But if we don’t care about the life and death of the [Round Table Council], who knows when the Hermitage will attack the Chen family after they eat up the Council?

“My dear grandson, it’s time to eat!”

“Here we go!”

These midnight snacks were bought by Chen Bofu on the way. Most of them are barbecue, a small part are cold dishes and some things like clay pot rice.

From the amount he bought, he obviously took Wei Nan and Yan Que into consideration, which he had never done before.

But to be honest.

Everyone was not very happy with this meal.

Because Wei Nan and Yan Que were not fools, they knew what the old man had done before, and then they saw the old man’s reaction when he came back, and Chen Jing’s silence at the dinner table...

“Are we going to fight with the Hermitage?” Wei Nan asked cautiously at the dinner table.

"Not necessarily." Chen Bofu didn't avoid them and said directly, "But maybe we have to go and kill them tomorrow." Hearing this, Wei Nan didn't say anything, but she didn't look very scared, after all, there was an old madman sitting here... "Grandpa, I remember you said last time that when you went to the diocese to find trouble, the Pope teleported everyone away..." Chen Jing stared at the food in front of him thoughtfully, and asked without raising his head. "Do you know how to do this?" "Not really." Chen Bofu put down the wine glass, his tone was a little helpless, "At least like the Pope to transfer so many people at once... To be honest, I can't do it, you asked me to kill people!" "What if the number of people transferred is not large?" Chen Jing asked again. "Okay." Chen Bofu nodded. "How far can the teleportation distance be?" Chen Jing's eyes slowly lit up, and he seemed to see a glimmer of hope again. "Two thousand kilometers." Chen Bofu raised his hand and gestured, and at the same time reminded Chen Jing, "But you have to go to the target point of the transmission in advance to prepare the matching magic array rituals, and take a maximum of twenty people at a time."

"Go and prepare after dinner." Chen Jing put down the chopsticks in his hand, his expression was very solemn, "This kind of thing can't wait, it will change if it's delayed..."


Chen Bofu nodded and agreed, but couldn't help asking.

"Are you determined to run away?"

"It's always right to find a way out first."

Chen Jing handed Wei Nan a bottle of soda, and the expression on his face gradually relaxed, as if he was not as stressed as before.

"Damn, it's a bit embarrassing to run away like this..."

Chen Bofu turned his head and looked at the city outside the balcony, with a look of unwillingness in his turbid old eyes.

"You and I grew up here. If the hermits really force us to leave our hometown..."

"It's not time yet, it's still unclear whether to run away or not."

Chen Jing said with a smile, his eyes swept over Wei Nan and Yan Que.

"But if we really want to run, you have to go with us."

Yan Que nodded without hesitation. She knew very well that if she didn't follow Chen Jing and the others, she would definitely not end well in the hands of the hermitage, so she agreed very happily.

"Run away! Let's fight first!" Wei Nan held the skewers in his hand and ate them like a starving ghost. "I'll set a small goal. I want to kill a hundred monks before I run!"

"Then I'll kill five hundred." Yan Que said softly.

"You have to argue with me, right!" Wei Nan was angry.

Yan Que smiled and said nothing.

"By the way, grandpa, I have something to tell you... Do you remember the Yellow King's Seal that fell out of the mirror before?"

"I remember." Chen Bofu nodded hurriedly, his expression a little nervous, "I was wondering how that thing fell out... What's wrong? Did you encounter any trouble when I went out?"

"It's a little trouble."

Chen Jing nodded and slowly lifted his clothes.

"When I absorbed it... there was a small accident."

Chapter 180 The Doomsday of a Person

When Chen Bofu rushed to the parish, he was actually worried because the "Seal of the Yellow King" that fell out of the mirror... I don't know why it always gave him a sense of danger.

Then he connected it with Chen Jing's mention of "the person in the mirror".

Although Chen Bofu didn't see it, he could feel that Chen Jing was definitely not lying, not to mention that there was the gold cake as evidence...

Even though Chen Bofu was knowledgeable.

He couldn't figure out what was going on.

Although the old man always acted calm in front of Chen Jing and the others, he was actually panicking... For this situation full of unknowns, plus his grandson was also involved, he would be a ghost if he didn't panic!

"You dare to absorb it?" Chen Bofu frowned, staring at the gold cake growing on Chen Jing's abdomen, and felt his scalp tingling.

Chen Bofu remembered clearly that when he just returned to Eternal Night, his grandson introduced his ability of Sequence 2...

He can absorb and fuse relics from three ancient paths.

And completely master their power.

"The Seal of the Yellow King... Although it is also a relic from the 'Yellow King' path... But it's too risky for you to absorb it like this!"

"I don't want to..."

Chen Jing looked at the old man helplessly, speaking with a somewhat aggrieved tone.

"I was studying this thing before, and it drilled into my body all of a sudden, and I found... My ability to fuse the relics seems to be out of control!"

"Out of control?" Chen Bofu was stunned.

"Yes, I didn't react when I absorbed the 'Yellow King Holy Grail' before, and I just figured it out now..."

