Chapter 165: Chaos of the Eternal Night

"Is this still my grandson?"

On the way back, Chen Bofu kept thinking about this question.

Because he always felt that Chen Jing seemed to have become different from before, but he couldn't tell exactly where the difference was.

Is it because of the sequence promotion that he has changed a little?

Or...he has stayed in that kind of old wasteland for too long and has been contaminated by those inexplicable things?

"The young master seems very sleepy..."

Ryan has almost recovered, and while driving, he did not forget to pay attention to Chen Jing who was sleeping in the back.

After leaving the ancient ruins.

Everyone was taken to find the RV by the old man who was flying in the clouds.

In the words of the old man.

Although this thing doesn't cost money, it is also quite expensive. If you leave it outside and let others get it cheap, you will be struck by lightning...

What's more, Chen Jing's promotion to the sequence is also done, and the group does not need to rush on the road anymore. They can sit in the RV and go back slowly.

Chen Bofu had originally planned to take Chen Jing out to play for a while. After all, the wasteland, a place of death, is no different from his own backyard for the old man. He can catch some people and get gold coins from time to time.

But Chen Jing seemed to have lost the desire to travel the wasteland. As soon as he got on the car, he said he was very sleepy. He curled up on the bed at the back of the RV and slept until now.

At the beginning, everyone was a little worried because Chen Jing had just completed the ceremony of promotion sequence, and the broken place of Huang Wang’s courtyard was very weird. In addition, there were all kinds of strange phenomena that appeared later... Everyone was afraid that Chen Jing would have problems.

But fortunately, there was Yegetos to explain to everyone.

"Why do you care so much?" Yegetos really looked like a big fool, and he never thought before speaking. "Huang Wang used to love to sleep!"


It must be said that everyone began to miss Bai Aji, especially after meeting Yegetos.

Although Bai Aji's words can be a bit irritating sometimes, fortunately, Bai Aji doesn't talk much, and you can use it as a small airplane from time to time. Compared with the big guy, he has all the advantages.

Poisonous mouth.

Can't think flexibly.

These are the shortcomings that Wei Nan summarized for him with an angry face.

But to others, everyone always feels that Wei Nan is scolding him in a roundabout way.

How dare you!

It's as if you don't have these two shortcomings!

In short, except for Chen Jing who was sleeping in the back, no one in the car liked Yegetos.

Everyone seemed to want to isolate him, and no one paid attention to him.

But this embarrassing atmosphere didn't matter to the big guy at all.

Because he didn't want to pay attention to these inferior creatures.

Wherever Chen Jing was, he was there.

Yegetos sat in the last row like a personal bodyguard, with his arms folded, looking like a five-star bodyguard.

As for his cross broadsword…

That thing really takes up a lot of space, so the old man stuffed it in the bathroom, right next to the shower head.

But because of this, from the time Yegotos got on the bus until now, no one dared to go into the bathroom, for fear that if they accidentally opened the door, they would be beheaded by the broadsword.

“It will probably be another hour before the eternal night.”

Chen Bofu huddled in a chair, looking bored, with his right leg resting directly on the window frame, not afraid that the strong wind would blow away his flip-flops.

"It was so boring along the way..." Wei Nan lay on the table in the booth, holding his chin with one hand and looking out the window, his expression was very helpless, "I didn't see anyone... The contaminated species were all gone..."

"It was because of that golden light column..." Yan Que said calmly, "I guess they were all scared..."

"Everyone should be careful when you go back." Chen Bofu said, looking at Wei Nan and Yan Que in the rearview mirror, "It's best to keep everything we saw and heard in the wasteland to ourselves."

"Got it." Wei Nan agreed.

"I understand." Yan Que nodded.

In fact, both of them knew that the turmoil caused by the light column in the wasteland might be much greater than imagined, and even Yongye should have received the news... and the source of all this was Chen Jing.

So, what else can we do if we don't keep these things to ourselves?

Wouldn't it cause trouble for Chen Jing if we told others about it?

"Fuck! I'm really bored! You guys don't even play cards with me!" Wei Nan held his head in pain, bored to death, "I thought the RV would be stolen at first, and then we'd go find the thieves, how interesting..."

"You feel uncomfortable if you don't fight for a day, right?" Yan Que rolled her eyes at her unhappily.

"Can you be quiet!"

Yegtos said in a clear voice, each word sounded like thunder, and from his tone, you could tell that he was very dissatisfied with these "low-level creatures".

Can't you see that Wang is sleeping?

How dare you speak so loudly?

If you accidentally wake up the king, according to the laws of deep space, your family will be confiscated and exterminated...

"Can you keep your voice down?" Chen Jing frowned unhappily, too sleepy to even open his eyes. He used the soft and fluffy quilt as a pillow, turned over and continued to sleep, muttering, "If you wake me up again... I will chase you back to deep space..."


