Wasn't everything fine before?

This weirdo even saved our lives.

Why is the old man fighting with him again now? !

"Chen Jing should be safe now!" Yan Que reacted the fastest. Seeing that the old man was losing his temper and going crazy, he hurriedly explained to him, "Chen Jing should have asked him to save us!"

Hearing this, Chen Bofu froze and looked at Jaegertos doubtfully.



Jegertos is also a straight-tempered person and doesn't know how to talk in a roundabout way.

"The king only asked me to kill the blasphemer, but did not ask me to save you."


"But the king said that you are his relatives and friends."

Yegetos' tone remained calm, even though he had noticed that the old man was ridiculously strong and even had the ability to kill him instantly... In this case, he was not afraid at all.

Death over dignity.

Obviously the latter is more important.

What's more, he has already waited for his "king"...

He would rather die than embarrass the "king".

"He...where is he..."

Chen Bofu was a little discouraged.

Although the weirdo with a condescending tone in front of him refused to reveal Chen Jing's situation under any circumstances, when he thought that he was the only person who knew the whereabouts of his grandson, Chen Bofu suddenly didn't know what to do...

At least you can't kill him rashly.

"He's doing something important."

Yegetos looked at Chen Bofu and couldn't help but sigh in his heart... How could such a powerful creature appear in this era? Could it be that my cognition has gone off the rails?

"Can we go see him?" Yanque asked hurriedly.

"Not now." Jegertos shook his head.

"Is he performing a promotion ceremony?" Chen Bofu suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly.

Jagerthos remained silent.

Like default.

It's like he doesn't know how to answer.

"When will he come back?" Chen Bofu asked anxiously, letting go of the hand that suppressed Yegetos.

"Maybe it won't take long..."

Yegetos spoke softly, his body once again lit up with ripples of golden light, and his tone of voice revealed a hint of excitement and longing.

"The King is coming to this world soon."

Chapter 161 Promotion Sequence 2·The King’s Blood Descendant

When Jegertos returned to the "Yellow King's Courtyard" again.

Entrance to the courtyard.

The huge stone door frame that teleported Chen Jing and the others to various parts of the courtyard... collapsed without warning, sending up dust all over the sky.

"This...why did this fall?!"

Chen Bofu was closest to the door frame, and the fallen stone pillar was only half a meter away from crushing him. A lot of the dust that hit his face was sucked into his stomach.

But at the moment, he didn't care about any of this. All he cared about was his good grandson Chen Jing.

"How can we get in if the portal is gone?!"

Yes, even though Yegetos had already said that, even Chen Bofu could tell from his tone that sounded like a religious fanatic that it was impossible for him to harm Chen Jing...

But even so.

Chen Boxu still couldn't help but want to enter the Huangwang Courtyard to check the situation.

No matter what, leaving my good grandson there alone made me feel a little uneasy.

"Ajing should be fine!"

Wei Nan has almost recovered by now.

The injuries she suffered in the courtyard were nothing to her. They were just broken bones and damaged internal organs. The old madman had beaten her much harder than this.

"I think so too." Yanque nodded, squatted on the ground and gently touched Ryan's head. The flames in his eyes were beating, and he was obviously in the process of self-healing.

"Do you know the origin of that bitch?" Chen Boxu tried to get some useful information from them.

Hearing this, both Wei Nan and Yan Que shook their heads, saying they didn't know, but they just happened to be saved by him.

"That's right! That ancient alchemist seems to have recognized his identity!"

Yanque suddenly remembered what Zhao Puxian said before and hurriedly added.

"He said that weirdo was a hunter in the deep space, responsible for monitoring the deep space and hunting heretics. Many fellow practitioners of the ancient alchemists died at the hands of their hunters!"

"Deep sky, hunter..." Chen Bofu frowned thoughtfully.

"The 'Yellow King' was also mentioned." Wei Nan added, "The ancient alchemist told the weirdo that their Yellow King has fallen, and deep space can no longer protect them. After the Yellow King's death, all the dependents will follow... "Sleep."

King Huang.