Chen Jing said helplessly, feeling a little headache about this uncontrollable ability.

"As long as the relic meets the conditions, it can be absorbed by itself after being touched, but the time is uncertain."

"This thing didn't hurt you, did it?" Chen Bofu pointed at the gold cake on Chen Jing's stomach.

"At present... I don't feel any problems... but the absorption speed is too slow..."

Chen Jing said, looking down at the gold cake on his stomach.

This thing drilled in from the palm.

It was like falling into the water.

It sank into the flesh and blood in an instant.

But soon it came out of the abdominal cavity again, like a foreign body embedded in the flesh, leaving half of it outside. Although there was no blood and no pain, it was a bit tingling...

"Grandpa, do you have any way to make me absorb it quickly?" Chen Jing looked at the old man expectantly, "It feels weird to have this thing on my stomach... What are you doing!!"

Without waiting for Chen Jing to stop him, Wei Nan raised his hand and flicked his finger as if to hit someone's head...

There was only a crisp sound of ding.

The gold cake embedded in Chen Jing's stomach began to tremble constantly.

"Does it hurt?" Wei Nan asked curiously, blinking.

Before Chen Jing could answer, the old man sneered, raised his hand and blew a breath in his mouth, and then with lightning speed, he gave Wei Nan a head-smacking blow that almost broke her head.

In an instant.

Wei Nan was in so much pain that she couldn't speak. She felt that her head was about to split open, so she covered her head and cried.

"Does it hurt?" Chen Bofu picked up the chopsticks again and ate his midnight snack slowly. "Damn it, if you bully my grandson again, I'll peel your skin off!"

"Why are you moving so fast?!"

Yegetos was standing in the shadows nearby, his hands wrapped in armor made a gesture of snapping his head, and he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

"Can I do it?"

"You all bully me, right!"

Wei Nan covered her head and cried aggrievedly, and while crying, she pressed Yan Que's chopsticks with her chopsticks.

"This piece of ribs is mine!"


Yan Que put away her chopsticks without saying a word, then stared at Wei Nan expressionlessly for half a minute, and then looked at the big bump on her head.


Yan Que couldn't help laughing all of a sudden. She felt that someone was beating up Wei Nan in front of her, which was more interesting than anything else!

"I'm full...you guys take your time..."

Chen Jing put down his bowl and chopsticks, picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, feeling that his stomach was still a little uncomfortable.

"You only eat this much?" Chen Bofu asked worriedly, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Chen Jing shook his head and said no. He wasn't very hungry to begin with, so eating a few bites would be enough to fill his stomach.

"I'll go lie down on the bed for a while..." Chen Jing yawned, and when he walked past Wei Nan, he subconsciously touched her head as a comfort. He felt that this girl really remembered to eat but not to be beaten.

"I didn't mean it! I was just joking with you..." Wei Nan bit the ribs in her mouth, looked up at Chen Jing with red eyes, "Don't be angry!"

"Do you think I'm that kind of petty person?" Chen Jing said helplessly.

"A little bit." Wei Nan said in a very low voice.


Chen Jing glared at her unhappily, ignored her, and then trembled as he returned to the bedroom and lay on the bed, holding his stomach.

"When will this thing be absorbed completely..."

Chen Jing lay on the bed like a corpse, and lifted his clothes to reveal his stomach.

He touched the golden cake with his hand, muttering to himself, with a worried expression.

"Why does it feel like a tumor..."

About half an hour later, Chen Jing heard the sound of cleaning dishes outside, and soon the old man pushed the door and walked in.

"I'm going out of town to prepare the ritual of the magic circle now, and I'll be back soon. You guys be careful at home."

"Okay." Chen Jing climbed up from the bed and saw that the old man was carrying a backpack. He didn't need to guess that it contained the materials needed for the transmission ritual. "Grandpa, you should also pay attention to safety. We'll wait for you to come back."

Chen Bofu smiled, then lit a cigarette and flipped out of the window.

Yegtos was still standing in the corner of the room, as quiet as a golden shadow.

"This broken moon..." Chen Jing lay back down again.

Since Gehero shortened the distance between himself and the ground, the temperature in Yongye City has obviously dropped.

Although Chen Jing is also an old descendant, he doesn't like this chilly feeling. It is obviously much more comfortable to cover himself with a quilt.

"Coconut, I'll sleep for a while. Remember to wake me up when the old man comes back."

"King, are you talking to me?"

"Of course." Chen Jing curled up in a ball with the quilt in his arms. He was so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyes. "I'll call you Coconut from now on. If you don't like it, I'll call you Gezi."

"... I understand. I'll wake you up when he comes back."

Chen Jing was so sleepy that he fell asleep without even hearing Yegetos's reply.

At this moment.

Yegetos, who was standing in the corner, suddenly seemed to sense something.

He walked to the bed lightly.

He lifted a corner of Chen Jing's quilt...

I saw that the "Seal of the Yellow King" on Chen Jing's belly was emitting a faint light.

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