures seen by the left and right eyes were different.

But there was no confusion.

To be honest.

Chen Jing felt that he was going crazy.

His left eye could see his bones floating on the swamp, while his right eye saw clean and complete organs gathered together to form a small hill.

A complete human skin floated back and forth on the water...

"You are the descendant of the king..."

Chen Jing saw the armored monster stand up, trembling and slowly walking towards the golden swamp until it stopped at the shore.

"You really are... the new king..."

Hearing its trembling voice, Chen Jing couldn't help but think of the words it had said before.

Bathing in the king's blood.


Prove that you are the blood of the king...

So... have I succeeded now?

Although I have become this incomprehensible, at least I am still alive, right?

"I passed the test, right?"


"I became the... new king you mentioned?"


Chen Jing's voice still came from the direction of the human skin, and his lips trembled slightly.

Even though this thin human skin has no vocal organs.

His voice was very clear.

"What is the new king..."

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