Deep space.

Dependent family.

These key words suddenly connected in Chen Boxu's mind, so that he suddenly remembered an "ancient scripture" he had seen when he was young.

According to legend, it was leaked from within the [Big Buddha Mother Temple]...

It has been vaguely mentioned above that in the old days there was a very special group of people who lived in the deep space where multiple dimensions overlapped.

And the leader of that group.

He seems to be a supreme master wearing a ragged yellow robe...

Thinking of the scene when Chen Jing used the Yellow King's Holy Grail, Chen Boxu's brows suddenly wrinkled tighter and tighter.

"Could it be that the deep space sequence of Jingjing's awakening..."

It was mentioned in that ancient scripture that the deep space race is also known as the undead race.

Because these strange creatures that have lived in deep space for many years all have the characteristic of immortality...

Even if he is killed in reality, he can still be revived in deep space.

"So the contents recorded in the scriptures are all true..." Chen Bofu muttered to himself, "Bai Aji's characteristics seem to conform to the characteristics of the immortal species... Could it be that it is also..."

In fact, Chen Bofu felt a little strange when Bai Aji first appeared.

Although Bai Aji is a member of the ancient race, it is different from most known ancient races.

It is said that Bai Aji does not live in this world, but lives on the Pleiades in the universe...

Plus its characteristic of being able to be repeatedly summoned and revived after death.

It is really hard not to associate it with those weird immortal species.

Thinking again, Chen Jing's awakening sequence is "deep space".

The awakened ability is to be immune to the cost of using the relics of the three paths...

Huang Wang, Kakosha, Luoyan City.

"What are you mumbling about?"

Seeing that the old man's mood gradually stabilized, no longer crazy but kept talking to himself, Wei Nan couldn't help but be curious.

"None of your business!" Chen Bofu cursed impatiently, then walked to Ryan's side, picked up the skull, and cursed, "Why did the dog die so miserably... Eh? Still alive?"


At this moment, Ryan has gradually recovered some of his condition.

Although he is not a high-order old descendant like Wei Nan, he is also an old descendant after all, and simply being beheaded is not enough to kill him.

"Master... Are you unhappy to see that I am still alive... "


"Why do I feel that you are a little disappointed..."

"You feel wrong."


"If you do that again, I will really take you home to make soup!"


Huang Wang Courtyard.

In the palace.

According to the instructions of Chen Jing, the "new king", Yegetos returned to the hall with the broken Zhao Weixian.

When he saw that Chen Jing floating on the water could already condense into a human form, he was overjoyed.


"I have killed the blasphemer as you ordered..."

Yegtos knelt down on one knee respectfully, holding Zhao Weixian's body high in his hands, as if offering a gift for the new king's coronation. He was so excited that his voice was trembling.

"This! Is this the sacrifice you are missing?! Can the coronation ceremony continue now?!"

"You are back so soon..."

At this time, Chen Jing's body outline was a little sloppy.

This body that he had forcibly pieced together was obviously still a little bit out of control, and it would occasionally twitch a few times when swimming in the golden mud.

Come to the shore.

Chen Jing slowly climbed up slowly, and then carefully examined Zhao Weixian's body.

He was indeed dead.

And he was dead.

The whole body was almost split in two by some terrifying force.

The artificial organs inside the body that seemed to be a combination of metal and plastic seemed to be completely destroyed at present, and even the blood that flowed out had a smell of motor oil.

"Where are the others?" Chen Jing asked cautiously, fearing that he would hear any bad news.

"They are all alive."

Yegotos replied hurriedly, with a hint of seeking credit in his words.

"Fortunately, I arrived in time and saved them all!"

"Where are they?" Chen Jing asked.

"Outside the courtyard." Yegotos replied respectfully, "I have sent those people out safely. They can recover on their own in the outside world. You don't have to worry!"

After receiving this accurate answer, Chen Jing gradually relaxed.

It's good to be fine.

It's good to be alive...!

"King, can your coronation ceremony continue now?" Yegotos urged impatiently.

"It should be possible..."

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