Yegtos sat upright and held his breath, as if he could not see the gloating eyes of others.

"It's your fault!"

Wei Nan couldn't help laughing, but she didn't dare to speak too loudly, because she knew that this big fool had a bit of a brain, and if he said he would kill someone, he might really kill someone.

Almost forty minutes later.

The RV had already entered the white fog outside the Evernight City.

This was the isolation zone between the city and the wasteland.

It would take another ten minutes to get into the city.

"Are we almost there?"

Chen Jing also woke up at this time.

He yawned on the pillow with sleepy eyes, looking at the vast white fog outside the car window, and felt that his mind was still groggy.

Perhaps it was really the sequelae of the promotion to Sequence 2, he always couldn't help but feel sleepy.

And after falling asleep, he would keep repeating the same dream.

That dream was not a good dream, but it should not be a nightmare either.

He only dreamed that he was falling non-stop.

All around were huge crystals in geometric shapes, like a pile of colorful glass.

It started from falling from a high altitude.

He kept walking through these strange crystals, as if he had smashed one piece of glass after another.

Until the moment he woke up, he had not been able to land in his dream.

"Jingjing, how do you feel?" Chen Bofu saw his grandson wake up, and came to the bed as if teleporting, and asked with a worried look, "I saw you feel sleepy as soon as you got in the car... Are you feeling unwell?"

"Nothing." Chen Jing smiled and couldn't help yawning again, "Maybe he's too tired. He should be able to recover after a few days of rest."

"I said he was fine!" Wei Nan also ran over at this moment. She looked at Chen Jing carefully and couldn't help complaining, "Why did you become paler after you were promoted to the sequence... Like a dead person!"

"If you can't talk, shut up!" The old man glared at him, "You talk so depressingly!"

"Master! I'll make soup for you when I get back! The master taught me!" Ryan, who was driving, couldn't get to Chen Jing, so he could only shout loudly, "It should be helpful to use medicinal food to regulate you!"

"Can I drink it with you?" Wei Nan looked back at Ryan.

"I..." Chen Bofu was so angry that he was ready to curse.

And at this moment, the RV had already driven out of the white fog.

The gate of Evernight City, which used to be tightly closed, was now open, and the roadside was full of solemn parliamentary security guards.

"Oh! The parliament knows we are coming back, right? They are here to welcome us, right?" Wei Nan said excitedly.

"Not really."

Yan Que stood by the car window, looking up at the sky, with a solemn expression on his face like those security guards.

"Look at the sky..."

Chapter 166: Gehlo's Abnormality

The process of entering the city was unusually smooth.

Although people and vehicles entering and leaving the city had to be checked, Chen Bofu and his team skipped this step directly.

As the old man said.

In Evernight City, he only needed to swipe his face card to do things, and no one would be unhappy with him for such a small matter.

"What's going on..." After Chen Bofu returned to the co-pilot seat, he kept tilting his head to look at the sky, muttering to himself, "Could it be that the bastards of the Hermitage did something wrong... Gehlo's condition is not quite right..."

After that, Chen Bofu suddenly turned back and looked at Yan Que.

"Did they really call Gehero down?" Chen Bofu seemed to know some secrets of the hermitage, and his tone became solemn. "I remember their original plan was to wait many years..."

"Absolutely not."

Yan Que's answer was very concise and powerful, and his firm tone made the old man relax a little.

"The price you need to pay to summon the old gods in this era is unimaginable, and the hermitage at this stage can't afford it..."

"It looks so scary now..." Wei Nan said cautiously.

At the same time, Chen Jing and Yegetos also looked straight at the sky next to the car window.

Compared to others, their reactions were obviously much calmer.

"Is it also a god?"

Yegetos seemed to recognize the living celestial body called "Gehero", and the contempt in his tone was not concealed.

"This era is really declining..."

"Can you stop bragging?" Chen Bofu was already a little irritated. After hearing what Yegetos said, he couldn't help but turn around and curse, "If you have the ability, go and beat it!"


Yegetos didn't say anything, because he knew that he really couldn't beat it now, and let alone Gehlo, he couldn't even beat the old man.

"It also belongs to the same era as the Yellow King?" Chen Jing suddenly asked.

"That's right." Yegetos nodded, "It once thought of sneaking into deep space, but was scared away by us... It's a very rare stellar creature, so I remember it very clearly."

Hearing what Yegetos said, Chen Jing also knew that he would not lie to himself.


Ghelo, who was called "Moon God" by the hermitage, is not as strong as the security brigade in deep space?

Is this guy so weak?

It doesn't look like it...

At this time.

Ghelo, hanging high above the eternal night, seems to be in an abnormal state.

The bloody mouth that crossed the equator became twisted, and those sharp and dense teeth that looked like moon rocks were constantly squirming.

It was a gnashing expression.

Chen Jing could see it.

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